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Chapter 2367

They placed the bags on the coffee table and Luca began to sort the things.

She was able to distinguish the items in the bag by the branding on the bags.

Luca took out the bag that contained dessert and handed it to Aunt Neile. “Aunt Neile, this is the cakeMr. Crawford bought for you and your family."

"There's something for me too?" Aunt Neile said in surprise, then looked at Luke to thank him. "Thankyou, Mr. Crawford and Ms. Craw."

"You're welcome," said Luke. He looked at his phone screen and noticed some unread messages, sohe said to Luca, "I need to go take care of some things."

"Okay." Luca nodded, and after seeing him go upstairs, she picked up a few supermarket bags andunloaded the things.

Some were kept at room temperature, whereas some had to be refrigerated.

After Luca sorted the ones that had to go in the refrigerator, she said to Aunt Neile, "Aunt Neile, theseneed to be kept in the refrigerator. Could you please help me store them?"

"Okay, Ms. Craw. " Aunt Neile went forward to help store them and noticed several ingredients formaking snacks, so she asked, "Ms. Craw, why did you buy so many ingredients?"

"Mr. Crawford said that store-bought snacks aren't healthy, so I'm going to make some myself," Lucaexplained with a smile as it was all for the children's best interest.

"Right, making them yourself is much healthier for the kids as children love eating junk food thesedays. Store-bought snacks contain too many additives and preservatives, which are bad for a child'sgrowth. It's great that you know how to make them. My daughter-in-law doesn't, so she has to buy

some outside when the kid demands it. He caught a mild fever from eating too much, so he had to gosee a doctor." Aunt Neile sighed resignedly as her grandson had a fever again. However, it was not asbad as last time as her daughter-in-law and her son had taken leave.

Luca smiled, Aunt Neile was right, but she wondered if the kids would like the snacks she made.

Besides, kids only had one philosophy, store-bought would always taste better than homemade.

Perhaps her kids would think the same.

After keeping everything she bought from the mall, she carefully placed the more expensive gifts in thestorage room as these were for Luke to gift to others. They could not be broken.

After thinking about it, she lifted them again and placed them on a shelf so that the kids would notaccidentally break them when they came in to get stuff.

These gifts were for his and her parents anyway.

Luke was respectful to his elders, which meant that he was respectful to her parents, grandfather, andaunt as well.

After putting everything away, Luca heaved a sigh of relief.

When she returned to the kitchen, Aunt Neile said to her, “Ms. Craw, Mr. Crawford wants you to goupstairs for a while."novelbin

"Okay." Luca went up without hesitation.

She walked to Luke's bedroom door and knocked on it. She whispered so as to not wake up thechildren, "Mr. Crawford, are you looking for me?"

"The photographer has sent the photos. Come choose." Luke gestured for her to come closer.

Luca went over. She did not expect the photographer's work to be so efficient. She looked at thecomputer screen, which displayed the vintage-themed photos she took with Luke.

"They turned out well!" she exclaimed. Although she had a feeling that the final product would turn outwell, she did not expect even the raw photos to be this good.

"The photographer suggested editing them all. Take a look for any ones you don't like," said Luke. Hewanted every single photo of Luca, but he decided to respect her decision.

Hence, he let her pick. If there was one she did not like, he would not get the photographer to edit it.

"Alright." Luca bent down to hold the mouse to choose, but Luke wrapped his arms around her and sheinstantly fell into his arms.

"Mr. Crawford!" Luca lost her balance, and her hands were subconsciously placed on his shoulders.

"There are many photos. Sit down and see." The corner of Luke's lips curled up into a smile as he heldher thin waist in his arms.

Luke's chest was glued to Luca's back.

This intimate sitting position made her blush.

"Mr. Crawford, I'll bring over a chair." Luca wanted to get up, but her body was being held tightly by himon purpose.

Through the thin shirt, she could feel the constant heat radiating off of Luke's body.

"Just sit here," Luke said in her ear.

Luca felt every cell in her body heat up. If this continued, she would be in torture...

The distance between the two was so intimate that it seemed like anything inappropriate for childaudiences could happen at any time. Her whole body tensed up as she stammered. "I. I'm heavy."

"You're not heavy, don't worry. Look." Luke held her hand and placed it on the mouse. "I'll look withyou."

"Haven't you already gone through them?" Luca subconsciously clicked the mouse, and the nextportrait appeared in front of her, but her mind was not on the portrait at all.

She wanted to slowly break free, yet the hands wrapped around her waist had too strong of a grip,which stopped her from going anywhere.

“I only roughly looked through them. I didn't pay attention to detail." Luke noticed her little movementsbut had no intention of letting go. He lifted his right hand to place it on top of hers to move the mousewith her.

"Your gaze in this photo looks great," he said.

Luca looked at the portrait and remembered that the photographer asked her to have this posture andexpression.

Everything from the outfit to the expression was great, but if she were to describe herself in the photo, itwould be flirtatious.

"It's great, but I think the expression is a bit too much."

"No, it's just right, but nobody else can look at this photo," said Luke as he was not willing to showother men other sides of Luca's beauty.

When she was Bianca, he had many love rivals. Now that she was Luca, she had different sides to her.He was reluctant for others to see her flirty side.

Luca listened to how possessive he was and blushed. She gave up trying to escape as she knew thatthere was no point, so she just sat in his lap obediently.

Tommy woke up in a daze and opened the door as he wanted to go downstairs to get a glass of waterfrom Aunt Neile.

When he passed by Luke's bedroom door, he took a double take and saw Luca sitting intimately onLuke's lap. He then said, "Oops."

Luca was in shock when she suddenly realized that when she came in, she had forgotten to close thedoor!

She had a bad feeling as she turned to look toward the door with a dull expression.

It was Tommy.

He instantly covered his eyes and yelled, "I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything! I wassleepwalking! Dad and Ms. Luca, pretend I was never here..."

He said as he ran back to his bedroom.

Luca closed her eyes and thought to herself that she was doomed.

She had always kept a distance from Luke in front of the children, but she had been caught by Tommy.

How could she explain her intimacy with Luke?

Would the children think that she was an evil person replacing her mom?

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