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Chapter 2054

"Alright, Boss," the two bodyguards replied at the same time without taking it seriously.

They had been interrogating this man for days, and he was still reluctant to open his mouth. Would hetalk with just a pinch from Vivian? It was nearly impossible.

Ray looked at Luke and assumed that he had something to ask the man. Then, he said, "Perhaps weshould wait outside?"novelbin

"There's no need." Luke took a step forward and looked at the man with his head down. The man mustbe fatigued after being questioned for the past few days. He should be in a state of mental and physicalexhaustion.

However, he refused to say anything even though he was exhausted. It seemed like the Island ofDespair must have something on him. Otherwise, he would not have asked them to kill him.

There might be another reason behind this.

He failed his mission, and there was no way he could stay alive even if he told them everything. Thiswas what Gale and Rain had told him before. Before they left the Island of Despair to carry out theirmissions, they were forced to drink some kind of drug. They would have to take the antidote regularlyto stay alive.

If he told them everything now, he would be left to die on the streets if he did not return to the Island ofDespair. Likewise, If he returned to the Island of Despair, the mastermind of the organization would notspare his life. He would end up losing his life either way. His life was in the mastermind of the Island ofDespair, and he had no choice.

"I'd like to ask you one question," Luke spoke slowly.

The man lifted his head. His eyes were red as he had been unable to get any rest for such a long time.His eyes were bloodshot like the eyes of zombies in those movies. It was terrifying to see.

"Just kill me," the man laboriously spat out the words.

Luke ignored him and asked, "Is the stronghold of the Island of Despair in Russia?"

The man shuddered for a moment and repeated the words he said, "Just kill me."

"You shuddered." Luke reminded him that he had been exposed.

The man widened his eyes and looked at Luke with an undisguised murderous gaze. "I don't knowwhat you're talking about!" "The stronghold of the Island of Despair is in Russia," Luke saidaffirmatively. He turned around and said to Ray, "That's all."

Ray nodded and the three of them left the basement together.

After they walked away far enough and made sure that the man was unable to hear them, Ray asked,"Why didn't you ask more?"

"I only want to know if it's in Russia. But Russia is big. I won't get any answers from him even if I keepon asking," said Luke.

Ray knew that too.

However, he did not expect Luke to be able to trick the man into telling the truth.

“You're still the better one when it comes to questioning,” Ray complimented him.

"Perhaps Vivian is better than I am,” replied Luke. He decided to stay and see if the man would be inpain after a few hours.

"Oh yes, I've figured out what you asked me to investigate the last time," said Ray. He had beenworrying about things lately. He almost forgot about the favor Luke had asked of him.

"Is it about the hotel?" Vivian was with them, so Luke said obscurely.

"Yes." Ray nodded. "Let's head to the study."

"Sure." Luke agreed with him.

Vivian listened to the two of them talking in riddles. She could not help but wonder what they weretalking about.

However, there were some things Ray would not allow her to interfere with. Letting her deal with theman this time was a concession he made, so Vivian did not continue to ask.

Ray and Luke headed upstairs when they arrived at the living room. Vivian did not follow them. Sheturned and walked into the kitchen.

Vivian assumed that Luke would stay for dinner tonight, so she headed to the kitchen and prepareddinner.

In the hotel room.

Luca was staring at her child's photos.

She did not know what to do, and she had no idea what she was supposed to do now. After she wasbrought to the Island of Despair, she was confused and lost. The path to her future was misty white.She could not see it.

Her phone vibrated. She was receiving a call.

Luca glanced at it. It was a string of numbers.

Was it Abel or Shanks?

If it was Abel who called her, she reckoned that he came looking for her because of the assassination.

Luca answered the call uneasily.

"Where are you?" The voice that came from the other end of the line belonged to Abel.

"I'm still in Russia," answered Luca. It was him, and he sounded unfriendly. He must have come to lookfor trouble.

"I'm in the hotel you're staying at. Room A351. Come over now." After that, Abel hung up the callwithout waiting for Luca's response.

Luca did not expect Abel to book a room in this hotel just to meet her. Was he not worried that hewould be seen by Luke's men?

The day the gun shooting incident happened, Rain had blocked her way. That was when Luca foundout that they had followed Luke to Russia too.

Luca walked out of the suite. Room A351 was on the same floor as her room. She did not even have toask the attendant to swipe the elevator card to head to the room where Abel was.

Luca lifted her hand when she was standing outside the door of Room A351. She took a deep breath,but something kept her from pressing the doorbell.

She had to face him sooner or later.

Luca pressed the doorbell as she pondered.

The one who came to open the door was not Abel but Abel's subordinate. He glanced at Luca andmade way for her to get into the room. "Come in. Boss is waiting for you."

Luca concealed her uneasiness and walked into the room with a cold expression.

"What's the matter?" Luca looked at Abel who was sitting on the sofa and asked coldly.

"You betrayed the organization." The simple words that Abel uttered pointed out Luca's mistake.

"I didn't," Luca replied calmly.

Abel threw the cigar he was holding onto the floor and said, "Ivana, how dare you say you didn't? Theman who was assigned to assassinate Luke told me that you had just finished taking the antidote whenthey were assigned the mission. You heard their conversation and headed to the scene. They saw youthere. Are you going to deny it still?"

Luca kept silent. She did not expect those men to recognize her.

Luca was worried about Luke's safety at that time. Hence, she could not be bothered about othermatters. She took the risk of being discovered as all she could think about was protecting Luke. Shewanted to know if Luke was injured even after the police officers had arrived and gotten the situationunder control.

Many problems would occur under circumstances like that.

It was just like what was happening now...

Luca knew that if she had been able to control her emotions well at that time and protect herself, Abelwould not have found out about this.

Her emotions had taken over her then, but there was no way she could face the situation calmlyknowing that Luke might be in danger.

"You're the one who placed me by Luke's side. Isn't it normal for me to show up nearby when he's indanger?" Luca continued to deny it.

"Then how are you going to explain that Luke seemed to have known that something would happen ashe had arranged Ray's men to wait for the men I sent?" Abel questioned her.

Abel thought there was hardly anyone beside Luke. That was why he only sent four men to kill him.

They would be able to retreat even if the mission failed.

However, he did not expect Luke to know about their operation in advance. He arranged for more thanten people to pretend to be the customers in the restaurant to ambush them. His men eventually failedthe mission and did not manage to get away.

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