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Chapter 1803

"How much did you overhear from the conversation between me and Mrs. Mallory?" Susan asked. Themaid was responsible for delivering food and drinks to Allison. She was usually the one in contact withAllison.

The maid's body shook as she uttered, "Madam Susan, I didn't hear anything."

"Very well. If someone else knows about what we talked about, I’ll know that you accidentallyoverheard it and spread the news. You're aware of the consequences, yes?" Susan threatened themaid. Although Old Master Crawford was still in control of the Crawford family, she still had the ability toframe the maid and have her fired.

The maid nodded quickly and said, "I understand. I didn't hear anything."

The maid cleared the cups and snacks on the coffee table. Then, she got a text from Allison, so sheimmediately went upstairs.

She knocked on the door of the room, and Allison's voice came from inside. "Come in."

The maid opened the bedroom door and saw Allison's face. She was frightened and could not helptrembling. She immediately lowered her gaze and asked, "Madam Allison, what can I help you with?"

"Take that bowl out of here. It stinks like hell," Allison said while she pointed to the bowl next to her thatcontained the herbal concoction. She had only taken two sips before she decided that she did not wantit anymore.

The maid came in and picked up the bowl along with the tray.

Allison asked, "Has Madam Mallory left?"

"I think so," the maid replied cautiously. She knew that Allison wanted to get information out of her, soshe was careful not to let herself slip. After all, Susan had warned her.

As such, she could only hide what she knew from Allison.

"Did she say anything?" Allison looked at herself in the mirror, her thoughts in turmoil. She covered themirror with a black cloth.

The maid replied softly, "She chatted with Madam Susan for a while and left."

Allison raised her eyebrows and looked at the maid. She was jealous of the maid's fairly smooth faceand was mad that a maid's skin was better than hers. "Chat? What did they talk about?" "They seemedto be talking about some household matters. Nothing out of the ordinary." The maid tried to fool her.

Allison continued to ask, "Household matters? She didn't mention to Susan why she came to look forme?" "I didn't hear anything... I was in the living room only for a while before I was asked to go to thekitchen by the cook to help out." The maid quickly shook her head.

Allison did not look at her anymore. She waved her hand and said, "You can leave now. By the way,you don't need to bring me lunch later. I'm trying to lose weight."

"Okay, Madam Allison." The maid got her permission and immediately went downstairs with the bowlfor fear that Allison would continue to question her. She was worried she would end up lettingsomething slip because she was too nervous.

Allison sat on the vanity chair, deep in thought.

Madam Mallory was not close with her and would usually look for Susan if she visited.

'Why did she suddenly come to look for me today? Is it as simple as wanting to see my disfiguredface?'

"What a bitch!" Allison yelled out vicious words when she thought that Madam Mallory came for justthat.

At noon.

Luca finished a task and ran to the lab downstairs to check on the progress of the experiment.

Rhett handed her the reports. Luca carefully looked at every line of the data. She did not dare to becareless. All of the data would affect the final stage of the drug's research and development.

After she read the data at hand, Luca asked "Has the clinical trial report been sorted out?"

"We'll only be able to have it ready this afternoon," Rhett answered honestly.

Luca nodded and did not put pressure on them. "The processing of the data can't go wrong, or it'llaffect the next step of the research. Take it easy. Just make sure there are no mistakes."

Rhett nodded and asked embarrassedly, "Are you sure that everything is okay? I heard that Dr. Albus'research is coming to an end and their drug is about to be launched. The laboratory researchers on ourteam are feeling a little anxious because of that..."

Luca understood why they were anxious. After all, they were supposedly ahead of everyone with theirresearch...

They could not help but feel ashamed of being overtaken by Dr. Albus' team.

Luca placed the report in his hand and replied, "Drug research is not child's play. Our drug is morecomplicated than Dr. Albus'. It's understandable why we were ahead in the early stages of our researchand slowed down in the later period. Don't rush. The progress of others doesn't represent ours. Speeddoesn't mean anything as long as we're meticulous with the research and the medicine can truly curepatients.”

Rhett took the report from her and nodded.

Luca was reasonable.

However, the news of her helping out Dr. Albus had spread in the team. Some of the researchers weredissatisfied. After all, they were all hands on deck with the research, while Luca not only had to takecare of T Corporation's translation work but she also helped Dr. Albus...

Luca looked at Rhett's embarrassed look and knew why he reacted as such. "Tell them to focus on thetask at hand. If the drug is effective, it'll naturally sell. If the sales are good, they'll get their bonus.Besides, the company's end of the year performance is not based on who launches the drug in themarket first but rather, whose drug is used by more hospitals and institutions."

Rhett nodded knowingly.

Luca glanced at the time and said, "It's time for lunch. Go and get something to eat."

"Dr. Craw, don't you want to get anything to get? Do you need me to take away some food for you?"Rhett asked.

Luca turned around, yawned, shook her head, and said, "I'm not hungry. I want to go back to the officeto rest for a while. When lunch break is over, please knock on my door. I'm afraid I won't be able to getup in time."

She did not sleep all night last night, so she was a little tired and sleepy.

However, there were not many office sofas that a person could lie flat on. Hence, Luca came downspecifically to lie down and rest in this office.

"Okay, Dr. Craw."

Luca walked back to the office and sighed as soon as she closed the door.

The high-intensity workload required her to get enough sleep. She glanced in the direction of thesurveillance camera and wondered if Luke had already gotten someone to dismantle the camera or ifhe was still monitoring her through it.

Now that she was working in the upstairs office most of the time, she assumed that he was no longermonitoring her.

Luca thought about it but still decided to turn her head in the direction of the camera, lay down, and puther coat over her. She planned to rest for a while.


Luke opened the office door and walked to Luca's office. He found that while the door was open, Lucawas not inside.

‘Did she go out for lunch?'

He raised his eyebrows. He thought that it was more probable for Luca to ask someone else to takeaway food for her while she made use of the time to get some rest.novelbin

"Boss?" Jason had finished lunch and walked over when he saw Luke standing in Luca's office. Heasked Luke, "Are you looking for Dr. Craw?"

"She went out for lunch?" Luke glanced at him, his eyes focused once again on the office chair.

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