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Chapter 2179

Luca let out a sigh helplessly. Nina was so close to living a happy life, but someone stabbed her in theback at this time.

Sue added, "I'm afraid that she might overthink now. After all, her past is her deepest wound. It's cruelfor someone to use this against her. That's..."

Sue felt helpless and angry at the same time. There were no words that could describe how upset shewas.

Luca did not know what to say either.

Although Percy protected Nina well, after their conversation last night, Luca could sense that Nina wasstill sensitive. She would still feel worried and insecure.

Now, such awful things had happened to her.

"Luca, is there anything we can do for her?" Sue was overwhelmed.

"Let's show more concern for Nina. There's nothing we can do about the reporters. Things aren't assimple as they are. The reporters are looking for her now.." replied Luca. She knew what kind of peoplethe Mallory family was. They were probably annoyed after getting exposed this time, thinking that Ninahad brought shame to the Mallory family and ruined their reputation.

They might come looking for trouble.novelbin

"That's all we can do for now." Sue let out a deep sigh. There was a knock on her office's door, and shesaid to Luca, "Luca, I have something to deal with. Talk to you later."

"Okay." After Luca hung up the call, she carefully browsed the news article again. She did not read thecomments, but she knew what the others would be talking about even if she did not look at them.

Percy's status was not lower than Luke's in A City.

Percy insisted on being together with Nina. Many people were envious, displeased, and jealous ofNina.

There was no doubt that the netizens were criticizing Nina.

Luca shook her head helplessly while reading the news article.

Luca glanced at the time. She wanted to comfort Nina, but she had something more important things todo at hand. Hence, she picked up her phone and sent a message to Nina: [I saw the news. Are youokay?]

After Luca sent the message, only seconds passed before she received a reply from Nina: [I'm alright.Don't worry.]

[I have to finish my experiment. I'll look for you after this.] Luca replied. She knew Nina well. Eventhough Nina said she was fine, nothing was alright deep down in her heart.

Luca did not wait for Nina's reply. She left her phone in the office. After putting on her white coat, sheheaded to the laboratory.

Her team of researchers was already in the laboratory getting ready to conduct the next stage ofclinical trials.

Luca began to work after she greeted everyone.

They worked the whole morning until the afternoon.

They did not really leave the laboratory. Even their lunches were ordered by Zoey. They continued withthe research after they ate their lunch in the staff room of the laboratory.

The data error had delayed their research progress too much. That was why they were racing againsttime, trying to catch up with the progress.

Moreover, Luca had promised to fulfill the request of Watson's general manager.

When the office's working hours ended, Luca walked out of the laboratory. She let the researchers getoff work on time today as the research progress was going well.

Luca looked at her phone when she returned to her office.

There was only one unread message from Nina. She tapped on it and read the message. It was Nina'sreply to her message from this morning: [You don't have to.]

Luca looked down. There was not even a message from Luke today.

Luca smiled bitterly. What was she expecting from him?

It was normal for Luke not to contact her. Was that not the case? The passion they felt for each other inthe beginning would only last for a few days, then it would fade as time went by.

Luke's heart had always been with Bianca.

Even though Luca's true identity was Bianca, her looks had changed. She could not win Luke's heartanymore.

Luca did not leave immediately.

Uncle Zander would fetch the kids from school after class. Aunt Neile would take care of the kids whenthey were back at the villa. Luca opened the news and glanced at the articles.

The saga continued...

Furthermore, the papers and websites that were reporting about this matter seemed to be increasing. Itwas as though Percy was not doing anything to stop this at all.

Luca furrowed her brows. She wanted to ask Percy about this. Why did he not make any moves in thefirst instance and let things escalate?

Although they were writing about Nina's past and there was nothing more that could be looked into,talking and making a big deal out of Nina's past would hurt her badly.

Even so, Luca could not possibly question Percy about this.

Perhaps Percy had something else in mind. Besides, if Luca questioned Percy herself, it would not beof much help to Nina.

Luca let out a sigh and turned off the computer. She left the office after tidying up her documents.

Luca returned to the villa. The kids were already in the villa after Uncle Zander sent them back here.They were doing their homework in the living room.

Aunt Neile was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

“Ms. Luca, you're back!" Tommy lifted his head and looked at her. He said with a smile on his face.

“Yes. Are you doing your homework?" Luca asked.

Tommy nodded and handed his book to Luca, "Ms. Luca, I'm done. Please help me check."

"Okay. I'll help you check your homework." Luca put her briefcase aside and began checking Tommy'shomework.

After making sure everything was correct, she imitated Luke's signature and signed on the last page ofthe homework. Then, she handed it back to Tommy.

Lanie and Rainie were done doing their homework too.

Luca helped them sign as well.

"Ms. Luca, you look tired..." Rainie was so attentive that she noticed the weariness on Luca's face.

"I was busy with work today." After Luca signed on the last page of the twins' homework, she returnedtheir books to them and said, "Put your books in your bags. Otherwise, you might forget to bring themto school tomorrow."

“Ms. Luca, you should rest earlier." Lanie took his book from Luca and put it in his bag while he talkedto her.

"I will." Luca loved the three of them. She rose to her feet and said, "Let me see if there's anything I canhelp in the kitchen. Maybe I can cook something. I don't have much time. And I can only prepare a dishfor you. What would you like to eat?"

Tommy shook his head and replied, "Ms. Luca, dinner is almost done. Sit down and take a rest. Daddysaid you should sit down and rest if you're feeling tired. You don't have to do those things."

Luca was surprised. She thought Tommy would be the first one to tell her what he wanted to eat.

However, Tommy asked her to rest instead. He was not planning to ask Luca to cook for him.

Luca looked at the kids, feeling relieved. It was comforting when the kids were thoughtful.

Rainie went along with him. "Yes, Ms. Luca. You should rest. Aunt Neile prepared dinner early today.We can have dinner later."

Luca knew the kids cared about her.

She smiled and sat on the sofa, asking them what interesting things had happened in school today.

After a while, Aunt Neile walked to the living room and informed them that dinner was ready.

Luca returned to the study after dinner. She began to continue with the research she had stoppeddoing. She was finding the antidote for the poison.

After all, this matter could not be delayed either.

Luca set the alarm so that she would not forget to remind the kids to sleep while she was focused onher research.

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