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Chapter 1891

Before Luke could speak, Jim could not help but tease once more, "He's ready to give up on life forBianca."

Percy nodded in agreement.

He would not have ended up suffering so much if he had been obedient back when Luke was on theIsland of Despair.

However, to get away from that place and return to Bianca, he was not bothered about his life andescaped immediately. He even blasted the entire island just to get rid any trouble that may reappear.

The man, who was harsh to himself and other people, was treating Bianca with extra care. Currently,he even stayed in the bar all just so Bianca would not leave, and even dragged them along toaccompany him in drinking liquor.

The man before them had lost the rationale he used to have. All of his unusual behavior was allbecause of Luca.

Jim looked at Luke, who was still binge drinking liquor and not saying a word. Then, he looked at Percy,who was still leaving him in suspense and urged, "If you got any options, please say it out fast. My wifeand kids are still waiting for me at home."

Percy had one of his legs crossed over the other and looked at him. He wanted to think of a way tosolve Luke's problem and hurry back home to be with his wife.

'Who doesn't have a pretty wife waiting for them at home?'

When Percy thought of Nina still waiting for his arrival back at home, he immediately said, "Eventhough up to this point, Luca is still not willing to reveal her identity. In the meantime, she's keeping herdistance from you, and you still have feelings for her. So, why not seize this opportunity and be a little

harsh on yourself, make Luca admit that she still cared for you. Wouldn't that solve the crisis betweenyou two?"

Luke lifted his glass of liquor and did not continue drinking it but squinted his eyes. Despite beingdrunk, he still gave Percy's comment a thought.

"Then what should he do? Torture himself? That's not his way of doing things," said Jim while shakinghis head. The way of causing havoc and even committing suicide was not Luke's way of doing things.

"Of course not. Torturing oneself is the lowliest method. It won't be effective against a sharp lady likeLuca. However, we can create an accident. Say, for example, breaking a leg after being drunk..." Percygave an example.

Suddenly, Luke had a dark expression." What are you trying to say?"

'Getting my leg fractured after being drunk? If words about it were to spread out, I'll be losing mydignity.'

Percy cleared his throat. "I'm just giving an example. If you got injured because of this and got admittedto a hospital, not only will Luca take care of you and the kids but in the meantime, we can be clearabout whether she cares for you. Isn't this killing two birds with a stone?"

"Then breaking one leg isn't enough. I'd say we should make it more serious and that will make Lucatake it seriously," Jim added. "Say for example a road traffic accident. Thinking about the effects of it,for sure it's going to do well."

"You're right. Besides, admitting to a hospital will not delay your work progress. Anyway, it's not yourfirst time working while being admitted to the hospital," said Percy while nodding his head, agreeing toJim's idea. "Traffic accident is a good idea. Just get yourself knocked over and have Johann step in tomake things sound more serious."

Listening to their lousy idea made Luke pick up his glass of liquor and gulp it all in one go beforegetting up.

Percy looked at him. "Where are you going? Don't tell me you taking it for real? We're just joking."

"I'm not drunk," Luke said. He left the room without turning around. Initially, his idea of inviting them outwas to have them give some useful ideas and not some useless stuff.

Indeed, the ideas that they mentioned would make Luca stay back but it was very childish. An adultshould not do such a thing.

Luke paid the bill for that room and left the bar.

Looking at the traffic light made him think of Luca. If he could not come out with an idea, Luca wouldreally leave him.

After waiting for three years, he finally waited for her return. He would not allow her to back off andeven leave him.

The thought of it left him frustrated. He wanted to return to his car to rest for a moment, yet there werea few young reckless drivers who came charging down the street toward him.

Those motorcycles that were headed his way were deafeningly noisy. The few young lads steering thevehicles were drunk. Luke glanced at them, but the effect of the liquor made him unable to react intime. He collided with one of the motorcyclists.

At that moment, it was chaotic.

Luke fell to the ground and stared at the traffic light. He felt dizzy and slowly lost consciousness.

The waiters at the entrance quickly went forth when they saw Luke being knocked down. They helddown the few of them, who had caused trouble and wanted to leave the scene.

"Mr. Crawford. Hey, Mr. Crawford." One of the waiters got down on his knees to examine his condition.Luke was still not responding.

"Hurry and dial 120. Also, Mr. Mallory and his friend are still in the room. Go and tell them about it,"roared the waiter when he noticed Luke had lost consciousness.

Percy and Jim were sitting in the room and drank their last glass of liquor.

Percy said when he saw the waiter pushing the door open and coming into the room, "You came just atthe timing, bill please."

The waiter was anxious. "This is bad, Mr. Mallory. Mr. Crawford got knocked down by a drunkenreckless motorcyclist as soon as he left the bar. Now, he's unconscious at the roadside."

Percy opened his mouth in astonishment and exchanged looks with Jim. 'Whatever I said had turnedinto reality?novelbin

'I just suggested that Luke torture himself by getting into an accident to make Luca worried about him,and he actually went through with it?

'If it was not for him knowing that Luke was not such a person, he would be suspicious whether or nothe did it intentionally.'

"Has the ambulance arrived?" Percy got up and headed out anxiously.

"We've already called the ambulance. It will soon arrive. The main thing is that until now, Mr. Crawfordis still unconscious. I witnessed that his head knocked on the ground..." the waiter was worried. Despite

not them knocking him down, it still occurred at the entrance of their bar.

Besides, any ordinary people would have dodged it. It was because Luke was drunk and unable toreact to it. Hence, he was slow and was not able to dodge it.

If anything were to happen to Luke, and the Mallory family came hunting for an explanation, for surethe bar would be closed down.

"It's just a motorcycle. Is it that serious? Did the motorcycle hit him at a high speed?" Percy asked andheaded out anxiously.

"The velocity was quite fast but was completely avoidable. Maybe Mr. Crawford was drunk and wasn'tlucid enough to dodge. My colleague has already lodged a police report and caught hold of the fewyoungsters. The few youngsters were drunk as well." the waiter replied.

Percy walked out of the bar and saw there a few people surrounding a corner. He went up and sawLuke lying on the ground, not moving an inch as if he was dead.

No one dared to move Luke as they were unsure of his current situation, worried they might causefurther damage to him.

He spun around to look and saw a few waiters pinning onto the few youngsters who were lookingdown. He took off his coat and placed it over Luke's body and walked to the side of the youngsters. "Sothese are the ones who knocked him down?"

"Yes, Mr. Mallory," one of the waiters said.

Percy frowned. "Excellent. How dare you speed on road after being drunk. You guys even sped onroad in groups. Later when the cops arrive, have them all arrested."

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