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Chapter 2000

Bang! The phone was smashed into two pieces.

The maid, who was standing at the door eavesdropping, was shocked. Due to the good soundproofing,she could only hear the sound of an item being smashed.

'Is Gordan mad?'

The maid quickly left and sent Ray a message.

On the other hand, it was late at night and Luca was sitting in front of the office table. She was handlingthe data sent by Rhett. Suddenly, she felt her body feeling uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, she touched her forehead and found it to be rather warm...

‘Did I catch a cold when I was outdoors today?'

Luca sighed and looked at the monitor of the computer. Suddenly, she felt as if the words in front of herwere starting to become blurry.

'It seems like my body is giving a reaction.'novelbin

Luca looked at the time and thought of getting some rest since she still had some time to work on thefollowing day.

'I should be fine after sleeping.'

The next day, Luke woke up. After taking his time to sit in the wheelchair, he then controlled thewheelchair out of the bedroom. He noticed that Luca was not in the living room.

'Has she gotten over her jet lag? Is that why she's still asleep at this hour?'

Luke looked at the clock, and indeed, it was still early. He controlled his wheelchair back to hisbedroom as he was afraid that the wheels of the wheelchair would wake Luca.

After two hours, Luke maneuvered his wheelchair back to the living room. Luca was still not awake.

He looked at the watch on his wrist. 'Luca isn't a lazy person. She should be up by this hour.'

Luke maneuvered the wheelchair to the doorway and knocked on the door. "Luca, are you awake?"

There was no sound from inside the room.

Luke knocked on the door once again. "If you don't say anything, I'm going to push the door open andcome in."

Again, there was no sound from inside the room. Luke had no choice but to push the door open andenter the room.

Luca was in bed without budging.

Luke frowned. 'Is she sound asleep? Something's not right here...'

He maneuvered the wheelchair and headed over, only to realize that Luca's face was very red.

Luke placed his hand over her forehead, and it was burning.

'Luca's sick!'

Luke took out his phone and gave Jason a call, "Go get help and come here."

Jason heard it and quickly hung up the call. After making an emergency call, he called the hotel staffand rushed upstairs.

He thought Luke had fallen. After stepping into the suite, he realized Luca had fallen sick.

Looking at Luca's red face, Jason said, "Sir, I've made an emergency call. The hospital is not that farfrom here. The ambulance should be here anytime soon."

"It should get here as soon as possible." Luke bit his lip. Watching Luca's sickly appearance made himfeel a pinch in his heart.

He was not willing to see her being in such discomfort.

"Yes, sir." Jason was helpless. They were not in their country, so he was unable to urge others to helpout.

After 15 minutes, the paramedics arrived at the hotel. After conducting a simple examination, theyconcluded that Luca had passed out due to a high fever. Hence, they quickly got their men to carry herinto the ambulance and rushed her to the hospital.

Luke followed them into the ambulance and arrived at the hospital. He saw the doctors and nursespushing Luca into the emergency room. After a hectic period, a doctor came out with a serious lookand asked, "Who's the patient's family?"

"I am." Luke nodded.

"Great. There are a few things that I'd like to clarify. Right now, things are not looking too good for thepatient. She has a high fever. Do you know when she started having the fever?" the doctor asked.

Luke frowned. Last night, Luca was still alright when he returned from Ray's villa.

"I'm not too sure when it happened exactly but she was still alright before midnight last night.”

He came back to the hotel at 11 o'clock, and after Luca helped him brush his teeth and bathe, it wasalready 12 o'clock.

At that time, her body temperature was still normal. Luke could be sure of this.

"You don't even know how long she's had her fever?” The doctor was scribbling on the medical board.

"I'm not too sure." Luke's tone sounded rather defeated. He wished he knew more details, but Lucaalways pulled a distance between them.

"How did the injury on the patient's waist happen? She was treated by a doctor previously. Do youknow what antibiotics the doctor prescribed her? If you don't, perhaps you can provide us with thecontact details of that doctor. We'll ask that doctor ourselves," the doctor said.

"There's a wound on her waist?" Luke could not remain composed now. ‘When did Luca get injured?'

The doctor lifted his brows and looked at Luke. "You don't know about it?"

"I..." Luke stuttered.

"How can you not know about such a serious matter? Are you really her family?" The doctor looked atthe man before him with a suspicious gleam. 'Even though he's sitting in a wheelchair, he has anextraordinary aura. He doesn't look like a liar.'

"We live together," Luke said. At the very least, he did not lie about that. They were indeed stayingtogether.

"Her injury is pretty serious. She got a few stitches too. Besides, it's already inflamed. Judging from thedegree of injury, it doesn't seem like a new wound. It might have been there for quite a few days. Doyou really not know any of this?" the doctor asked once again.

"No idea." Luke did not know what he could do now. He could only answer the doctor saying he wasclueless in fluent Russian.

He had no idea about Luca's injury and was clueless about when it occurred or where she receivedtreatment.

He did not know any of that.

The doctor pursed his lips and said, "Right now, we can only prescribe her the usual treatment plan—antibiotics and antipyretic. The inflammation is serious. It might be due to germs or fungi. We have towait for the laboratory report before deciding on the next course of treatment."

"You guys must rescue her," Luke ordered.

"We'll do our best," said the doctor and he turned around to return to the ward.

Luke took out his phone and called Johann.

Johann did not pick up the call.

He had no choice but to send him a message: [Do you know about the wound on Luca's waist? Whendid it happen?]

Luke kept staring at the screen of his phone until Jason came over. However, the doctor had yet tocome out.

"Sir, what situation is Dr. Craw in now?" Jason asked. He had to take a cab to the hospital from thehotel because the ambulance was full.

"She's injured, and the wound is inflamed." Luke was waiting for Johann's reply, but he did not havemuch hope.

If Johann knew about Luca's wound, he would have hinted it at Luke even if he had promised Luca notto say anything.

After some time, Johann replied: [Luca is injured? When did it happen?]

'Indeed, he has no idea about it.'

After half an hour, the doctor stepped out and explained the situation to Luke, "We've given the usualantibiotics to the patient and some antipyretics. We've sent a sample to the pathology lab. Right now,we have to wait for the results before moving to the next stage of treatment. I suggest the patient beadmitted for now because her fever hasn't subsided."

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