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Chapter 1729

Zoey had no idea what to say in response when she heard that.

Sure enough, jealous women were the scariest. In a comforting tone, she said, "Alright, alright. Youcan't just say things like that. If anyone hears you, you'll be done for!"

"Why should I be scared? Why would I be done for? Luca is a mistress but I can't say that?!Disgusting!" Jenni was so overcome with jealousy. If it had not been for her job, she would have goneto Luca and mocked her a long time ago.

Zoey had no idea what to say in response. If Luca was a mistress, did that not mean that Jenni wastrying to be a mistress as well?

There did not seem to be much of a difference between them.

The elevator arrived at the floor where the laboratories were. Zoey hurriedly left the elevator, terrifiedthat Jenni would continue pestering her and someone else would catch them. She said, "I'll bereturning to my work now, Ms. Lynn."

"Wait," Jenni said as she pressed on the button to keep the doors open.

Zoey smiled ruefully as she asked, "Is there anything else I can help you with, Ms. Lynn?"

"Did you save yesterday's photo?" Jenni asked. The employee with connections to the Crawford familyhad deleted the photo soon after sending it. She did not have enough time to save it to her phone.

"Yes. Ms. Lynn, what are you going to do?" Zoey asked in terror. She was not going to send that phototo the press, was she?

Although doing that would cause trouble for Luca, she would get into trouble too if Luke were to launchan investigation into it.

"Don't worry, I won't send it to the press. Give it to me, I need it," Jenni said.

"No, Ms. Lynn, the public can't see that photo," Zoey said as she shook her head, trying to persuadeher to calm down.

Jenni was so overcome with jealousy now that she could not calm down. She replied, "Just give it tome. Nothing's going to happen. Besides, so many employees saw it. Even if the public sees that photo,who will know that you're the one who saved it?"

Zoey continued shaking her head.

When Jenni saw that, she said threateningly, "So, you're not going to give it to me? Zoey Davis, don'tforget who helped you get your job at T Corporation. You now rely on the salary you receive from thisjob to take care of your parents who are living in a rural part of the country. Did I ever ask you foranything in return? But look what's happening now. All I ask from you is a photo, but you refuse to giveit to me!"

Now that Jenni was bringing up past favors she had done for her, Zoey sighed resignedly and said,"Alright, Ms. Lynn, fine. But don't tell anyone you got it from me."

“Don't worry, we're friends. Do you think I'll stab you in the back?" When Jenni noticed Zoey wasrelenting, she let go of the button and said, "Go do whatever you need to do. Remember to send methe photo."

Zoey took her phone out and said, "I'll send it to you now. I'll delete the message after you've saved it."

"Sure," Jenni said. When she saw that Zoey had sent her the photo, she hurriedly saved it and said,"Alright, you can delete the message now."

Zoey ensured she had not taken any screenshots and heaved a sigh of relief before she hurriedlydeleted the message. She then walked out of the elevator.

A fierce glint appeared in Jenni's eyes as she stared at the two people in the photo. What gave Lucathe right to do this? They both liked Luke, but it was Luca who got all the luck.

No, she would not allow anything like this to happen once more!

Jenni sent the photo along with a follow-up message to Tia. [Ms. Tia, if you don't hurry up, this womanis going to bag Mr. Crawford for herself!]

After doing all that, Jenni grinned gleefully. "I'm not good-looking enough, which is why I can't winagainst you. However, I've found someone even better-looking to win against you, Luca Craw. Don'teven think about getting what you want!"

The sky gradually grew darker.

Luca was still working late when she thought of Nina. She texted her, asking if she had dinner.

Nina soon replied: [I've eaten.]

Thus, Luca did not send anything in reply and continued working.

On the other end of the line.

Nina stared at the blinking lights in front of her as she took a deep breath.

She had already arrived at Bibbler's Tale, and it was nearing the time she had agreed to meet Pierre.However, she did not feel like going in.

When Nina recalled how swollen Jean's face had become after getting beaten up by Pierre's men, shesighed resignedly and said, "Don't be afraid. Just head on inside. Pierre Mallory isn't some monster..."

She took one step forward, then another two steps backward.

Pierre might not be a monster, but she knew perfectly well the sort of person he was. She still did notwant to go in.

Soon later, her phone rang.novelbin

Nina stared at the unfamiliar number before she answered it and asked, "What do you want?"

Pierre's voice rang out. "Nina Langdon, come on in if you've already arrived. Unless you want yourbrother to die under my men's hands?"

"How did you know I'm here?" Nina gazed at her surroundings warily. Could he have planted spieshere?

Pierre scoffed at her ignorance. “I can hear the background noise. Hurry inside. I don't have muchpatience."

He hung up the phone when he finished speaking.

Nina shut her eyes as she listened to the busy signal. No matter what, she had to go in. Whether or nothe would hurt her family, she had to go in.

If Pierre could kill Jean, she might very well be the next person he killed.

The only people who could protect her in A City were probably Luke and Percy. However, Luke wouldnot pay any attention to her, and she did not want Percy to help her.

Nina stared at the entrance in front of her and mustered up all her courage before walking in.

She had to settle this matter between her and Pierre by herself.

When the server saw her walk in, they immediately came up to her with a smile. "Welcome,distinguished guest. This way, please."

"I'm meeting someone here," Nina answered. If Pierre could tell where she was through listening to thebackground noise, it would mean that he was already here, drinking at Bibbler's Tale.

"I know. You're Mr. Mallory's guest. This way, please," the server replied. Percy had taken care of everylast detail. When he first arrived, he had shown everyone Nina's photo and told them to serve her theminute she entered.

Nina followed the server as they walked past the bar, the dance floor, and countless tables.

There were not too many people yet because it was still early, but music was already blasting from thespeakers.

Nina forced herself to ignore how uncomfortable she was feeling and followed the server until theystopped in front of the door to a private room.

The server said, "Madam, Mr. Mallory is waiting for you inside. You may enter."

Nina took an instinctive step backward as she stared at the pitch-black door. She did not want to facePierre Mallory. She was always terrified whenever she met that creepy man.

When the server noticed this, he said, "Madam, you're already here, so you might as well head in. Mr.Mallory will be furious if he doesn't get to see you. Also, he wanted me to convey a message. He wantsyou to think of what will happen to your family if you don't go in. When they leave you one after theother, won't you feel sad? Are you willing to see that happen?"

When Nina heard the threatening words that came out from the server's mouth, she shut her eyestightly for two seconds before taking a deep breath and pushing the door open.

Loud, deafening music was booming in the room. Nina plucked up her courage and walked in.

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