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Chapter 1790

Percy held Nina's hand tightly. He was beside her, so she had nothing to be afraid of...

"No matter what the consequence, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She's my soulmate. Noone can change my mind about that."

The corners of Nina's eyes were moist when she heard how unyielding his tone was.

No matter what she had to endure in the future, what Percy just said was enough to sustain herthrough it all. There would be no more misunderstandings and differences moving forward because sherealized that this man loved her as much as she loved him.

"What if you had to give up everything that comes with being a Mallory?" Old Master Mallory was crossseeing how determined Percy was.

The Mallory family was the source of all his glory. The old master did not think that Nina would still optto be with Percy if he lost everything.

Percy did not waver. "Even if you take everything from me, I still want to be with Nina."

Old Master Mallory slammed his cane hard on the floor. 'Does he think that it's just a threat?!'

Old Master Mallory assumed that Percy was fearless because he was brought up by his side andtrained to be the heir since young. He thought that if he took away everything and made Percy realizethat he could give the title to Pierre at any time, Percy would be back down.

As such, Old Master Mallory said stubbornly, "Do you think you're the only one who carries the Mallorysurname?"

Pierre's eyes twinkled. Although the pain was getting on his nerves and his will, Old Master Mallory'swords lifted his spirits.

Although he no longer needed the Mallory family's support, it would be great if he could have all of theMallory family's assets under his name.

Who would say no to getting more wealth?

If not for Old Master Mallory intending to give everything to Percy in the beginning, Pierre would nothave started a new company to secure his future.

Percy knew what Old Master Mallory meant, but he was confident in himself. He could give Nina astable future with or without the Mallory family.

"Even if you give Pierre everything I have, I'll still choose to be with Nina. Without the Mallory family, I'llhave to start all over again. But that doesn't mean my life will be over." Percy realized that as long asNina was with him, his life would not be coming to an end any time soon.

"You... You!" Old Master Mallory was raving mad and stared at Percy with somber eyes. He did notnotice any shift in emotions from Percy. The strong will in his eyes remained the same.

Percy was brought up by him since he was a child. He could see whether Percy was being truthful at aglance.

Percy was absolutely serious.

'He's willing to give up his life for a woman who can take everything from him at any time?!' Old MasterMallory's resentful gaze fell on Nina. The grandson he had always been proud of had been bewitchedby this woman!

"Okay, in that case, I'll go to work tomorrow on Monday and hold a general meeting to revoke yourposition in front of everyone. Moving forward, Pierre will be responsible for everything to do withMallory Corporation!" Old Master Mallory made a decision in a fit of anger.

Percy's expression remained the same. He looked at Old Master Mallory and took out his phone.

"You don't have to make things so troublesome. I'll resign on Monday. However, I urge you toreconsider the person in charge."

"What do you mean?!" Old Master Mallory was so angry that his face turned blue. He was fuming thatPercy did not react even after threatening to have him fired. Old Master Mallory felt that his grandsonwas getting more and more out of control.

Percy handed the phone to him and said, "This is the evidence I've collected in the last few months.Pierre's company doesn't seem like it's infringing on the interests of Mallory Corporation, but what he'sbeen doing makes it clear that he wants to overtake the company. If you leave Mallory Corporation inhis hands, do you think Mallory Corporation will annex his company, or his company will annex MalloryCorporation?"

Old Master Mallory's expression turned even uglier. He took Percy's phone. It took some time for him togo through the evidence as he did not have his reading glasses with him.novelbin

Pierre's expression changed in an instant when he heard what Percy said. "What nonsense! I didn't doanything!"

"I can't fake the evidence. Everything that you've done is part of your plan to annex MalloryCorporation. If you're handed Mallory Corporation, what will you do next?" Percy faced Pierre head-on.Their brotherhood no longer meant anything to him.

Ever since Pierre did such an outrageous thing to Nina, he did not see him as his younger brother."Don't accuse me of something I didn't do!" Pierre's expression was ugly. He wanted to get up andargue with Percy, but he had no strength. He forced himself to get up. In the end, he was just a joke toNina.

"Everything I've done is for Mallory Corporation. If you want to buy my company, I'll agree to the salewithout saying a word," he continued to quibble.

He had been careful. He was unsure how Percy knew about it.

He could not pinpoint where he went wrong and how Percy got evidence of what he did no matter howhard he tried to recall.

Pierre would never allow something to go wrong seeing that Mallory Corporation was that close tobeing his.

Percy did not say anything. He just waited for Old Master Mallory to finish reviewing the evidence.

After Old Master Mallory went through everything, he stared at Pierre sternly.

Madam Mallory was calling Nina every name in the book in her heart. At the same time, she wasobserving everyone's reactions. Old Master Mallory's reaction gave her a bad feeling. Perhaps basedon the evidence, Pierre had indeed done something awful.

Nevertheless, no matter what he did, as long as Mallory Corporation wanted to buy over his company,he would agree to it. He had already made the promise to Old Master Mallory.

"Dad, you can't trust this so-called evidence. Percy has been bewitched by this fiend. I bet she madeup everything to confuse us all." Madam Mallory was calling Nina all sorts of names.

Old Master Mallory glared at her, his expression was impatient. "This is not your place to speak."

Madam Mallory shut up and looked at Pierre. She was unsure what he did and why Old Master Mallorywas not targeting Nina.

As their mother, she wanted both of her sons to listen to her. Nevertheless, Pierre was her favorite, soshe hoped that things would go well for him.

Old Master Mallory approached the hospital bed, looked at his pale grandson, and asked, "Pierre,explain yourself."

"Grandpa, what do I have to explain? Even if the evidence is true, Mallory Corporation will be on thewinning end." Pierre was not sure what Old Master Mallory knew, so he made it seem that it was all ingood intentions and that it was for the good of Mallory Corporation.

"Mallory Corporation is a tall tree and is sure to catch the wind. My company is there to back MalloryCorporation. When necessary, it'll merge with Mallory Corporation so that Mallory Corporation can beeven stronger. Grandpa, you have to believe me."

Old Master Mallory looked at Percy.

Percy's face was expressionless. His thin lips then spat out the truth. "Everything you do is for the goodof Mallory Corporation? That's what it seems like on the surface, but we both know that your ambitionsgo beyond that.

"Otherwise, why would you be involved in the industries that the Crawford and Holston families are in?I know you're also secretly involved in the dark market. You're saying that your company will backMallory Corporation? I think you want to annex Mallory Corporation, or worse, drag Mallory Corporationinto the abyss."

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