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Chapter 1778

Luca was patient. She waited until the kids had finished talking before replying to each of them. Then,she asked them, "Where's your daddy?"novelbin

Rainie pointed upstairs, "Daddy is upstairs. He's still working."

"Alright. Be good. I'm going upstairs to discuss something with him." Luca had bought some chocolate-flavored candies before she came back. She took them out of her pocket and gave two candies to eachof them. Then, she headed upstairs.

After what had happened today, she was pretty sure that she would not get into trouble. Still, she hadto tell Luke about it.

She walked upstairs to the second floor. Luca directly knocked on his bedroom door. This time, it wasnot because of her affairs but about Nina and the Mallory family. It had nothing to do with their lovematters. Hence, she was able to face him directly.

"Come in." Luke's voice came from inside.

Luca pushed the door open and saw that the man was busy with his work. He was typing on thekeyboard handling his work. He was not in a meeting, so he was available to talk.

"Mr. Crawford, I'd like to have a word with you. Can you spare me five minutes of your time?" sheasked.

"Come in and talk to me. I'm not used to talking to someone from a far distance," Luke said in a coldtone as he glanced at Luca, who was still standing at the door.

Luca was startled for a moment. She told herself that his bedroom was not some bottomless abyss.She walked in.

Luke pointed at the couch beside him and said, "Sit down and talk."

"There's no need to. It's not really a big deal. It's just that I ran into Pierre when I came out of thehospital just now. I couldn't help but give him a lecture." Luca told him what she did.

Luke frowned and looked at her. "Are you hurt?"

Luca was slightly surprised. He did not blame her or judge her for what she did. Instead, he wasconcerned about her and asked if she was hurt.

"No. He can't lay a finger on me," she answered honestly. The incident last time was merely anaccident.

If he had not used dirty tricks to trap her after kidnapping her, she would not have ended up in such amess.

Luke looked at her from head to toe. He nodded his head after making sure that she was not hurt. "It'dbe better to avoid someone like Pierre when you see him next time."

Luca replied, "Alright."

She knew that she would have to face Pierre's revenge after dealing with him.

He was a petty man. Besides, she could not predict when Pierre would strike again.

"Did you beat him up badly?" Luke asked again. He did not intend to blame her for punishing him bybeating him up.

"Perhaps," Luca replied honestly. It might not be considered serious because there were no wounds onhis body. Even if he went for a check-up, the doctor would not be able to tell what was wrong with him.However, she was sure that he would be in pain for a couple of days after she beat him up.

Luke looked at her. What was she talking about?

Luca then explained, "He's going to suffer for the next few days. But there are no wounds on his body,and he won't be able to find out what's wrong with him either."

Luke knew that she must have used her own ways to teach Pierre a lesson.

After all, after what had happened the last time and Nina getting kidnapped by him this time, Luca mustbe holding a grudge against him.

"Apart from these?" Luke knew there was more to it apart from her teaching Pierre a lesson.

Luca was stunned. How did he know her so well? Yes, there was something else she wanted to talk tohim about...

"There's a recording." Luca took her phone out and hit the play button.

After Luke finished listening to it, he did not frown. Instead, he said, "The recording—"

"I'm not planning to give it to Mr. Mallory. I don't know what he's up to, but if he can't handle this matterproperly, I'll consider sending this to him," said Luca.

She still thought of letting Percy deal with Nina's affair himself, but she would lend him a hand whennecessary.

The recording was just a backup.

Luke gazed deeply at her. She had changed a lot. She could do anything to protect the people shecared about regardless of the consequences.

She could even go this far for Nina. However, she chose to run away from him.

There was nothing Luke could do. He had no choice but to advise her and say, "Pierre won't let you getaway with it. Be careful."

"Okay." Luca was still surprised that he did not blame her for being impulsive.

After telling Luke what she wanted to say, she looked at the thick pile of folders on his table. Sherefused to bother him any longer. "Mr. Crawford, I'm going back to work first."

"Alright," replied Luke.

Luca turned around and left. Then, she closed the door.

Luke watched her from behind as she disappeared behind the wooden door. He let out a sigh. "Whenwill you openly face me?"

Luca returned to her bedroom and took out the documents that needed to be translated. She sat downat the table and began translating.

She told the children that she had something to do and would be busy. The three of them could nothave been more considerate. They did not come in to disturb her.

They did not even come to the second floor.

Two hours later, Luca was done translating one document. When she was about to head downstairs toget a glass of water, she pushed the door open and saw the maid pacing back and forth outside Luke'sbedroom.

“What's the matter?" Luca stepped forward and asked when she saw the uneasiness on the maid'sexpression.

The maid saw her and said immediately, "Ms. Luca, the police officers are downstairs. They claim thatthey're looking for you."

Luca was puzzled. Why was the maid outside Luke's bedroom if they were looking for her?

"Are they downstairs?"

The maid nodded. She instantly stopped Luca when she saw Luca going downstairs. "Ms. Luca, itseems that they're looking for you because you beat someone up. Why don't you let Mr. Crawfordhandle this?"

Luca shook her head. She knew the police officers were here because of Pierre's matter.

She did not expect Pierre to be so shameless. He even called the police after getting beaten up by awoman. Was he not embarrassed to be taught a lesson by a woman?

"It's not a big deal. I can handle this myself." Luca did not want to disturb Luke.

She did not leave any wounds on Pierre's body. Hence, there was nothing the police officers could doabout this. Even though there were surveillance cameras there, they would still be able to see thatPierre was the one who started it. She was just defending herself.

She did not even leave a wound on his body when she defended herself against him. What could thepolice officers say?

Luca was preparing to go downstairs to talk with those police officers. Luke's bedroom door waspushed open when she took a step forward.

Luke stared at the maid outside the door, then at Luca, who was not far away from her. He asked,"What happened?"

The maid was worried that she might disturb him if she knocked on the door. That was why she washesitating outside the door. She immediately told Luke when she saw him, "Mr. Crawford, there are twopolice officers downstairs. They came to look for Ms. Luca, claiming that Ms. Luca beat someone up.And they want her to cooperate with them in the investigation."

Luke frowned and turned to look at Luca.

Her expression was calm, and there was not even a trace of fear or worry on her face.

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