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Chapter 1882

Tina felt frustrated listening to Zoey's nagging and reminded her, saying, "Ms. Davis, Dr. Craw is yoursuperior."

Zoey was dumbfounded. It was because Tina was always easy to talk to that Zoey decided to getinsider news from her.

"Uhh, Tina..." Zoey wanted to explain.

"As an employee, if you go around looking to get gossip about your superior, you'll only cause others tobe dissatisfied with you. It's not like you're a newbie who had just entered the workforce either, so youshould already know this,” Tina said. In the past, Zoey was never the type to do things without thinkingtwice. It was probably because she mingled too much with Jenni and turned out like this.

"I'm sorry for being a busybody, Tina." After being lectured, Zoey's back had started breaking out in acold sweat.

The waiter came over while carrying meal sets that had been wrapped up for takeaway. Tina took hers,looked at Zoey, and reminded her again. "Don't ever be used by others without you realizing it."

"Got it." Zoey noticed Tina was serious and dared not say too much at that moment.

It was Jenni who had encouraged her to approach Tina and get insider news. She was a busybody andgot lost in her thoughts, which was how she ended up approaching Tina.

After listening to Tina's strict lecture, Zoey noticed she had done something she should not have.

After Tina left, Zoey returned to her table while feeling down.

Before she even sat down, Jenni came over to gossip with her. “How did it go? What did Tina say?"

Zoey looked at Jenni with some resentment. If she had not listened to Jenni, she would not have gottenlectured by Tina. The thought of it made her mood sink lower.

Jenni got anxious and pestered her, saying, "Come on, say something. What did Tina tell you?”

"She didn't say anything." Feeling sad, Zoey picked up her milk tea and took a sip of it.

Jenni looked at her, feeling suspicious. "She didn't say anything? How is that possible? I saw you twospeaking for a long while."

Zoey still did not say a word.

Jenni got mad and said, "We're besties. I've been taking good care of you during work. Now that you'vefound out something but you're not telling me, don't you think it's inappropriate of you?”

"Ms. Lynn, Dr. Craw is my superior!" After being pestered by Jenni, Zoey lost her temper and pushedher milk tea on the table. She exerted a little too much force, so the cup produced a small sound whenit came into contact with the table.

Jenni was stunned and bit her lip. She stared at Zoey for some time before asking, "What are youtrying to say?"

"You knew that Dr. Craw is my superior, yet you still asked me to ask about her gossip. You said we'rebesties, but you're treating me as a tool. Did you ever think about my future when you told me to go askabout my superior's personal matters?” Zoey glanced at Jenni coldly. This time, she had really seenthrough Jenni's true colors.

"All I did was just ask you to get some insider information. Why are you so worked up? If you don't wishto tell me, then forget it." Jenni had no reason to argue back after being blasted by Zoey. She picked up

her cup of coffee and took a sip. "There's no point in saying anything more. From now on, don't blameme for not taking good care of you at work."

"Your department is so far away from mine. You can't even look after me." Zoey got up, spun around,and left.

Jenni glanced at Zoey's back as the latter walked away. She muttered in dissatisfaction, “How did thisbrat suddenly become so smart? Darn it. I just asked her to get some gossip. Why is she being soserious? It seems it's not easy to manipulate those around Luca."

She took out her phone and scrolled through her photo album.

Earlier, she had witnessed the entire exchange in the lobby and sneakily recorded it with her phone.

Since she was not standing too far away, she was able to take a clearer video. She looked at the man'sface and touched her chin, saying, "Do you think if you don't tell me about it, I won't be able toinvestigate it?”

Jenni sent her relative, who was a detective, a photo of that man. She was feeling thrilled. She wantedto seek her relative's help to find out that man's identity.

She was jealous of Luca because she received special treatment from Luke. Hence, she wouldinvestigate anything that might have the chance of making Luca leave a bad impression on Luke.

On the other hand, Tina rushed back to the office and delivered Luca her lunch.

"Here's your lunch, Dr. Craw. Remember to eat it on time, alright?" Tina placed the lunch on Luca'stable and did not mention a word about Luke summoning her.

Luca received it and said while taking out her phone, "How much does it cost? I'll transfer the money toyou."

"No need. We can claim it from the company. I'll just inform the accountant. Besides, it doesn't cost thatmuch. I'll be heading back first." After speaking, Tina waved to Luca and left.

Luca glanced at Tina's back and was feeling down. 'I thought she went to the canteen to have herlunch. Why did she change her mind and got takeaway as well?'

Looking at the food, Luca closed the office door and planned to rest for a moment after having herlunch. She would continue working after that.

Tina rushed back to the office while everyone in the office was having lunch in the cafeteria downstairs.

She had a sad look on her face as she thought about having to face Luke's dark expression. It madeher have the urge to bring Luca along with her.

'But if I bring Luca along, perhaps it might make Mr. Crawford even angrier.'

Tina thought about it and decided to discard that thought. She headed to Luke's office.

Knock, knock. She knocked on the door cautiously, afraid that any huge actions might trigger Luke.

"Come in."

Luke's voice was heard coming from inside. Tina heard it and felt that Luke was holding back his anger.While feeling terrified, Tina pushed the door open.

Luke was the type of person who would unleash his anger on his subordinates if he was mad. Hewould not get the innocent involved.

Regarding this issue, Tina thought that if she had really done something wrong, it was that she did notreport it to Luke and kept the matter from him. Hence, she was prepared to be lectured by Luke.novelbin

She cautiously pushed the door open and saw the man inside. His back was facing the door, and hewas standing while looking out the window.

Tina could not see his expression but could feel his domineering aura.

She was trembling as she said softly, "Mr. Crawford."

"Come in and close the door." Luke extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand. He spun around andlooked at Tina, expressionless.

Tina shuddered and walked into the office. She closed the door and said, "It's my fault, Mr. Crawford."

She admitted her fault before anything else. As long as she had a good attitude, perhaps she would notneed to endure any lectures.

Luke looked at her with a cold gaze with no emotions. It was as if he was unbothered about Luca'sissue.

Only Luke knew just how angry he was because of Luca's issue.

"Spit it out." He sat on the executive chair and just said those two words. He was not looking at Tinaanymore.

"I think that guy's name is Enoch Campbell. He's the guy Dr. Craw went on a blind date with, but shedoesn't have the slightest feelings for him. Besides, she did the right choice of rejecting that guy. But itseems Enoch hasn't given up on her. Even after being rejected, he returned to look for Dr. Craw again.”Tina immediately came clean about everything. After all, it was more important to keep her career safe.

"Enoch Campbell?" Luke muttered the name softly in a calm and cold tone, but it sounded as thoughhe wanted to tear Enoch into pieces.

"Yes, sir. His name is Enoch. I think he's a civil servant in the provincial capital. His qualifications areslightly better compared to an ordinary guy, but he's too confident in himself. Dr. Craw doesn't seem tohave a good impression of him,” said Tina.

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