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Chapter 1928

“Wow, then Brother-in-law must be a great person." Leia listened to his analysis as she deliberatelyexclaimed.

"Of course. Luke is very capable," Queenie joined the conversation. Her voice was filled withadmiration for Luke.

Leia felt depressed when she heard Queenie say so.

How could an outstanding man like Luke fall into Bianca's hands if it were not because they refused tohelp her and favored Bianca over her?

However, Bianca did not appreciate Luke either.

"There must be many women who have their eyes on such a capable man like Brother-in-law. Sis stillhasn't come back yet. Could it be that she doesn't care about him anymore?" Leia pretended tomention Bianca unintentionally.

Queenie's smile disappeared when Leia mentioned Bianca. It had been three days since Queeniereceived Bianca's call.

"Your brother-in-law isn't someone like that. Stop talking nonsense." Queenie held Leia's hand andsqueezed it gently, hinting her to stop talking about it.

Bianca's matter was a knot in Jack's and Queenie's hearts.

"A man will always have women surrounding them even though Brother-in-law is loyal to Sis. Perhapsone day... Mom, you know what I mean. The people in the industry are all the same. They're exposedto a bigger world. And it's been a long time since Sis came back. She might have forgotten about herhusband." Leia was trying to pick the thorn in their flesh.

Jack slammed the coffee table and glared at Leia. "Aren't you the reason why Bianca ended up like thistoday?"

"Dad?" Leia widened her eyes as she did not expect Jack to say something like that to her.

"I'll make sure you get the hell out of here if you dare to say something like that again. You'll havenothing to do with the Norman family when that happens, regardless if you're dead or alive!" Jackleaped to his feet and left without continuing to watch the news.

Leia was stunned.

Queenie glanced at Leia, then stood up as well. "You shouldn't have said those things. Go upstairs andget some rest."

After that, Queenie headed upstairs together with Jack.

Leia smirked after she watched both of them make their way up the stairs.

She deliberately mentioned Bianca to shift their attention to that woman who was nowhere to be found.That way, Leia would be able to carry out her plans later.

Leia's purpose was to take over the Norman family's possessions.

Queenie and Jack entered their bedroom together after Queenie followed him upstairs. Queenie let outa sigh when she saw that Jack was still angry. He sat down on the sofa. She came over and massagedJack's shoulders gently. “Leia didn't mean it. Don't be mad."

Jack replied in an irritated tone, "She did it on purpose. Bianca wouldn't have ended up like this if shehadn't conspired with those people."

"Did something happen to Bianca?" Queenie could sense that something was wrong with his words.

Jack was startled for a moment. He was angry and suddenly reminded of Luca's current situation, aswell as what she had gone through.

Bianca would not have been kidnapped and forced to change her appearance if it had not been forLeia. Bianca would not be forced to return to their side while hiding her true identity.

However, there was no way he could let Queenie know about this.

Jack had no choice but to lie to Queenie. "It's just that Bianca lost her memory, and she can'tremember anything. That's why she chose to study abroad. Tell me, would Bianca have to go throughall those terrible things that made her go mad and lose her memory if it wasn't for Leia? Honestly, Iregret it now. I regret adopting Leia at the orphanage!"

It got Jack thinking about it after everything they had been through. He even thought that it was only amatter of time before Leia bit the hand that fed her and took advantage of him and his wife!

Jack would never let such things happen when he was still able to stop Leia!

Queenie let out a sigh as she massaged his shoulders gently. "Alright. It's over now. There's no pointtalking about what happened in the past. Jack, we should move on."

Jack looked at her and let out a sigh. He wanted to move on too, but he could not forget about thosethings as he was often reminded of the hardships that Luca might have suffered.

After all, Luca was their biological daughter, while Leia was only an adopted child raised by them.

Luca did not live with them when she was young and had never been showered with their love just likeLeia.

However, it was impossible to ignore their blood ties. Besides, Leia had been getting out of control inthe last few years. It became even more obvious when she was compared to Luca.

"Alright, my dear. Leia didn't mean to say those things. She has learned from her mistakes." Queeniewas worried that Jack would really kick Leia out of the house, so she continued to put in good words forLeia.

"You shouldn't be spoiling her. She's going to be a lost cause if she continues to behave like this!" Jackfelt helpless.

Queenie smiled and went along with what he said. "Alright. Leia has learned her lesson aftereverything that she's been through. So, stop talking about what she did in the past. At least we have adaughter who's keeping us company now. We can only count the days until we get to see our daughteragain if Leia isn't here."

Jack heard what Queenie said, and he realized that he had said too many things that would remind herof the past.

Jack stood up and held Queenie's hands. "Bea is doing fine. Come on."

Queenie lifted her head and looked at him. “Why did you suddenly say that? Is there any news aboutBianca lately?”

Jack wanted to tell Queenie that Luca’s true identity was Bianca, but Luke’s warning kept repeating inhis mind. He could not tell her.

"No. Bea would usually contact you first. How can I possibly talk to her when you can’t even reachher?" Jack had no choice but to continue to conceal the matter. Before Jack found out the truth, theperson Luke had arranged would only contact Queenie. Luke told him that it was because he wasafraid that Jack would realize something was off.

The person who pretended to imitate Bianca’s voice hardly contacted Jack after he found out the truth.

The hope in Queenie’s eyes faded away when Jack told her that he did not know anything aboutBianca.

"It’s late. Go clean yourself up and get some rest." Jack had no choice but to ask Queenie to dosomething else to distract her attention when he saw how upset she was. Jack felt annoyed. He shouldnot have mentioned their daughter.

Leia was the one who annoyed him, and that was why he accidentally blurted it out.

"Alright." Queenie walked into the bathroom absent-mindedly.

Jack pulled a straight face and turned his phone to silent mode. He watched the video Luke had senthim for a while. After that, he closed the video after confirming that the person in the video was Enoch.Then, he sent a message to Luke.

[Ask the person who’s pretending to be Bea to send a few messages to your mother-in-law whenyou’re free. She’s been missing Bea a lot lately.]novelbin

Jack deleted the video and the message after he sent the message to Luke.

He was cautious enough to prevent Queenie from finding out.

Moreover, Leia was with them now.

Jack had finally realized it today. Leia was someone to worry about even though she was sick. Shewould plot against him when her health was in a better condition.

He had to keep an eye on her.

Jack put his phone down and connected it to the phone cable to charge it. He waited until Queeniecame out of the bathroom, then he brought his pajamas along with him and walked into the bathroom.

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