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Chapter 1752

Nina had been lying on the bed for the whole morning. The maid did not come in to disturb heranymore.

The bedroom was pushed open when it was noontime. The maid came and saw that the breakfast wasleft there, untouched. She could not help but mock Nina. "Ms. Nina, you sure know how to waste yourfood."

Nina closed her eyes, refusing to talk to her. No matter what she said, she would not be able to get outof here. She figured that she would save some energy for herself.

The maid glanced at the person at the door and said, “Since Ms. Nina refuses to eat, then please giveher a nutrition injection.”

"No!" Nina opened her eyes. She knew what a nutrition injection was and she refused to get that.

She thought of showing defiance against Pierre by refusing to eat and asking him to let her go. If shewas given the nutrition injection, it was useless for her to go on a hunger strike.

Although nutrition injection was not as good as eating food, it could keep her alive and prevent anythingfrom happening to her.

The expression on the maid's face was cold. She did not plan to listen to Nina. After all, this wasPierre's arrangement.

"Ms. Nina, we gave you a chance, but you didn't appreciate it." While she said that, two people in whiterobes who were standing at the door came into the room.

Nina did not ask for help. It was because she knew the people who could enter the villa all worked forPierre. They would not betray that man just to save her.

"Even if you're planning to give me the injection, I won't cooperate!" Nina sat up and looked at thepeople in front of her defensively.

The maid refused to listen to her. She watched the male doctor take a straitjacket that was used torestrict mental patients out of his medical kit. He exchanged glances with the female doctor.

Both of them carried the straitjacket and headed toward the bed.

Nina realized what they were planning to do. They were going to restrict her and give her the nutritioninjection.

"Go away! Don't touch me!" She resisted.

The maid did not listen to her and worked together with the female doctor to restrict Nina.

Nina was on a hunger strike, so she was already physically weak. The two of them were workingtogether to restrict her. There was nothing Nina could do. Her struggle was nothing to them.

After the maid restricted her with the straitjacket, she looked at Nina and mocked her. “Ms. Nina, if youhad listened to me and taken your meals, things wouldn't have become so troublesome. Look at you.Even two women can easily handle you now. What's the point of making a fuss?"

Nina closed her eyes desperately. It was pointless, indeed. It only took two people to stop her. Whatmade her think that she could escape Pierre's imprisonment when this was his arrangement for her?

Luca had Luke and the others looking for her when she was kidnapped. Now, she was locked up byPierre, but she was afraid that no one had noticed she was missing. Would someone even comelooking for her?

Percy came across Nina's mind. She could not help but let the tears stream down from the corners ofher eyes.

She thought it was Percy who had caused her to suffer all these years, but after seriously thinkingabout it for two days, it seemed like Percy had nothing to do with it at all.

If it had not been for him, her life would have been much tougher.

She might not have been able to treat Anna either.

The misfortune that happened to her could be said to be caused by Julian, or maybe Pierre. It wasdefinitely not Percy.

Percy was by her side during all these years. She took it for granted and blamed Percy for all themisfortune that happened to her.

Percy was the innocent one. He was clearly the good guy, but she had been treating him like he wasthe villain. He put up with her temper when he did not have to...

The male doctor finished mixing the formula for the nutrition injection. He hung the bag and lifted Nina'sarm.

Nina was restricted by the straitjacket and could not struggle. However, when her hand was lifted, shesubconsciously clenched her fists.

The doctor frowned. It was difficult for him to inject her she did that. The male doctor looked at Nina,who was being restricted yet still refused to give in. He reminded her, saying, "Ms. Nina, if you continueto behave this way, I have no choice but to give you a tranquilizer. Once you pass out, I'll give you thenutrition injection. You'll feel horrible when you wake up after getting a tranquilizer shot."

Nina had experienced it before, so she could not help but shiver.

Perhaps the maid was right. No matter how hard she tried to struggle, it was useless. She had toreceive the nutrition injection anyway. Maybe she should consider her own comfort now.

Nina slowly unclenched her fists.

When the male doctor knew that his threat was working on her, he nodded his head with content andbegan to give Nina the injection.

The needle slowly pricked into her veins. Nina felt a slight pain, then she felt the tape sticking on theback of her palm.

She opened her eyes. There was a dull look in them.

The female doctor adjusted the intravenous rate of flow, then she said to the maid, "The therapy hasbegun. We'll leave first. It'll take about half an hour to complete the intravenous therapy."

The maid replied worriedly, “Will she do anything to hurt herself if we leave her alone here?"

The male doctor chuckled and showed no mercy for Nina's current situation. "It'll be fine. With thestraitjacket on her, it'll be difficult for her to pull the needle off, not to mention hurting herself."

The maid listened to him and nodded.

The female doctor turned to look at Nina and saw there were tears at the corners of her eyes. Sheshowed a little compassion for Nina and said, "Don't worry. You must feel uncomfortable after starvingfor a few days. You'll feel better with the nutrition injection."

The three of them left after that.

Nina was lying on the bed, struggling to look up at the IV solution at the head of the bed. The solutionwas flowing into her body through her vein little by little, supporting her life.

Even though she could stay alive with the nutrition injection, she knew her days were numbered.

Pierre was an impatient man. He would be harsh on her when her menstruation cycle ended...

Nina was thinking about Percy. She had no idea whether or not the man was shameless enough tocontinue to look for her at her apartment after she kicked him out.

Perhaps not.

He would have already gotten her out of here if he was really looking for her.novelbin

Well, she had been mean to him. How could a privileged person like Percy endure her so much? Hewas such an outstanding man who would never lack women.

Why should he hold onto a stubborn, ugly woman who had no status or good family background?

Nina smiled bitterly. It had been days since she last went to Brilliant. She did not know if Sue hadnoticed that she was missing.

However, she recalled that Percy would always bring her out of A City from time to time. She wouldoften be absent from work for quite some time. Sue would not say a word about it. She would not lookfor her either.

Sue probably had yet to find out about it.

As Nina thought about it, her consciousness was slowly getting blurry. She fell deeply asleep.

Half an hour later, the female doctor came in. She noticed that the intravenous therapy was almostdone, so she stood beside the bed and waited for it to finish. She then pulled off the needle.

The maid walked into the room worriedly. She did not hear anything, so she asked, "What's wrong withher?"

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