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Chapter 2105

Queenie did not know what was going on. She just felt that Luca's words brought her comfort andmelted all her anxiety.

"Bea isn't by my side anymore. I just hope Leia can get better soon." She could not help but sigh.Queenie got a headache thinking that Leia might be hospitalized.

What Leia hated most was the hospital. She would not stay even if she was in a luxurious single ward.

There were a lot of people in the hospital, and Leia was a famous star. She was worried that ifsomeone saw Leia in the hospital and told Luke...

Luca listened to Queenie's sigh and felt even guiltier.

‘I'm sorry, Mom?.'

All she could do was apologize to Queenie in her heart...

Upstairs, in Jack's study.

Luke followed him in and closed the door.

"The government does intend to develop the abandoned amusement park in the western suburbs, butthere are no specifics for now," Jack said.

"After so many years of the rumor going around, the government is finally taking action." Luke could nothelp but sigh. The redevelopment of the abandoned playground in the western suburbs had beenrumored in A City for several years.

The rumors went on for some time, but there was never any corresponding announcements.

"I've been working overtime during this period to hold meetings on this. I can't tell you the specifics, andI can only say so much. One more thing. We intend to stimulate the economy of A City through thisproject, so there's a high probability that an A City company will be chosen to take on this project.” Jacksaid.

"I see. Thank you, Father-in-law." Luke knew what to do when he got this positive news.

He had been wanting to expand the influence of T Corporation in A City and create a positive imagewith the local government as it would be of great help in winning the project.

After Luke got an answer, he did not plan to give up.

After all, with so many employees at T Corporation, it was impossible to achieve their target with justthe M Group project.

"Don't thank me. There's one thing I want to ask you." Jack sat on the executive chair and pointed tothe seat opposite. "Have a seat. Let's talk."

Luke sat across from him.

"The thing I want to ask is, when will you and Luca get through all this and reunite?" Jack asked.

Luke smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "You're not the first one to ask...."

"Why? Others are urging you to do the same?" Jack raised his eyebrows.

"Grandpa is urging me too," Luke replied.

Jack was a little surprised and exclaimed, "Does the old man know Luca's identity?"

"He doesn't know. He hasn't had peace since the fake Bianca appeared, so the goodwill accumulatedby Bea in the past was all lost on the fake Bianca. Luca found that there was something wrong with the

herbs, so the old man is very fond of her. He knows that I'm interested in her and has been urgingme..." Luke explained.

The fake Bianca was like his mother, Allison. They both caused trouble and started wars in CrawfordManor.

"Old Master Crawford is quite open-minded. You're not divorced on paper but he encouraged you to bewith another woman." Jack could not help but tease. It was fortunate that this other woman wasBianca. Otherwise, he would have been fuming.

"He noticed my attitude and how the children like Luca, so he encouraged me," Luke said helplessly.Old Master Crawford was not open-minded. He just wanted Luke to be happy.

After all, compared to Louis, his past was even more bitter.

He grew up in an orphanage and served as a tool to compete for a favor, so Old Master Crawfordwanted to give him more love.

"I think so too. Old Master Crawford doesn't seem like the kind of person who can accept a newdaughter-in-law just like that. That also shows that Bea is excellent." Jack could not help but praiseLuca.

Although she was controlled by the bad guys, she was constantly doing things to help Luke andQueenie.

Jack knew everything and felt sorry for his daughter.

However, even if he was in a position of power, he could not do anything to the organization thatcontrolled her. He could only rely on Luke to protect her.

Jack could not help but sigh at how useless he felt.

When Luca was born, he was not by Queenie's or her side. He did not get to protect or love Luca. Hetrusted others when they told her that Luca died during birth.

As a result, she lived through so many years of misery.

When everyone disapproved of her being with Luke, he selfishly separated them both for Leia.

He knew how ridiculous he was as their father.

He wanted to make things up with Luca but, Luke could do more for her than he could.

Jack felt even guiltier toward Luca.

"She's great," Luke said. His heart had always been with her.

"It's almost time. Let's go downstairs for dinner. I bought wine for today. Let's have a few drinkstogether. Maybe if I get drunk, there might be unexpected good things that happen." Jack glanced atthe time and stood up.

He enjoyed having a few drinks, but if no one drank with him, he would not drink.

It was rare for Luke to visit, so he did not want to miss this opportunity.

"Okay." Luke agreed. He knew that he would not be able to drive after drinking. Luca had been drivingfor a while and was re-acquainted. He was comfortable letting her drive them back.

Queenie watched Luke and Jack come downstairs. She stood up and said, "Are you done?"

"Yeah" Jack's serious face flashed a smile.

"Just in time. The maid is ready with dinner. Let's eat," Queenie said. She did not want to go upstairs todisturb them just now.

After all, Jack had asked to talk about things in the study, so what they were talking about must beprivate.

"Okay. The wine has had time to breathe. We can have a few drinks." Jack smiled and walked to thedining room.

"Dear, drink less." Queenie shook her head helplessly.

"No one usually drinks with me. I don't usually drink, but this time, Luke is here. I must drink with himtonight to satiate my wish," Jack said to Queenie.

Luca listened to her parents' conversation with a smile on her face.

Jack said, "Luca, would you like a drink too?"

"No, Uncle Jack. Mr. Crawford is drinking, so I'll have to drive later." Luca said.

"You don't have to drive. We can get you a cab. If we can't get one, I'll have my driver work overtime.There are many rooms here too. You can stay here to rest as well." Jack said.

"Okay, Luca can relax with me. She's a woman. How could she ever outdrink you?" Queenie could notstand it any longer and shook her head.

"I'm in a wonderful mood today!" Jack spoke to Queenie in a childlike manner.novelbin

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