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Chapter 2454

“Forget it, then. It'll be hard for them to learn if they don't have the basic knowledge." Percy did notexpect to hit a wall while practicing with Luke's children.

"Mr. Percy, I understand it," Lanie tilted his head up and said.

Percy blinked and could not believe what he had just heard. "Didn't you say you haven't learned it yet?"

"I just learned it," Lanie said frankly.

"Mr. Percy, don't underestimate Lanie. He's really smart. Rainie's math is very good too," Tommy saidproudly as he recalled Percy's words, saying that they could not learn it because the problems were toohard.

Rainie put down the pencil and said, "Mr. Percy, I've solved it too."

"You too..." Percy looked at Luke.

Luke said boastfully, "They're my children."

"Pfft, let me take a look." Percy picked up the children's books and looked at their solutions.

Lanie's solution was relatively straightforward like the one in the textbook, but without prior knowledgeof the topic, there was no way he could solve the problem with a solution like that.

On the other hand, Rainie's solution was much more complex as it seemed like she solved it using allher math knowledge.

Percy put down the book.

"Mr, Percy, did we do it right?" Rainie took a look at Lanie's book just now and the answer was thesame.

It was just that his solution was much simpler.

"It's correct, but why do both of you have different solutions?" Percy said. As expected, Luke's childrenwere different from other kids.

"Lanie reads more books, so the solutions he knows are much simpler. I haven't learned this, so I canonly use what I've learned in books to solve the problem," Rainie said as she rested her chin in herhand.

"How smart." Percy could not help but look at Luke.

Luke was also looking at Lanie while he recalled what his teacher said.

With Lanie's current ability, he could definitely skip grades.

However, he thought about how he had always been together with Rainie. If Lanie were to skip grades,Rainie would be lonely. Plus, skipping grades might not necessarily be good for the child, so herejected the teacher's suggestion without much consideration.

Now, after seeing Lanie solve the problem easily, Luke felt that perhaps skipping a grade would bebeneficial for Lanie.

Plus, if Lanie had already mastered all the knowledge, he would not be able to learn much if hecontinued to stay in his current grade.

“I heard that Mr. Crawford used to have good grades when he was in school too, so it's no surprise thathis children are as smart as he is," said Nina. Furthermore, their birth mother had also done well inschool.

She heard Jean mention before that when Bianca was studying abroad, she studied very hard andwould bag several scholarships every year. On top of the money she got from part-time jobs, she did

not need to receive any allowance from home at all.

Percy was impressed. He nodded and muttered, "Then, our child must be smart too."

Nina smiled. The parents would not need to worry so much if their child was smart.

Now that she wanted to get pregnant, she wished that her child would be smart so that her job wouldbe easier and she would not have to worry.

Luke's phone vibrated.

He took it out and glanced at it. It was Luca. She had finished making dinner and called him down toeat.

Luke placed his phone back into his pocket and said, "I'll go eat dinner first."

Nina was surprised. "Mr. Crawford, you haven't had dinner yet? But Mr. Muller didn't order them toleave dinner for you."

"Well, Luca made pasta," Luke said as he walked downstairs.

As soon as he walked into the dining room, Luca served up two hot bowls of pasta. After smelling thearoma, he could not help but say, "It smells familiar. Is it the same sauce?"

"Time was limited, so I just made a simple sauce with the usual ingredients." Luca handed him utensils.

Luke took it and had the first bite. The pasta tasted delicious, so he praised, "How could something youwhipped up casually taste so good?"

"Do you want more? I have too much in my bowl..." Luca said. Her appetite was not big, but Luke'sbowl was already loaded, so she had no choice but to put it into hers.

"You eat first. I'll take the leftovers." Luke took a big bite of pasta.

Luca was slightly stunned.

He was not used to sharing utensils with strangers, yet he still offered to help finish the rest of herpasta. She looked at Luke. He was eating elegantly, but she could tell that he really liked eating thepasta she made.

Plus, he basically inhaled it all, so he was clearly starving.

Survey work was pretty physically demanding, so it was only natural that he would get hungry since hedid not eat much in the afternoon.

Luca stood up.novelbin

“Where are you going?" Luca instantly looked at her.

“I'm going to get a small bowl. The pasta is too hot, so I want to cool it down a bit," explained Luca asshe walked into the kitchen. She rinsed a small bowl and brought it out. Then, she scooped some ofthe pasta into the small bowl.

After that, she ate it slowly.

Tommy walked into the dining room, and his eyes lit up when he smelled the aroma of the pasta. “Ms.Luca, the pasta you made smells so good."

Luke glanced at his son and asked, “Want some?"

Tommy nodded.

Luca thought that there would be enough. Since the kid had eaten dinner, he would not eat muchanyway. When she was about to get another bowl, she heard Luke ask Tommy, "Are you not full fromdinner?"

“I'm full!" Tommy answered.

“You've already eaten, yet you still want to eat. Do you want to get a stomachache at night?" It was notthat Luke did not want the child to eat. It was just that Tommy could be a bit greedy at times and had nolimit when it came to eating.

If he overate, he would suffer from the consequences later.

Tommy pouted. “But Ms. Luca's pasta smells too good..."

Luca thought about how his tummy would feel uncomfortable if he ate too much. It was not that she didnot want to give him the pasta, but she was just afraid that he might go out of control and get astomach ache later, so she said, “Wait until tomorrow morning. I'll make you breakfast tomorrow."

“Really? Ms. Luca, don't you have stuff to do tomorrow?" Tommy's eyes instantly lit up.

“Nope. We're done with everything we need to do outside, so we don't need to go out tomorrow," Lucaexplained to the child.

"Awesome! In that case, you'll have to make breakfast for me tomorrow, Ms. Luca," Tommy said whilenodding.

“No problem," replied Luca as she smiled while seeing him run out to the living room.

Luke frowned and said, “You're spoiling him."

“I'm just feeding him what he wants to eat, and the kid is growing, so isn't giving him nutritious food thathe wants to eat a good thing?" Luca did not think that she was spoiling Tommy.

In fact, this was how she expressed her love for her son as a mother.

Luke nodded as Luca's food was indeed delicious and nutritious at the same time.

He took another big bite, and it tasted incredible.

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