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Chapter 2211

"Boss, are you really going to drink early in the morning?" Andy saw Marcos staring blankly at the glassof wine after he ended the call with Luke.

Marcos was not the kind of person who would drink alcohol no matter whether it was a working day orthe holidays, not to mention day drinking.

Andy was worried about Marcos. After all, it must be hard for him to accept what had happened to hisparents after finding out the truth. It was normal that he would behave oddly.

“Pour it out.” Marcos placed the wine glass back on the coffee table.

Marcos would not drink dirty wine, and he would not have sympathy for sinners. He poured this glass ofwine only to confuse Matysh. Pleasing him and reminding him was also another way of tricking him.

"Okay." Andy picked up the wine glass and headed to the bathroom.

T Corporation.

After Luke answered Andy's call, he immediately made arrangements for his men to follow andeavesdrop on Matysh. He assigned a few more men to help.

It would not be difficult for him with Marcos helping him.

After Luke finished making arrangements, the expression on his face was stern and cold as ice. Itmade his employees think that he was unhappy with their reports when he had a meeting with them.

The managers asked for Jason's help after the meeting ended.

Jason knew why Luke was behaving like that. It was because of Luca...

Luke fell in love with Luca when he was in high school, and he was still madly in love with her today.Everything had yet to return to how it was before. Now that there was another man who was up to nogood coming to look for Luca, it was no surprise that Luke would be in a bad mood.

"There's nothing wrong with the reports. Boss has something else in mind. Don't worry," Jason carrieda pile of documents and left the meeting room after comforting them.

Jason had worked for Luke and stayed by his side longer than anyone in this meeting room. That waswhy he understood Luke more than the others.

Although the boss was in a bad mood today, he had gotten used to it.

Jason walked to the elevator hall, while Luke had already gotten into his private elevator and washeading upstairs.

Jason received a call from the office receptionist when he was about to go upstairs.

“Mr. Doyle, the second young master of the Mallory family is here, claiming that he came here to seeBoss. But he didn't make an appointment with us..." the receptionist said as she reported to Jason.Jason had told them that Luke's schedule was full today and he would not see anyone who did notmake an appointment in advance.

However, Pierre showed up at T Corporation's entrance. He brought two men who were in policeuniforms, and there was another person who was in between the two officers. The receptionist evennoticed that the man was cuffed.

Pierre Mallory?

Jason raised his brows, walked into the elevator, and said, "Boss isn't beside me now. Hold on aminute. Let me report to him."

"Thank you, Mr. Doyle. This is an exceptional case. Mr. Pierre even brought police officers with him.."The receptionist shot a glance at Pierre, who was standing not far away from her.

He looked impatient.

Those who had been living in A City for a few years would know that the second young master of theMallory family was a bad-tempered and vindictive man. The people who had offended him would not beable to live their lives comfortably for the next ten years.

Those who offended Pierre had either run away from the city or apologized to him until Pierre thoughtthey were worthy of being forgiven. Only then were they able to live their lives peacefully.

Hence, if Luke refused to see him, the receptionist was afraid that Pierre would put the blame on her. Ifthat happened, she would not be able to survive in A City any longer.

Police officers?

There was a hint of mockery in Jason's eyes. What was Pierre up to?

How dare he pick this time to see their boss? He was in a bad mood. There was no doubt that Pierrewas walking into the lion's den. If Luke agreed to meet him, it was certainly going to be a mess.

At the same time, Jason noticed that the receptionist's voice was trembling. He comforted her and said,"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. You're part of the company. Boss won't let anything happen toyou."

Previously, a receptionist who quit their job told Jason about something that happened. That was whenJason knew that Luke was someone who had the power to turn the world upside down in A City.

Even though they were only receptionists, they would feel pressured to work for someone like him. Atthe same time, there were different kinds of people who came to find fault with Luke, so the

receptionists and security guards were the ones responsible for stopping those people outside thedoor.

Although these people were not as influential as Luke was, their social status was much higher thanthe receptionist working for Luke.

Hence, the receptionists would be worried that these people would look for them to take revenge afterthe trouble was settled.

Jason believed that the receptionist was worrying about the same thing too.

"Don't worry. Boss won't leave you alone. Don't let them in first." Jason comforted the receptionist. Heknocked on Luke's office door after he came out of the elevator.

"Come in," Luke's voice came from inside the office.

His tone was still cold as usual...

Jason pushed the door open and stood at the door. He looked at the awful expression on Luke's face,and he thought that only Luca would be able to comfort this man.

Luke frowned and said, "Speak."

Jason came back to his senses and immediately reported, "Boss, the second young master of theMallory family is downstairs. He wants to see you, and he brought police officers along with him. He'smaking a big deal out of it."

"Pierre?" The expression on Luke's face was as cold as ice. "Ask him to head to the lounge on thesecond floor."

"Okay." Jason knew what to do. It was just like how he did it last time.

Pierre was a scumbag. He would bite the hand that fed him when someone was kind to him.

That was why not giving him better hospitality could only make him realize that he would not be able toget any benefits from Luke.

"And ask someone to make tea for them. I need another half an hour to finish my work here. Entertainthem for me first," said Luke. He was not planning to go downstairs now.

The smile on Jason's face disappeared.

Was Luke asking him to deal with Pierre and look at his sulky face?

Jason was not afraid that Pierre would seek revenge on him. After all, he was not someone who couldbe messed with. He also had his boss supporting him.

However, judging from Pierre's personality, he would throw a tantrum if he had to wait for Luke for halfan hour. If Jason had to entertain Pierre for half an hour, he would rather read through 20 documents!

"Is there any problem?" Luke raised his brows and asked when Jason did not reply to him andremained silent.

"No, Boss. I'll do it now." Jason made his way out of the office and closed the door behind him.

It was not that he was unable to handle Pierre. He had his ways to deal with him too, but Pierre woulddefinitely fly into a rage.

It was alright if Jason had to endure him.

The point was that Pierre's personality was truly annoying. Jason was rendered speechless when heimagined Pierre sitting in front of him. He would have to wear a smile on his face and deal with him.

Jason wondered if he had accidentally said anything wrong and offended his boss while he was on hisway to the elevator. Otherwise, why was he assigned this task?

Jason ran into Tina when he was walking toward the elevator.novelbin

Tina took the initiative to ask him, "Mr. Doyle, what's with that look on your face? Did somethinghappen?"

"Something's going to happen soon," Jason replied helplessly. How great it would be if he did not haveto follow his boss' instructions.

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