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Chapter 1844

Enoch drove all the way while following behind the cab Luca was in.

Then, he reached the entrance of the villa district. He stopped the car beside the road and watchedLuca get out of the car before walking into the villa district.

"She's staying in a villa district?" Enoch glanced at the houses in front of him. The prices of such villadistricts had surpassed the average real estate prices in A City over the recent years. It was evenabout to exceed the land price of the mansions built by those wealthy people back then.

Those who could stay here were mostly successful entrepreneurs and A-list celebrities.

“Is Luca that rich?” Enoch furrowed his brows suspiciously, refusing to believe that.

Although Luca had a decent job and she came back from abroad, only a few could afford to stay inthese mansions...

Enoch picked up his phone and saved the video he recorded. Then, he asked a friend who wasworking in the housing and urban development field out for dinner before leaving.

Luca did not know Enoch had followed her all the way here. She had been busy handling her workwhen she was in the cab and did not pay attention to what was going on on the road. When shereached the villa, she greeted the children and headed to the kitchen where she began to make dinner.

Luke had not come back even after dinner was ready.

She knew Luke would come back late tonight. Maybe he would even sleep in the office. In the past,she would definitely deliver a warm dinner to the office for Luke. However, she had no status now. Thatwas why she just kept some food for Luke. After she kept the food warm, she ate dinner with thechildren.

After dinner, the children took turns letting her check their homework. Then, Luca imitated Luke'ssignature to sign their exercise books.

Lanie noticed that Luca had signed using Luke's signature and asked, "Ms. Luca, why are you usingDaddy's signature?"

"It's because your teacher will ask who I am if I sign my name on it. If you try to explain things to yourteacher, they probably won't believe it. Since it's troublesome, I'd rather sign your Daddy's name on it,"explained Luca. After she signed Lanie's exercise book, she picked up Rainie's book to sign Luke'ssignature on it as well.

Lanie looked at the signature on his book and exclaimed, "Ms. Luca, the signature you signed is almostthe same as Daddy's signature. That's impressive."

Luca smiled. She had picked up the skill when she was on the Island of Despair.

When she was trained on the Island Of Despair, they would arrange various courses for her. It was tomake sure that she could master a wide range of skills so that she could carry out her missions easily.

Skills like forging a signature would sometimes come in handy when she was carrying out missions.

After undergoing training for so long, Luca never expected that the first time she would be using thisskill was to sign her children's homework.

She would not have signed the children's homework on behalf of Luke if it was not because he mightnot be coming back tonight.

"They're really alike. I used to have a hobby. I loved to copy others' handwriting. The more I practiced,the better I got at it. It's just like with Mr. Crawford's handwriting. I often see his signature on

documents, so that's why I know how to copy his signature too," explained Luca. After signing Rainie'sexercise book, she picked up Tommy's.

Tommy's homework was not as good as his elder brother's and sister's. He could not calm himselfdown to focus on his homework because of his personality. Hence, Luca checked Tommy's homeworkagain. After making sure there was no problem with it, she signed Luke's name on it.

After completing everything, Luca stood up and said, "Alright. You've done your homework. You can goahead and watch your cartoons or do anything else you want."

"Ms. Luca, what are you going to do?" Tommy asked.

"Me? I have to work." Luca stroked the child's head and added, "I'm sorry. I've been busy with worklately, so I can't keep you company."

"It's alright, Ms. Luca. Go on, then," Rainie replied thoughtfully. The children felt satisfied as long astheir mother was willing to stay with them. It was enough if they could see her and have dinner with herevery day.

Meanwhile, Tommy said, "Ms. Luca, you're too busy. Look what Daddy has done, giving you so muchwork. You should ask him to reduce your workload. That way, you can have more time to rest."

Luca smiled and stroked Tommy's head. She said, "Everyone in the office is busy now. I can't just sitthere and do nothing. Alright, I'm going upstairs to work now. Come upstairs to look for me if you needsomething, okay?"

"Okay," the three kids replied in unison.

After Luca went upstairs, Rainie looked around her. The maid was busy cleaning up the kitchen. Rainiesaid to her elder brother in a low voice, "Lanie, Ms. Luca is lying. She didn't know how to copy others'

handwriting back then."

"She's maturing. She now knows how to do things she didn't know how to previously," replied Lanie.Even though Luca did not tell Luke what she had gone through, he was sensitive enough to sense thattheir mother had gone through a tough time in the past few years.

Rainie nodded her head. Her father told her before that adversity led to growth. Their mother musthave suffered all these years...

It was 11 o'clock at night,

Luca silently walked out of her bedroom. She headed to the living room on the second floor andopened the balcony door.

A gust of cold wind blew into the room. She could not help but shiver for a while. The temperature hadplunged tonight, and it was much colder.

Luca walked to the balcony and looked at the parking lot downstairs. Luke's car was not there, whichmeant that he was still in the office.

She pulled her jacket closer around her body as she trotted back to the living room and closed thedoor. It felt much warmer now. Then, she recalled the night Luke gave her his coat. She wanted to dothe same as well.

However, she had no status to do so, and she could not leave now.

The maid had already gotten off work. Although the kids had gone to bed, it was dangerous to leavethem at home alone.novelbin

The temperature had dropped. She wondered if the children's blankets were enough to keep themwarm.

As Luca thought of this, she walked toward Tommy's bedroom and gently pushed the door open.

The child was lying on the bed, deeply asleep.

Luca walked toward Tommy and saw that he was nicely tucked in. She smiled. The child used to kickthe blanket off him. He had grown up now, and he no longer made a fuss in his sleep. She touched thechild's forehead. It felt a little cold. She took another blanket out of the cabinet and draped it over him.

Then, she left without making a sound.

After that, Luca headed to Rainie's room. Little girls were weaker against the cold compared to boys.Hence, she took another blanket to cover it on her as well. She helped to tuck the blanket underRainie's arms. When she was about to leave, she heard Rainie talking in her dream.


Luca was startled for a moment and turned around to look at Rainie.

Rainie's eyes were not opened; they were still closed.

It seemed like she was talking in her sleep...

Luca let out a sigh. When the kids were sleeping, they were dreaming about their mother. She wastheir mother and standing in front of them now, but she could not acknowledge them.

Luca massaged the dull pain in her forehead. The more she thought about it, it was not only her headthat ached but her heart too.

Luca was not beside them when they were young. She thought they could live a happy life togetherwith them after acknowledging them, but now..

Luca closed the door gently and walked toward Lanie's bedroom. She added another blanket to keephim warm too.

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