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Chapter 2386

Old Master Crawford shook his head and said, “How boring. I guess I'll have to wait for Luke to comeover on New Year's Eve to play chess with me."

Mr. Griffin smiled. Luke was the only one in this family who could play chess with Old Master Crawford.

Old Master Crawford spoke again, "Give me my phone. I'd better figure out what the woman Allisonbrought back here is up to."

"Old Master Crawford, wait a minute." Mr. Griffin headed to Old Master Crawford's bedroom, picked uphis phone, and handed it to him.

Old Master Crawford called Luke.

After a while, Luke answered the call, "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

"I heard that Allison brought someone else back with her? Isn't she the interpreter you hired?" OldMaster Crawford asked.

"The interpreter is still in Seoul. She's not planning to come back." Luke paused for a moment and said,"That woman is one of the personal nurses from the plastic surgery hospital."

"Why did she bring a personal nurse back here?" Old Master Crawford could not understand whyAllison did that.

"I'm not sure," answered Luke. He confirmed the woman's identity after he asked the interpreter inSeoul. She was the personal nurse who was close with Allison.

"Fine. I don't want anything to do with her matters. You're her son. Do as you see fit," said Old MasterCrawford. Although Allison was acting strangely, he had no interest in finding out about her matters.

"Okay," replied Luke.

Old Master Crawford asked again, "Oh, will you come back here on New Year's Eve?"

"Mr. Griffin has already informed me," replied Luke.

"Ask Luca to come along too. She's alone here without any family or relatives. Bring her here so wecan celebrate the new year together," said Old Master Crawford. Although Luca was not thinking ofgetting married to Luke yet, Old Master Crawford was very fond of her. That was why he thought ofasking her to come along.

"I mentioned it to her. She rejected my offer." Luke paused for a moment and said, "Let's not ask her ifshe's reluctant to go over. I don't think New Year's this year will be as good as the previous yearseither."

Old Master Crawford thought what Luke said was true.

Even though Allison was staying at the small villa now, she would certainly come back on New Year'sEve.

If Allison came back, Susan and she would be constantly arguing with each other.

It was wise of Luca to choose not to come over. Old Master Crawford understood that one should notair their dirty laundry in public. Luca had made the right choice.

"Fine. Remember to bring the kids along with you. It's been a long time since I saw my preciousgreatgrandchildren," Old Master Crawford reminded him.

What he said happened to be heard by Susan, who was downstairs.

His precious great-grandchildren?

How dare he call Allison's grandchildren his precious great-grandchildren when Thea was nothing tohim!

Susan secretly harbored resentment against Old Master Crawford. She pretended as though nothinghappened, walked to the living room, and sat down.

Old Master Crawford ended the call with Luke and handed his phone to Mr. Griffin, signaling him to putit away. Then, he continued to look at the chessboard. This was an endgame. He was still unable tofind a way to crack the puzzle.

Susan cleared her throat and asked, “Father, were you talking to Luke on the phone just now?”

"Yes." Old Master Crawford did not lift his head. He stroked his chin as his thoughts were all on thechess game.

Susan took the chance to question him, "Allison's back. Will she be coming over here to celebrate NewYear's Eve with us?"

"Why? Are you planning to start a fight with her when she's back?" Old Master Crawford shifted hisgaze away from the chess board and rolled his eyes at her.

Susan gave an awkward smile and said, "Father, I don't wish to argue with her as well. But she's theone who always starts it."

"It doesn't matter who starts it first. Both of you always end up fighting with each other, never letting theCrawford family have a moment's peace." Old Master Crawford sneered.

"Everything will be fine if she doesn't start anything. I can't be bothered to argue with her. It's the newyear." Susan rolled her eyes. How could the grudges held between her and Allison be let go of thateasily?

Old Master Crawford did not reply to her.

Susan's claim that she would not argue with Allison could not be trusted.

Susan realized that the old master was no longer replying to her. She stopped talking either. Otherwise,she might piss the old master off.

In a blink of an eye, it was already New Year's Eve.

Luca knew Luke would be taking the kids to Crawford Manor in the afternoon. Hence, she woke upearly and cleaned up the villa together with Aunt Neile.

Although no one would be coming during the new year, it was going to be the start of another year andsymbolized new hope. It was a must to clean everything up.

Aunt Neile had almost finished cleaning up the villa after taking two days to do it. They only had to dosome tidying up today. They also needed to put up the decorations and decorate the outside of thehouse with some pretty decorative lights.

Luca took the decorative lights out. She was planning to decorate the house before Aunt Neile went onher holiday.

The kids knew that they would be decorating the house today. They all woke up early and helped withthe decorations.

Two hours later, they finished decorating the whole villa.

Luca smiled when she looked at the decorations that livened up the villa and brought a festive moodinto their home.

She loved such festive seasons, especially when she could celebrate them with Luke.

"Ms. Craw, I saw this in the storage room. Should we hang this?" Aunt Neile carried a bag of decorativelights while walking toward her and asked.

Luca glanced at them. The decorative lights were meant to be hung on the tree in the garden.

It would look nice at night if they hung it on the tree. Although Luke would not be staying in the villatonight, he would be back tomorrow. Luca nodded and answered, “Yes. Let me hang it now.”

“Okay. I'll get the ladder.” Aunt Neile nodded and returned to the storage room.

Rainie, who stood beside Luca, asked, “Ms. Luca, are you going to hang these?”

“Yes. The decorative lights will look pretty on the tree,” replied Luca.

“But it's dangerous for you to climb the ladder. Let Daddy do it,” suggested Rainie.

“It's okay. It's better not to trouble Mr. Crawford with such small matters.” Luca shook her head. AfterLuke woke up and had his breakfast, he had been working in his bedroom.

Luca did not want to disturb him.

“Ms. Luca, isn't this easy? Daddy is perfect for this job. Let me ask him.” Tommy shifted his eyes andhurried up the stairs.

Luca did not even get to stop Tommy in time.novelbin

After a while, Tommy held Luke's hand and walked down the stairs. He said, “Ms. Luca, you should letDaddy do this.”

“Yeah. I should be the one doing it,” said Luke. He saw Aunt Neile carrying the ladder out of thestorage room. Then, he walked toward her and took the ladder from her. He looked at Luca and said,“You'll guide me on where I should hang the decorative lights.”

“Okay...” Luca nodded. She grabbed the coat on the hanger shelf and handed it to him.

Luke put the ladder aside and put on the coat.

Rainie picked up the scarf and gloves, saying to Luke, “Daddy, it's cold out there. Keep yourself warm.”“Okay.” Luke smiled. He felt blessed to have his wife and daughter caring for him.

After Luke put on the scarf and gloves, he lifted the ladder and headed outside with Luca.

Luca carried a heavy bag in her hands. The length of the decorative lights in the bag was long enoughto surround the whole villa. Hence, she had to come up with a good plan on how they should hangthese decorative lights.

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