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Chapter 1922

"Yes." Since Tina could not do anything about it, the security guards went back to their stations andstared at Enoch.

Tina returned to the lobby and spoke to the front desk before walking to the elevator.

Before she went upstairs, she glanced at Enoch, who was still standing by the door. She shook herhead helplessly.

Fortunately, Luca was not here, so he was standing there in vain. Although their boss had beendischarged from the hospital, he was still working from home and Luca was with him. Enoch would notsee Luca for some time.

After Tina left, Enoch still stood on the side of the road to wait for Luca.

He believed that as long as he continued to wait, he would be able to see Luca.

Amur, who was standing across the road, looked at Enoch who did not seem like he was about to giveup. He picked up his phone and saw that Luca had replied to him.

She asked him to leave Enoch alone.

Amur squinted his eyes. It was a dangerous situation. How could he let things be?

He had to be involved since he was aware of it, but it was not the time to take action.

Amur got back into the car, waiting for Enoch to leave. He was looking for an opportunity.

Enoch stood there for half an hour but he still did not see Luca.

'Doesn't she know that I'm waiting for her here?'

Enoch wondered. There must be other fire exits in such a large office. What he was worried about wasthat Luca had left through other safety exits after learning that he was waiting at the main entrance.novelbin

If that was the case, his waiting here was meaningless.

Enoch thought about it and stepped forward.

When the security guard saw him step into the area, they blocked him with a stern expression. "Sir, youcan't come in without an appointment."

"Everyone else can come in without an appointment. Why can't I?" Enoch sternly said.

"Others are not on T Corporation's blacklist, but you are, so you can't come in." The security guardlooked at him blankly. He was a little sick of this man.

If it were not for this man, both of them would not need to stand guard here.

"What blacklist? Why don't I know about it?" Enoch's eyes widened. He did not expect such a big groupto do this.

"You were already blacklisted when you harassed our company's employee in the lobby. If you don'tleave, I'll call the police. You're standing on T Corporation's property now." The security guard scoldedhim with a cold expression. If Tina had not told him not to use brute force unless necessary, they wouldhave thrown Enoch out long ago.

"Do you know who I am?" Enoch frowned.

"I don't know, but I know that you're not a business partner. I'll go call the police." One of the securityguards was not afraid since he knew that Tina would back them up.

Enoch, at first glance, did not seem like someone of high status.

Enoch became a coward when he heard that they wanted to call the police. He immediately walkedback and stood on the side of the road.

The security guards could not call the police anymore.

It was getting late and cold. Enoch stood on the side of the road, stomping his feet in the cold.

He did not leave.

He waited for some time and realized that the employees of T Corporation were all working overtime,so not many people had clocked out.

It was not until nine o'clock at night that people started to get off work one after another.

Enoch saw that people kept coming out of the elevator and got excited. He began to scan through thecrowd to see if Luca was there.

In the end, he did not see Luca.

Tina stepped out of the elevator. She was a little surprised that Enoch was still waiting at the door.

‘Has he been waiting for hours? How is this man so obsessed with Luca...'

Tina pursed her lips. She had told the front desk that if he did not act excessively, the front desk did notneed to keep her posted. She did not expect him to have stood there and waited for a few hours...

However, Tina was not moved by his persistence. She felt that this man was scary.

If Jason had not told her to do something about it, she would not have bothered to pay any attention tohim since he would never be able to see Luca today.

At that point, she did not want to talk to him.

Tina walked out of T Corporation's building.

Enoch saw her and stepped forward immediately. "Where's Luca?"

"How do I know?" Tina walked to the side impatiently. 'Is there something wrong with him? Why is heasking me?'

"How could you not know? I know you're close to her!" Enoch looked at her. He had been in the coldwind for a few hours, so his face was very dry. She could see some blood on the corners of his crackedlips.

"I'm not in the same department as Dr. Craw. I'm not her boss or her subordinate. How would I knowwhere she is? Please step aside. I have to get off work," Tina said with a cold expression. She wasannoyed that she had to deal with a man as such in the cold weather.

Enoch clenched his fists. He was not going to let her go.

"I'm going to call the police if you don't stop." Tina stared at him.

Enoch did not want to go to the police station. It would have a bad impact on his future. It was indeedhis fault for this matter. He would be on the losing end if they went to the police.

In desperation, he had to give way.

Tina left arrogantly, walked to a taxi stand not far away, stopped an empty taxi, and left.

Enoch watched the taxi leave. His gaze was gloomy as he quickly got into his car and drove away.

Amur, who was sitting in the car, saw this scene. His gut feeling told him that something would happen,so he also followed behind Enoch's car.

The three cars were driving at a certain distance away from each other.

Tina was sitting in the taxi and replying to work emails. She did not notice that there was a car followingbehind her taxi.

When she arrived at her destination, she got out of the car.

She still had to walk on a path that was about 100 meters before she got home. Tina had movedhouses due to problems at home. Her current house was in an urban village, so she had to cross thispath. Since most cars could not pass through, she could only walk in.

After walking about ten meters, she felt that something was wrong. It was as if someone was followingher...

When she realized that, Tina took out her phone, turned on the flashlight function, and turned around.She saw Enoch standing not far behind. She was stunned and uttered, "Why are you here?"

She screamed, suddenly realizing something. She continued to ask, "Are you following me?"

Tina's scream made Enoch nervous. He waved his hands and said hoarsely, "I want to see Luca. Helpme call her."

"You can't call her yourself?" Tina calmed down her frightened heart. He was a civil servant. It wasunlikely for him to act too inappropriately.

"I can't get through to her! You're her friend, so help me contact her. Otherwise, don't blame me forwhat I'm about to do!" Enoch threatened Tina, whom he thought was easy to scare. He would nevermake a move.

He wanted to contact Luca, but no matter which phone number he used, Luca seemed to know that hewas the one calling.

The first time, he would be able to get through to her but no one would answer the call, and Luca wouldsimply decline it. The second time, it would say that the other party was on the call or that he had beenblocked.

"Psychopath! What you need is not Dr. Craw but a psychiatrist." Tina rolled her eyes and continuedwalking.

Enoch clenched his fist and punched the wall. He shouted, "You're forcing my hand!"

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