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Chapter 1759

The master bedroom was near the stairs. Luca walked in, put down the briefcase, and came out again.

She noticed that something was off and turned her head, looking at the guest bedrooms.

Previously, she opened all the doors of the guest bedrooms for ventilation. However, all of the doorswere closed now...

'Could it be that the cleaning lady and maid closed them after they were done cleaning up?'

Luca did not think much about it and did not bother to open the doors. She walked downstairs. She hadto prepare dinner for three children and two adults, so there was a lot to do. If she started immediately,she could have some desserts ready for the kids when they arrived.

After she thought of that, she rolled up her sleeves and walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner withLeane.

Half an hour later, Luca's appetizers were ready and Zander arrived at the villa with the children.

Tommy walked into the villa and went straight to the kitchen, shouting, "Ms. Luca!"

Luca turned around and saw Tommy running toward her. She smiled, squatted down, and wrapped thechild in her arms. "You're back from school?"

Tommy nodded, got close to her, and said, "Yeah, Ms. Luca. I missed you so much! Did you miss me?"

"Of course, I did! You're a handsome little boy. I think about you every day!" Luca touched Tommy'shead. After a few days of not seeing him, she felt that the child had grown taller again.

Children nowadays grew up fast. A few days of not seeing them felt like years. In a blink of an eye, thechildren had grown taller.

"Since Ms. Luca missed me so much, I'll accompany you and stay with you every day from now on!"Tommy said, his eyes bright and full of joy.

Luca listened to the child's innocent words. She smiled and said nothing.

She also wanted to stay with the children every day. She would not feel tired no matter how long shehad to take care of them.

However, the reality was cruel. She could not admit that she was their mother. As such, she could notlive with them.

Luca stood up and said, "I made you some mini pre-dinner desserts. Do you want some?"

"Okay! Ms. Luca, you're the best!" Tommy clapped his hands.

Luca walked out with the mini desserts while Tommy followed her, pulling on her apron.

Luca greeted Lanie and Rainie, who were sitting obediently on the sofa. "Lanie, Rainie, come over fordessert."

When they heard her, Lanie and Rainie stood up together and walked toward the dining room.

Rainie's eyes lit up as soon as she saw the desserts on the table. Luca noticed it, smiled, and held up amini dessert with the most cream. She handed it to Rainie, "Rainie, I know you like sweet foods. Thisone has the most cream. It's for you."

"Thank you, Ms. Luca. I do like sweet foods the most." Rainie took it, her eyes lighting up once morewhen she saw the delicate dessert.

Luca took two more for Lanie and Tommy. "This is for you, and you. I'll have to get back to the kitchen.By the way, you can run around but be careful so you won't fall."

She knew that the children were active, so she wanted to remind them.

"Ms. Luca, can I take it and eat it on the sofa?" Lanie asked cautiously. Although she knew this wastheir daddy's villa, their daddy now listened to their mommy, so he wanted to be sure.

Moreover, their mommy had disappeared for three years. Although Luca was kind to them, he was stillcareful. He did not want to make her angry by doing something wrong.

"Of course, you can. Just make sure you don't run around after eating." Luca urged them. She pattedRainie's head, thought about it, then touched Lanie's head. After that, she walked into the kitchen.

Lanie held the dessert in one hand and put his other hand on top of his head.

Their Mommy's hands were still so warm...

Luca walked into the kitchen. Leane said cheekily, "Ms. Craw, do the kids like your desserts?"

"It looks like they do. They each took one and are eating it now," Luca said. She walked to thepreparation table and started to cut the meat.

"Young Master Lanie is not usually a fan of desserts. If he's eating it too, it means that they truly lovethe food you make. You have a special connection with them," Leane said. Whenever the cook inCrawford Manor prepared something sweet, Lanie would never eat it.

Luca was stunned that Lanie did not like desserts. He thought of how he had so much of the cupcakesshe made before. Before she came into the kitchen, she also noticed that Lanie had already taken asmall bite of the dessert she prepared.

She shook her head and continued cooking.

With Leane's help, after an hour, Luca turned all the ingredients into ordinary home-cooked dishes.Although they were home-cooked dishes, they were full of colors and flavors.

Luca sniffed it and was not sure when Luke would be back. Hence, she put all the dishes in themicrowave. She planned to wait for Luke to come back before eating.

After a while, she heard the sound of a car.

Leane also heard it. "Young Master Luke is back."

Luca was surprised by what she said. Leane said that Young Master Luke was back, not that YoungMaster Luke had arrived.

It was as if Luke stayed here.

"Leane, please help me bring these dishes out," Luca said. The dishes were best served warm andwould not taste as good when they were reheated. She did not expect him to arrive at the perfect time.

"Okay," Leane smiled and helped bring out the home-cooked dishes.

The kids were waiting for their father at the door. When they saw Luke coming back, they surroundedhim and said, "Daddy, you're back!"

Rainie said first.

"Dad, Ms. Luca made a lot of delicious food and mini desserts. Let's eat?"novelbin

That was what the gluttonous Tommy said.

"Dad, Tommy has been good. Ms. Luca's delicious food filled his mouth so he wasn't naughty at all."

Lanie spoke too.

Luca listened to what the children said and frowned slightly. No matter who said what, it all soundedlike they thought Luke stayed here...

Luke looked toward the dining room and happened to meet her gaze.

Luca quickly looked away and said, "The food is ready. Wash your hands and we can have dinner,"

"Yay! Ms. Luca is awesome! I can't wait to eat her delicious food!" Tommy was the happiest whenever itinvolved food. He was tired of eating the food prepared by Crawford Manor's cook and thought abouteating Luca's cooking every day.

If Luke had not stopped him, he would have run over to Luca long ago.

Luca watched as Luke brought the kids to wash their hands. He seemed to be familiar with the layoutof the house. It was normal considering that this was his villa.

She picked up the plates, plated everything, and asked Leane to stay for dinner. When she saw Lukecome out with the children, she said, "Let's eat."

"Wow, how great this is!" Tommy's eyes lit up when he smelled the aroma of the food. He ran to thetable and climbed onto the chair.

Luca handed him a bowl of soup and said, "It's still a little hot. Drink it slowly."

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