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Chapter 2243

Luke instantly knew what kind of person Leia was without needing Luca to explain to him.

There was no way she would give up easily. She was still asking her so-called friends to help keep aneye on updates in the black market. Although she was broke, that would not stop her from deceivingher father and the Norman family.

“What do you think?" Luke asked for her opinion.

Luca was silent for some time and slowly said, "Actually, I think that since you already know that she'sback, why not just be frank with her so that she has more options to look for liver donors? Otherwise,she can only wait in the hospital or purchase it from the black market..."

She did not say this for the sake of Leia as she was not fond of her either. She just felt sorry forQueenie and Jack. She did not want the couple to be dragged down by Leia's disease.

Moreover, if Leia dragged down the Norman family, it would affect Luke too.

Besides, he was still the Norman family's son-in-law to the outside world.

"You're saying we should let her openly look for liver donors?" Luke's eyes smiled a little.

"Yes." Luca nodded as Leia used to be a celebrity, so perhaps someone would be willing to help.novelbin

"But Leia pretty much ruined her reputation entirely. Even if someone is willing to help, it'd be for Jack'ssake," said Luke. It was not completely off the table, but the one who would be deeply indebted wouldbe Jack and not Leia.

Who would donate their liver to an over-the-hill celebrity with a bad image?

Luca bit her lower lip as it did not occur to her that Jack was a governor. There would be many socialclimbers lining up to help him.

It seemed like this was not a good solution either.

Luke noticed that she was in a dilemma, and he also knew that she was not doing it for Leia's sake butQueenie's.

He said, "But there is one person who might be able to give Leia a chance to get an operation."

"Who?" Luca asked hurriedly without trying to mask her anxiousness. Besides, they were her parents.She could not bear to watch them be in a dilemma because of Leia.

"Dexter," Luke mentioned a name.

Luca frowned as the name sounded familiar to her, but she could not recall who it was. "That's.."

"He's Leia's biological father. When he almost sold her off, she escaped and was adopted by theNorman family, which led her to have a comfortable life. After that, Dexter recognized that Leia was hisdaughter at first glance. He went to her for money, but she refused to give him any. Hence, he thoughtof ways to accuse Leia in front of the media for things she didn't do, which is why her reputation hit rockbottom," said Luke.

Luca recalled who this Dexter guy was.

He was one of the people who completely ruined Leia's chances of working in the entertainmentindustry ever again.

However, when Dexter accused Leia in front of the reporters, was Luke not the one manipulating him?

It was all in the past, but Luca still remembered that after the ruckus Dexter caused, he disappearedinto thin air and was never seen again.

He was nothing short of a vagrant. Although everyone had a bad impression of Leia, they could notcare less about a tramp like him.

After all these years, was Dexter still alive?

Luca thought that the chances of finding Dexter were too low.

"Can this person still be found?" She had intended to ask whether he was still alive, but she had justreturned from overseas, so she was not supposed to know about this. Therefore, she had no choicebut to ask whether he could be found and not whether he was still alive.

"We can try," said Luke. After causing a scene, Dexter got a sum of money. If he did not squander it all,he should have enough to get by for a few years.

He was just afraid that Dexter had not gotten rid of his habit of splurging and had starved himself todeath on the streets.

If that was the case, then the universe was just not on Leia's side.

"Then, will you help?" Luca asked with caution.

"If Leia is willing to cooperate with me, I can help," said Luke as Leia had not told him what he wantedto know.

If she told him what he wanted to know, then not only could he help find Dexter, but he could even usehis connections to get her what she wanted.

Of course, he would do so in a legal manner.

Besides, if Leia sought help publicly in addition to Luke helping her, there was no doubt that therewould be someone who would be willing to donate their liver.

Luca fell silent as she reckoned that the thing Luke wanted to know was probably the identity of theperson who worked with Leia to kidnap her.

Leia did not tell him at the time. Even after being sent abroad, her lips were sealed. Would she tell thetruth about what had happened for the sake of getting a liver?

Luca thought that she most likely would... because she was afraid of death.

Luke glanced at his watch, then he stood up and said, "Lunch break is over. I'm going up to work. LetWarren pick you up after work and don't leave on your own." "I know.." Luca nodded. She believed thatWarren had already told him about what had happened this morning.

After Luke left, Luca packed up her lunch box. Aunt Neile had made a huge portion for lunch. Therewas no way two people could finish it, but she could not share it with others either because Luke wasaround.

After throwing the lunch box into the trash, Luca glanced at the time and returned to her office.

It was evening.

After Luca got off work, she got into Warren's car and was about to head back home.

At that moment, Luke sent her a text message. [I'm dropping by the Norman family's place.]

[Did Mrs. Norman invite you over?] Luca asked as she could not suppress her curiosity.

[Yes.] Luke replied.

Luca did not say anything else. She put her phone in her briefcase and pretended to sleep.

In the Norman family's residence.

Queenie had prepared a spread of food herself, and Jack was astonished to see the enticing food onthe table when he came back. “What day is it today?"

“I invited Luke over for dinner," said Queenie as she handed a bottle of red wine to the maid for her todecant it in advance.

"Why did you invite Luke over for dinner? Did you ask him to bring the children with him?" Jack askedas he missed his adorable grandchildren very much.

Queenie shook her head as she invited Luke over to ask him for a favor. If the grandkids were here,she could not say it out loud.

Besides, Leia was not a good aunt in the eyes of the three kids.

Jack put down his briefcase and took off his coat. He could not help but ask, "You have a favor to askLuke, don't you?"

Queenie bit her lower lip and nodded resignedly.

She did not consult Jack before inviting Luke over because she was afraid that he would object.

"Does it have to do with Leia?" Jack asked while frowning.

"I want to be frank with Luke about Leia returning here to receive treatment..." Queenie steppedforward and held Jack's hand. "Dear, Leia's condition is getting worse. I can't just watch while sheleaves us because she can't find a donor, but I can't condone her ruining the Norman family either. Ihave no other choice."

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