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Chapter 2194

Lliam drove off as soon as Luca got into the car.

Luke had called Tina, so she knew what she had to do. As such, when the car arrived, she was alreadywaiting by the side of the road.

Lliam got out of the car and looked at Tina with a smile on his face. "Ms. Tina, there was some traffic onthe road. Sorry that I'm a little late."

"It's okay, let's go to the airport," Tina said. After Lliam opened the car door, she got into the car andsmiled at Luca. "Dr. Craw, I'm glad we have a chance to work together again."

"Yeah." Luca smiled and waited for Lliam to drive off before she said, "Tina, I'm not familiar withentertaining business partners. I'll have to trouble you to help me out later..."

"Dr. Craw, you don't have to be so nervous. Although the other party is like a god to T Corporation,they're just ordinary people. Mr. Crawford said that Mr. Marcos isn't here specifically for a site visit. He'son vacation. He reached out to Mr. Crawford, but he didn't expect that Mr. Crawford wouldn't be in ACity. He mentioned you and said that you were also his good friend, so we arranged for you to spendsome time with him in his few days in A City. That's all you need to do. I'll manage the other stuff." Tinacomforted her seeing how nervous Luca was. Luca seemed to be worried that she would screw up.

Luca believed in Tina's capability. She had been working in T Corporation for so many years and hadentertained many guests. She had rich experience in the job scope and would not disappoint Marcosand his guests.

Luca thought of Marcos' uncle, Matysh.

Although it had been a while since she returned to A City and those in Russia no longer bothered her,she suddenly thought of the man with bad intentions and felt uneasy.

She assumed that Matysh would not travel with Marcos, considering their relationship. She hoped thather unease was unnecessary and nothing bad would happen.

"Dr. Craw, have you had breakfast yet?" Tina asked since Luca did not respond.

Luca snapped out of it and nodded. "I've already eaten. How about you?"

"I've had breakfast too. We have to make sure that we are in a tip-top state in preparation to entertainsomeone of Marcos' status," Tina said with a smile.

Luca nodded in agreement, picked up the phone, and told Rhett that she would be working offsite. Sheasked him to assign the research tasks and to update her remotely later that night.

Tina saw that she was typing on her phone, so she said nothing more so as not to disturb her work.novelbin

She did not understand why Luke asked Luca to host Marcos. After all, they had a public relationsdepartment. They had hosted many executives, and she believed that they could do a good job hostingMarcos.

However, Luke did not let the public relations department take on the task but instead told her that shecould ask the public relations department for help if necessary. At other times, she would be mainlyassisting Luca.

Everyone in the company knew that Luca had her hands full. There was no way Luke did not knowabout that.

When her drug was launched, it would bring huge profits for Watson Biopharmaceuticals. WatsonBiopharmaceuticals had no profits for now, but their boss was not anxious at all. Rather, he gotsomeone as crucial as Luca to do reception work

After Luca put down her phone, she looked at Tina and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tina smiled. She could only carry out Luke's arrangement, so she kept the questions she had in herheart.

She asked Luca something that had been bothering her, "Dr. Craw, is Amur back?"

"Have you been in contact with him?" Luca did not answer her question directly as she was unsure ifAmur had gone with her advice and contacted Tina. If he did not contact Tina and she said that he wasback, it would hurt Tina badly.

"We're in contact..." Tina nodded. There was some contact, but it was not much.

He never once replied to the messages she sent him, including those of her inviting him for dinner.

Tina wondered. Amur acted so indifferently, but she did not think she did anything wrong. He would atleast reply to her before he left for Russia, even though it was not frequent.

It was not the case now...

Luca saw Tina's expression and knew that Amur was keeping his distance.

However, she was in no place to say anything. Although she hoped that Amur could find what trulybrought him joy, it would hurt Tina if Amur decided to get involved with her now.

She had seen such an example on the Island of Despair.

There was a top assassin on the island who fell in love with an ordinary woman when he was out on amission.

It was hard to control things once one fell in love.

The assassin wanted to get rid of the Island of Despair and steal a lot of antidotes in preparation to runaway with the woman.

In the end, the assassin's sophisticated plan failed. Abel took control of him and brought the womanback to the Island of Despair. He asked those on the island to slowly harm the woman in front of him.The woman eventually died after her wounds got infected after being tortured.

The assassin was not released but trapped on the island. He could not die even if he wanted to. Hebecame a human flesh bag and lived the life of a peasant.

Luca did not want that to happen to Amur, and she did not want Tina to suffer that inhuman treatment.

She looked out the window and thought that Tina appeared too early. If she showed up after shedeveloped an antidote, got rid of the Island of Despair, and destroyed the Island of Despair, then itwould have been perfect.

She was unsure if Tina would wait until then. If Amur did not respond, no matter how infatuated awoman was, her enthusiasm would die off soon enough. She would not let herself go there no matterhow much she liked him.

Seeing that Luca did not say anything, Tina asked, "Dr. Craw, has he been occupied lately?"

Luca raised her gaze and looked at her with a hint of helplessness. Tina, who was shrewd andcapable, could not do anything about Amur's side. She even had to check in with Luca to know how hewas doing.

"I've been fairly occupied with work, so I don't know if Amur has been busy."

"I see..." Tina knew it was not her place to comment any further. She had always felt that Luca washiding something from her. Amur seemed to keep her at a distance as well.

She was upset. Although she and Luca were somewhat close, they did not consider each other goodfriends. She could understand why Luca was unwilling to share more.

However, Amur...

If he was not interested, he should make it clear instead of using emotional abuse. It made her feelhelpless.

She did not enjoy being ghosted like this nor did she like to end relationships by icing someone out.

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