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Chapter 244

Chapter 244 The Passion In His Gaze

Bianca lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

She was reminded of their carnal relations from five years ago, then at the rekindled passions from afew days ago. Bianca felt that Luke had given her a sense of belonging.

It was as though her feelings had been held hostage for five years and were now set free.

It was like wandering in a storm for a very long time and finally finding a safe haven that only belongedto oneself.

"What are you thinking? Your eyes are red." Luke felt sorry for Bianca when he looked at her frailexpression.

Luke admitted that he was currently assailed by primal urges for Bianca that were rushing like theincoming tide. He could not calm his heart whenever he looked at her.

'Have I gotten a craving for her?

’Perhaps so.'

On one hand, he was someone who had tasted carnal pleasures. He desired the sensations that herbody gave him.

On the other hand, he was possessive toward her and wished to own her everything.

Otherwise, he would not be at ease.

Bianca could not stand his passionate gaze. When Luke's fingers brushed over her eyelids, she forcedherself to calm down and not think of those unhappy experiences in the past.

Suddenly, she heard something fall in the bathroom, then Rainie mumbling something...

Bianca pushed Luke away and rushed toward the bathroom.

Once again, the children had interrupted the scene...

In the bathroom.

Rainie stood tiptoe on a stool, trying to reach for a small box on the rack. She missed, and the items onthe rack fell on the floor.

She stepped down from the stool, crouched, and picked up a box of toothpaste from the floor.

"Are you OK? Did you bump into something?" Bianca crouched down and examined Rainie.

’I'm fine." Rainie picked up a brand new tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush. "I picked this toothpastefor you, Mommy. It's strawberry flavored."

Bianca took the tube and saw that it was strawberry-scented children's toothpaste. It looked cute andsmelled nice. Children would love it.

Then, Rainie offered Bianca a new bottle of strawberry-scented shower cream, strawberry-scentedshampoo, and other strawberry-scented toiletries.

Bianca noticed that the new pair of slippers that she was wearing had a big strawberry embroidered oneach of them. She guessed that Rainie must have picked it for her.

"Who brought you to buy all these?" Bianca asked softly.

"Daddy did..." Rainie answered truthfully.

Nine o'clock.

Bianca had washed up. Not only did the man take care of her, but her two children were also takingcare of her.

Bianca and Rainie took a bath together. Rainie cleaned herself first, and she said she wanted to helpMommy take a bath.

All Bianca wanted was to be a good mother and help Rainie in the bath.

Rainie shook her head and said that she was used to taking baths alone, but she was afraid thatMommy might pass out again.

She wanted to help Mommy in the bathroom.

Occasionally, she would hand over the shower cream to Mommy. When Bianca was done, Rainiehanded her a comb and towel...

When Bianca stepped out of the bathroom, Lanie had placed her slippers at the door and had peeled abanana and an orange.

He took several fruits and handed them to Daddy in the kitchen.

Luke took the fruits, placed them in the sink to wash them, then cut them into slices and wrapped themin cling wrap...

Lanie had specifically requested for the cling wrap. He said, "You must wrap the fruits in cling wrap,Daddy. In the old house, Granny Lindell would wrap the freshly cut fruits with cling wrap..."

Luke was not used to domestic chores. He could only listen to what his son told him.

Bianca appreciated the treatment, though she was more used to being the one serving others insteadof being served.

Bianca leaned on the headboard of the bed before she slept.

She was dressed in a pink nightgown. Her half-dried hair draped over her shoulders. The skin on herface was not dry either; Rainie had applied some strawberry-scented moisturizing cream for her.

"You should only sleep after you've dried your hair." Rainie leaned next to Bianca, holding a picturebook in her hands and reading the story to Mommy. She also reminded Mommy from time to time thatshe should only sleep after her hair was dry. Otherwise, she would get a headache the next day.Granny Lindell from the old house had told her that.

In those few hours of interaction with the children, Bianca felt both happy and sad.

She was happy that her children knew how to take care of themselves.

On the other hand, she was sad that the person who had taught them how to take care of themselveswas Granny Lindell, the caretaker in Crawford Manor.

Luke was busy at work, so it was understandable that he did not have the time to teach the childrenhow to take care of themselves. However, he occasionally educated the children on the philosophy oflife.

Their great-grandfather also took good care of them.

Bianca was sad that the children did not have a mother to guide them through life. Even theirgrandmother did not educate them.

Luke was working in his study. Whenever he went to the bathroom and walked past the bedroom, hewould steal an impatient glance inside.novelbin

The glance was not directed toward Bianca, but rather Rainie, who was leaning next to her and did notgo away.

About an hour later, Luke once again passed by the bedroom. He saw that Rainie was asleep in hermother’s lap. Her mouth was slightly open, and she was blowing bubbles.

Luke stepped into the room without saying a word. His intentions were clear.

Bianca saw that Luke was reaching out to carry the little girl away. "Careful.

Don't accidentally wake her up," she reminded him.

Their eyes met. Luke towered over the bed and looked at Bianca cradling Rainie in her arms.

Luke's gaze was profound. Bianca did not know what he was thinking.

Luke carried Rainie back into her room. He suddenly realized that for the first time in five years, he hadtruly become a father.

’Careful. You're holding her the wrong way,’ Bianca had said to him.

Indeed, women were more considerate.

In the bedroom.

Bianca could hear the sound of flowing water in the bathroom.

Luke took a shower and returned to the bedroom, only wearing a towel around his waist. He saw thatBianca was still reading that childish picture book.

'What's so good about that book?'

Bianca was about to turn a page when the man took the book away, tossed it behind him, and turnedoff the lights.

She did not feel sleepy even though the surroundings were dark. Now that she had officially becomeLanie and Rainie's mother, she had no excuse to say no to him.

She was uncomfortable sleeping on the same bed with Luke, but she had to bear with it.

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