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Chapter 1841

Queenie let out a sigh. “Stop pushing yourself. It's my fault. Love can't be forced. Enoch, you just haveto let it go."

Enoch smiled at her. Love could not be forced, but he had already fallen in love with Luca at first sight.

Enoch had been single for years. It was not because no one had ever introduced him to other women,but it was he who felt that those women were no match for him. That was why he had chosen to staysingle.

That was all until he met Luca. Luca's appearance, aura, personality, and career were good enough forhim. That was how he began to fall in love with her.

Enoch thought Luca would be satisfied with him, but he did not expect that Luca would show nointerest in him.

He had been living a smooth sailing life, but he had encountered setbacks at that particular moment.

Enoch did not express his emotions in front of Queenie, but he was secretly holding a grudge againstthis matter.

On the other hand.

Luca hurried back to the office. She let out a sigh of relief after getting rid of Enoch.

When Luca was back in her office, she packed the things that would be needed for the meeting later.

Tina knocked on her door and walked in. She smiled and handed a thermos bottle to Luca. She said,"Dr. Craw, this is for you."

"What's this?" Luca put down her laptop and took the thermos bottle from Tina with a confused look onher face.

"I made this juice for you. I bought the fruits at the supermarket before I came to work this morning.They're all imported fruits, and the juice tastes good. It's my gift for you in return." Tina was not the kindof person who would take things for granted, and that was why she wanted to give something to Lucain return.

Tina knew Luca did not like drinking coffee, so she wanted to thank her by making her nutritious juice.

"Thank you. I'll drink it after the meeting." Luca readily accepted it. She picked up her laptop, then thefolder that Jason had passed to her just now.

Tina knew Luca needed to attend the meeting, so she nodded. She did not have to attend the meetingthis time. She said, "Then I'll leave you to it. See you later."

“See you later." Luca carried her laptop and walked out of her office.novelbin

Luca walked into the meeting room. Some of the senior managers were already sitting there waiting forthe meeting to start.

Luca had attended a few meetings like these before. She was no longer feeling distraught. She washere to work, and that was why no peculiar eyes were falling on her anymore.

Luca sat down on the right side of the CEO's seat. She turned on her laptop, opened the documentfolder, and took the recording pen out of her pocket. She got ready to record the minutes.

After she got everything ready, Luke walked into the room with a stern look on his face.

Those who were in the meeting room got serious too when they saw Luke's expression. Thisimpromptu meeting was not as simple as it seemed. Something must have happened. Otherwise, their

boss would not have that look on his face.

Jason distributed the documents one by one to every senior manager.

Luke sat on the CEO's seat and looked at every subordinate disdainfully.

No one even dared to breathe when Luke was watching them like that.

Luca sat beside him. She could feel the depressing atmosphere in the room. Deep down in her, sheknew something must have happened. Otherwise, Luke would not have such an expression on hisface.

Indeed, Luke spoke and said, "The European company has just added another new condition. Thedetails are in the document. Please take a closer look at it."

The senior managers heard him and opened the documents in front of them immediately to read thespecific requirements. The European company had made a big adjustment to the building materials,architecture design, and price.

Luca had received a copy of the document too. She lifted her head and glanced at Luke after she readit.

The architecture design in T Corporation's bid document was similar to the requirements of theEuropean company. There was only a slight difference that did not meet the requirements. Hence, theyonly had to make some slight amendments to it.

As for the building materials, they could be adjusted and modified. There would be a change in theprice of the bid document as the cost of materials increased.

These were not the real problem.

The biggest problem was—time.

The whole bid document had been completed, but the rest of the content would need to be amended ifthey made any changes to it now. Moreover, it was only less than two weeks until the bidding date.

It would be a fastidious job that required cooperation from every department to redraft a bid documentwithin two weeks while translating the whole document at the same time.

If something went wrong, they would be late in submitting the bid document.

"Boss, we can't make it in time," said one of the senior managers.

Luke turned to look at him and said, "Our architecture design is similar to the requirements of the otherparty. We only have to amend some other parts and the building materials listed on the document. Theother companies participating in the bid are also facing the same problem. The thought that they don'thave enough time to amend their document didn't even occur to them, so why would we think so?"

The senior managers dared not to say another word when they heard that.

It was not that they could not make it in time, but if Luke decided to rush it, they would have to work dayand night for the next two weeks.

They were worried they would burn out.

“Boss, since they're the ones who asked us to make the amendments, didn't they extend the time?"another senior manager asked.

Luke shook his head and replied, "The time hasn't changed."

"They're clearly making things difficult for us. Could it be that someone is pulling the strings behind thecompany?" Another senior manager was a little annoyed. The company did not ask for any other

requirements before this, yet now they were making demands. It seemed like someone in thatcompany had already made a decision on which company to choose.

However, that person was worried that the competition would be fierce, so they came up withsomething like this.

The other companies were the ones who had to suffer.

"No matter what, I want to see a completed bid document submitted in two weeks," said Luke. Hewould never give up the bidding this time.

If he gave up like that, then everything they had done and the efforts his employees had put in beforethis would be all in vain.

As a business owner, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

The senior managers fell silent. After all, they had put in so much effort before. They had to make itwork no matter what.

"Is there a problem?" Luke looked at them.

"No," the senior managers replied.

Luke nodded. Since they had no problem with it, then they should continue to study the contents of thedocument. At the same time, Luke would guide them further along the process.

In the first step, the design department had to take charge. Luke only ended the meeting after hesuggested modifying the whole design.

After Luke left, Luca stood up and tidied up her documents.

Jason said, "Dr. Craw, your translation work will wrap up after the amendment this time. You can'thandle this alone, so our Russian translator will come back to work together with you to reduce yourburden here.

Luca nodded. Indeed, she had to wait until they had amended the whole bid document to starttranslating it. Hence, she would be the last one to finish everything.

Luca could not work with them during the preliminary stages, and she had to work alone. It was fine forher if enough time was given, but she would be buried with work if not enough time was given.

It would be best if someone could help her with it.

"Glad to hear someone will be helping me." She let out a sigh of relief.

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