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Chapter 1911

Luca made her judgment and was sure it was due to a hemorrhage, but the cause of it was heartproblems. "It's pericardial bleeding."

She said it with certainty and told the nurses. She also told Johann, who was on the other end of thecall.

A nurse frowned and asked, "Are you sure, Dr. Craw? When the patient was sent in here, we did a fullbody check-up and there was no problem with his heart."

"Having no heart problems at that time doesn't mean he won't have any now. There are many causesthat can lead to pericardial bleeding. There's no time to do a B-ultrasound. Just give me the drainagedevice. I'm going to drain out the fluids around his heart. Otherwise, there'll be consequences," saidLuca.

The nurses exchanged terrified looks, and neither of them dared to give her the drainage device.

If it turned out that it was not pericardial bleeding and the patient fell into a life-threatening situation dueto a misdiagnosis, the nurses would be questioned along with Luca.

Luca knew why the nurses were hesitating. She said to Johann on the other end of the call, "Dr. Park,please believe me."

Johann did not think further and immediately ordered, "Just follow Dr. Craw's instructions. If anythinghappens, I'll take full responsibility for it."

Luca was vaguely surprised. Not only did he believe in her unconditionally, but he was also even willingto take full responsibility for it...

After all, he would face the possibility of having his medical license getting revoked if anything were tohappen.

However, Luca was confident about her diagnosis and immediately opened the patient's robe.

A nurse immediately passed her the drainage device.

After Luca wore the medical gloves, picked up the antiseptic, and applied it to the area she was aboutto do the procedure.

Then, she picked up the drainage device and slowly injected the needle toward the heart.

At that moment, a doctor finally came in. He took a deep, cold breath when he saw Luca's actions."Who is she? How could you guys let her rescue the patient?"

The nurses at the side looked at Luca, but she had no intention of stopping her actions of draining outthe fluids. A nurse had no choice but to explain on Luca's behalf, "This is Dr. Craw. Dr. Park gave herthe authority to rescue this patient. Dr. Park is still on the phone."

"I'm the one who gave her the authorization to do so," Johann replied while driving.

It was indeed Johann's voice. The doctor no longer pursued the matter. He just watched Luca's actionswith a frown. "What's the diagnosis?"

"Pericardial bleeding," a nurse replied.

"Rubbish! Can one drain out the blood at this position for pericardial bleeding? You're harming thepatient!" the doctor saw the position Luca had pierced the needle in and roared. However, Luca wasalready in the midst of it. The doctor did not immediately step forward to snatch the needle away.

Luca's expression was calm and composed. As she was inserting the needle, she said, "Indeed,looking at the position that I'm injecting the needle, it's different from what you've been taught bymedical books. But this patient is in a critical situation. Besides, we weren't able to contact any other

doctors, so treatment was delayed for quite some time. Hence, injecting the needle here is the fastestway to drain the fluids out. It's the fastest way to reduce the heart's burden and to reduce the damage."

As she was speaking, the needle was injected deeper. The fluids were being drained out. The doctorwas dumbfounded when he saw the bloody fluids. He immediately ordered the nurse, "Hurry, go get theultrasound machine here. I have to see how much his heart had been damaged."

"Yes," as the nurse was saying, she immediately pulled the curtains open and ran out.

Luca knew what the doctor was worried about and said faintly, "Don't worry. I didn't poke through thevessels. You can know it just by looking at the fluids that are being drained out."

The doctor looked a the fluids that were being drained out. Indeed, not all of it was blood as there wereother fluids as well.

It seemed that the patient had been experiencing pericardial bleeding for some time now. However,during this period, the patient had never complained of any heart discomfort. Perhaps the pain wasmasked by the medications given to him. Hence, he did not complain of any heart discomfort.

The pericardial bleeding must have worsened and greatly burdened the heart, which led to the currentsituation.

Luca pulled out the needle when she noticed that all the fluids were almost drained out. She looked atthe doctor. "I'll leave the rest to you."

The nurse pushed the machine in. At that moment, the fluids had been drained and Tyrone's indicatorshad returned to normal. The doctor saw Luca taking off her gloves and bringing her phone with her asshe left the ward. He was astonished. "Isn't she the caretaker of the patient in the ward opposite? Whyis she so skillful? She's even a doctor?"

The nurse beside quickly said, "Don't think about these things now, Dr. Simmons. Why don't you havea look at whether or not the patient's heart is alright?"

"Push the machine to the side of the bed," said Dr. Simmons.

Luca walked out of the ward and coincidentally bumped into Aunt Jenny and Keith.

Keith was still panting, and when he saw Luca walking out from inside. He said, astonished, "Why areyou coming out from inside there?"

Luca did not explain, and Aunt Jenny said, "She's the doctor who was resuscitating Tyrone. How's myson?" "His condition has stabilized. The doctor in this hospital is doing a check-up on him now," Lucaanswered.

"Are you a doctor? Aren't you just a caretaker from the opposite ward? What joke are you cracking? Acaretaker rescuing a patient in the ward?" Keith widened his eyes. He could not believe it and stoppedLuca from leaving. "You can't leave. If anything happens to my brother, you're going to have to take fullresponsibility for it."

"The patient had been rescued and is now stable. Besides, I was the one who resuscitated him. I wasauthorized by the hospital to do so. The authorization letter will be delivered soon." Luca lowered hereyes and hung up Johann's call.

She only took part in the emergency rescue for Nina's sake. She did not give it further thought andended up getting herself into this mess.

Looking at Keith blocking her way made her feel frustrated.

"I can't be bothered about all those. Anyhow, you can't leave!" It was obvious that Keith could notbelieve a caretaker would have such capability.

Luke had returned after the check-up, and from far away, he saw this scene. He controlled thewheelchair and rushed to Luca's side without waiting for the nurse to push him over.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Nothing. Mr. Crawford, you should enter first." Luca knew that Luke hated it when she got involved inunrelated matters, so she told him to return to the ward first.novelbin

Besides, it was not a big issue. Tyrone had been rescued, and he would be alright. Everything wouldbe fine once the doctor inside the ward clarified the matter and came out to explain.

There was no need for Luke to make an appearance.

"What's going on?" Luke was stubborn and had no intention of leaving. Instead, he asked Luca onceagain about the situation.

Tyrone said angrily, "Your caretaker, without any license or experience, rushed into the ward to rescuea patient. Isn't this a joke?"

Luke looked at Luca. She got herself involved in such a thing?

Luca lowered her eyes. After being stared at by Luke, she explained helplessly, "At that time, there wasno doctor around and the patient was in a very critical situation. If we didn't rescue him in time, hemight have just passed away. Hence, I called Dr. Park and he gave me the authority to rescue thepatient."

"What kind of joke is this? There was even a doctor here who gave you the authority to do so? You'rejust a caretaker. What right do you have?!" Keith was arrogant.

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