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Chapter 2059

The brother and sister were emotionally connected. Ray knew what was on Vivian's mind. A gust ofcold wind blew past them after they sent off Luke. Vivian had not put on any coats or hats. Her hair wasmessy now.

Ray took his coat off and draped it over her shoulders.

"Stop overthinking. I decided to take over the family matters. This is what a man should do. And all youhave to do is live your life," said Ray. The brother and sister were supposed to carry the responsibilitiesof their family on their shoulders.

However, Vivian was not the kind of person who could take a firm stance with others. She would getbullied if she were to take over their family matters.

Hence, Ray started to take charge of various kinds of matters from the elders of the family after hegraduated.

It felt warm to have the coat on, and Vivian smiled. It seemed like she had gotten over the heartbreakof leaving Gordan.

Although she still missed him, she was doing much better now.

“Let's go into the house. It's cold out here." Vivian knew Ray was not a sentimental person, but hecomforted her again and again. He wanted to lighten the burden in her heart.novelbin

"Sure." Ray nodded. The brother and sister turned around and returned to the house.

In the hotel suite.

Luca looked at the full bodysuit in her luggage, then she glanced at the floor plan on the laptop.

When she came to Russia, she had brought a full bodysuit along with her after remembering that thiswas where the main stronghold of the Island of Despair was. Hence, she might be assigned a mission.Wearing other clothes would get in her way and cause inconveniences.

She came fully prepared, but she did not expect that she would really need the bodysuit...

Luca glanced at the time. Although she would only start at around one a.m., she was not the only oneon this mission. She would have to discuss with the others how they were going to carry out theoperation.

Luca picked up the clothes and changed into them. Then, she put on a thick, warm-down jacket to keepherself warm. When she was about to leave, Luke pushed the door and walked in. He had come backfrom Ray's place.

“Mr. Crawford, you're back." Luca did not expect Luke to return this early. After all, Ray had caughtsomeone from the Island of Despair after he broke into the house. She thought Luke must haveheaded to Ray's place because of this matter.

After all, Ray had a strong influence in Russia. She believed that he had already figured out theidentities of the four people who were caught and detained in the police station.

Although Ray was unable to know everything about them, he had the solution with him now. He shouldhave known that those people were from the Island of Despair.

"Are you going out?" Luke asked when he saw that Luca was all dressed up. Her mission wassupposed to take place around one a.m., right? There were a few more hours left. She was going outthat early?

"Yes. A friend in Russia knows that I'm here, so she said she'd like to meet me," Luca lied to him.

Luke did not expose her lies and said, "Do you need the hotel car to send you there?"

Luca shook her head. It would only make things difficult if she asked the hotel's driver to send her. Shesaid, "There's a subway station near the hotel. I'll just take the subway. The subway in Russia is quiteconvenient."

"Alright." Luke did not insist, and he walked into his room.

Luca let out a sigh of relief when Luke did not continue to question her. She carried her bag and left thesuite.

Luke's door was left unlocked. He could hear the sound of Luca leaving the suite. He informed Gale tofollow behind Luca immediately.

Ray told him to leave everything to Hansen and Hansen would handle everything well.

However, Luke would go the extra mile when it was about Luca's matters. Even though someone elsewould get it done, he was still worried.

After a while, Hansen shared Luca's location with Luke.

Luca headed to the subway station after she left the hotel. She found herself a place to stand and waitafter she got into the subway.

Luke was keeping a close watch on Luca's whereabouts.

Luke opened the map of Russia on his phone. He could see Luca getting closer to the police stationaccording to the location.

Luke thought that she should not be acting alone this time. She must be meeting those who would becarrying out the mission with her.

After Luca reached the subway station near the police station, she left the subway and headed to aninn. She told the receptionist the number of the room, and the receptionist threw the room card at herwhile muttering, "What the hell are you guys doing? Why are there so many people staying in oneroom?" Luca did not answer her. She took the room card and headed to the elevator. She swiped thecard, and the elevator moved upstairs.

Luca arrived at the room and swiped the card to enter. Before she could see the people in the room,one of them came throwing a punch at her.

Luca was swift in response. She stopped the person from punching her with her elbows. She was ableto get a glance at the person who attacked her. She realized it was the woman who led her the waywhen she was in the beauty salon.

The woman looked at her resentfully and scolded, "You b*tch! Go to hell!" Luca refused to let her getaway with it. The woman attacked her with another hand. Luca lifted her leg and kicked her. “Are younuts?!"

The kick sent the woman flying, and she fell to the floor. She lifted her head. The fury in her eyes wasso overwhelming that it almost took over her.

"Jake wouldn't have gotten arrested if you hadn't betrayed the organization! I'm going to kill you!" Thewoman would rather risk death just to tear the woman in front of her into pieces.

Abel had already informed everyone in the organization that Luca had betrayed the organization.Everyone knew that the reason the mission failed this time was because of Luca's betrayal.

The organization did not plan to rescue those who were caught. They were only asked to gather hereto retrieve the weapons in the evidence room at the police station.

The four of them who were arrested were bound to be abandoned by the organization.

Hence, the woman got very emotional. She was dying to kill Luca, who was in front of her.

Luca frowned. She had no idea who Jake was.

However, she reckoned that he was among those four people.

Luca shot the woman a cold glance and denied it. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're still denying it? Boss already told us that it's your fault!" The woman rose to her feet, thinking ofcharging at Luca. She had gone through the training too, but she did not expect Luca to be quick on theuptake. She got careless, and that was why she was defeated.

The man who stood beside her stopped her. As an onlooker, he realized that Luca's ability and skillswere better than the woman's. The woman could never win against Luca even if she charged over onemore time. He said, "Enough. Boss didn't ask her to come here to fight with you."

"Then how about Jake?!" The woman looked at the man who stopped her with her bloodshot eyes.

"The mission failed. Jake has no choice but to consider himself unlucky. We're only going to dowhatever the organization wants us to do!" the man reminded the woman with a stern expression onhis face.

This was all Abel's arrangement, and she was not allowed to do anything crazy.

"The organization isn't even thinking of saving Jake!" The woman said, "You're Jake's brother. How canyou let this pass so easily?"

The man furrowed his brows. Jake and the others were carrying weapons with them. They could havechosen to retreat safely when they realized that more than ten people were protecting Luke.

Even so, Jake and the others had weapons in their hands, while Luke and his men did not. They gotcareless. That was why they were caught by the police. There were witnesses and evidence at thescene. Not even the lawyers could bail them out now.

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