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Chapter 2095

Silence filled the bedroom as no one replied. It was as though his words fell on deaf ears.

Luke's hands trembled, and his heart could not help but beat faster. He had never felt this anxiousbefore...

“Luca, if you don't say anything, I'm going in," he said, yet there was still no sound.

Luke put his left hand on the door handle and pushed the door open without hesitation.

The lights in the bedroom were off, so he fumbled around the switch to turn on the lights. Luca was notinside.

Luke walked to the closet and opened the door.novelbin

Luca's clothes were still hanging inside, along with her suitcase. It did not seem like she left.

The lump in his throat slowly disappeared. Although he did not know where Luca went, it seemed thatshe did not leave.

He took out his phone to call Luca.

Not being home this late meant that she must be busy with something, but it was hard to say what itwas she was busy with.

Luke was worried that she was sent on another mission by the Island of Despair.

She had just returned. Even if the Island of Despair were to give her a mission, he did not think thatnow would be the time. Hence, he did not inform Gale and Rain to be on her tail here.

Listening to the ringing tone while waiting for the call to be answered annoyed Luke.

It rang about ten times but Luca did not answer. Luke frowned, and when the phone stated that theother end was currently unavailable, he dialed Aunt Neile's number.

Aunt Neile picked up the phone. "Mr. Crawford, it's late. What's the matter?"

"Why isn't Ms. Craw home?" asked Luke.

Aunt Neile replied, "Ms. Craw hasn't gone home yet? After you left, she said that she had some mattersto take care of at the company."

"The company?" Luke frowned. What company matters could there possibly be that required her tohandle?

He instantly thought of the research.

During this period of time, Luca had basically abandoned the research for the sake of M Group'sproject. Moreover, when they were in Russia, he even instructed Zoey to tell the people in thatdepartment to leave Luca alone.

M Group's project was more important, after all.

“Yes, that's what she said. It's already so late. Is she not back yet?" Aunt Neile wondered aloud.

“Perhaps she's busy." Luke hung up. He was still worried, but he did not call Luca. If she was reallybusy with the research at T Corporation, it was normal practice for the employees to leave their phonesin the office while they were in the laboratory.

He asked Tina for Zoey's phone number.

Tina immediately gave it to him.

Luke dialed the number, and after Zoey picked up, he immediately cut to the chase. "This is Luke. DidDr. Craw go to work today?"

Zoey was a little taken aback that the boss actually called her. Moreover, he called to look for someone.

She listened carefully and could hear the anxiousness in his voice.

Zoey guessed that Luke was worried about Luca. She quickly said, "Yes, Boss. Dr. Craw is still in ameeting right now."

She was a little surprised when Rhett told her to inform the others about the meeting.

After asking around, she learned that Luca had just returned from Russia and wanted to have ameeting to deal with the current issues.

"Got it." Luke hung up the phone and was finally relieved.

She was busy working at the company. She did not sneak away...

Zoey was puzzled after hearing the busy tone on the other end of the phone.

That was it?

It seemed that the rumors in the company were true. Zoey shook her head as she thought of Jenni.She had given her heart to the wrong person.

No matter how one looked at it, Luca was much better than Jenni. A man like Luke would know how tochoose.

It was all just Jenni's wishful thinking. Plus, Luke already had a wife. Even if he did not, plain old Jennistill would not stand a chance.

Luke came down to the first floor.

Tommy saw him coming down and hurriedly went up to him and asked, "Daddy, is Ms. Luca asleep?"

"No. I just asked and she's busy working at the company." After Luke finished, the three kids clearlylooked relieved.

They were all worried that Luca would leave without saying goodbye.

"Daddy, Ms. Luca just returned. How could you have her go work?" Tommy had transformed into arighteous little angel, accusing Luke of tiring Luca out.

Luke saw the reproachful look on his face and patted his head. "She's worried about the research. It'sgetting late now, and your things are all upstairs. Take what's yours, wash up, and go to bed."

“Daddy, can I sleep on the first floor after washing up?" Rainie asked.

“Why?" Luke looked at his daughter and could sort of guess why she wanted to do so.

“I want to see Ms. Luca as soon as possible," said Rainie. It had been a while since she last saw hermom, and she missed her a lot.

“I want to sleep on the first floor too," said Tommy while he raised his hand.

“No, you can't. If she sees you sleeping on the first floor waiting for her, she'll feel bad. Go back to yourown bedrooms," Luke said firmly as he knew that once he agreed to Rainie's request, Tommy wouldmake a fuss about it too.

If Luca saw the kids sleeping on the couch just to see her, her heart would ache.

Not to mention, sleeping on the couch was not comfortable.

Thus, Luke had them all sleep in their own bedrooms.

“Daddy..." Tommy pouted and tried to convince him.

“Go to bed." Luke urged the children to go upstairs.

The three of them had no choice but to go upstairs. They took their own belongings from the bags andwent to their respective bedrooms. They showered, changed into their pajamas, and got ready for bed.

After Luke watched the three children crawl into bed to rest, he then specially focused on Tommy.

He was the youngest and also the naughtiest.

Only after confirming that Tommy was asleep did he carry his laptop down to the first floor.

He turned on all the lights on the first floor and on the patio so that when Luca came home later, itwould be brightly lit.

Luca used to do the same for him when he worked overtime.

Luke made himself a cup of coffee and walked into the living room. He looked out the window, only tosee that it was snowing again.

He placed the cup on the coffee table and sat on the couch. He opened his laptop and started to lookat the global stock market situation as well as the financial news.

It was almost 12 when the sound of a car pulling up came from outside the patio.

Luke looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already midnight.

Luca was back.

He continued to work on the company documents while waiting for Luca to come in.

Luca parked the car and was surprised to see that the patio lights were on, as well as the lights on thefirst floor.

Did Aunt Neile leave the lights on for her? Was it Luke?

Luca hugged her coat tightly and quickly walked into the house.

She saw Luke working on the sofa and could smell the aroma of coffee lingering in the air. Shechanged her shoes and walked next to the couch. “Mr. Crawford, you're still awake."

Luke looked up at her. “You're back?"

"Yes." Luca nodded. “I saw your missed call. I went to the company to deal with some things. It's aboutthe research..."

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