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Chapter 1682

Luke was like the head of the household, coming and going at will. He kept barging into her life.

Luca looked at the closed door with mixed feelings. It was not that she did not welcome him. It was thatshe felt unworthy of standing by his side.

If Luke wanted to get close to her, there was no way she could refuse him. In the end, it was them whowould be hurt while Abel was the biggest beneficiary.

Thinking of this, Luca felt like she was about to break down. She took a deep breath and cleaned thedining table.

She had to find something to do to distract herself from the negative emotions.

After she was done with the dishes, Luca walked to the balcony and saw the clothes Luke had changedout of. She sighed, sorted the clothes, and put them in the washing machine.

She also washed the clothes he changed out of the night before.

After Luca put the clothes in the washing machine, she stared at the machine and spaced out for amoment before she walked into the maid's room.

The swelling on her face had almost subsided. When she fully recovered, she would go back to work atT Corporation. At that time, she would lead the team from the laboratory to do the final stage ofresearch on the drug and also participate in T Corporation's projects. She would be busy, and it wouldbe much more difficult to find time for her personal research.

After she experimented for a while, her phone rang.

Luca glanced at it and found that the call was from a local number in A City. She did not hesitate andpicked up the call. "Hello."

"Hello, is this Ms. Craw?" Wanda Rayne said.

Luca was nervous when she heard Wanda's voice. She was worried that something had happened toOld Man Rayne. She quickly said, "I am. What's the matter?"

"Hello, Ms. Craw. I'm Wanda Rayne. You came to my house to prescribe a herbal concoction for myfather. I wonder if you remember me?" Wanda asked cautiously. She had gotten Luca's number fromLuke.

Luca felt at peace when she heard Wanda's tone. From her unhurried and gentle voice, it did not seemlike there was a major incident. "I remember you, Ms. Rayne. Did something happen?" "Nothing toworry about. You don't have to be nervous. I just want to invite you to have a meal here. Do you havethe time?" Wanda asked.

Luca was stunned that Wanda would invite her for a meal.

She assumed that it was because her grandfather had gotten better after he took her prescription. Shewanted to confirm, so she asked, "This is quite sudden, no?"

Wanda laughed embarrassedly and explained, "I followed your prescription and prepared theconcoction for my dad. He slept all night without any pain and we didn't even give him a massageyesterday! Old Man Rayne got up early this morning and said that he had a good night's sleep. It's allthanks to your concoction."

She did not expect Luca's concoction to be so effective. Old Man Rayne only drank it once and couldalready see the effects. She felt bad when she thought of her previous doubts about Luca, so shethought of inviting her to the house for a meal as a thank you.

Luca smiled when she heard that the concoction was effective for Old Man Rayne. She was confidentin her prescriptions.

She was happy after hearing that Old Man Rayne was feeling better.

His good health was her greatest wish.

"I'm glad that the prescription worked for Old Man Rayne. He needs to continue to take this medicine.Coupled with the massages, he'll definitely sleep comfortably every day," Luca said.

"Yes, yes, we'll be mindful of that. Late last night, Old Man Rayne said that he wanted to go to sleepafter he drank the medicine. I wanted to use the prescription mixed with warm water for him to soak hisfeet in but he fell asleep before the water even boiled, " Wanda replied. Before Old Man Rayne tookLuca's concoction, he had to consume a lot of painkillers and sleeping pills to get a good night's sleep.

In the beginning, these medicines were effective but after taking them for some time, his body grewresistant to the drugs. These medicines no longer had much of an effect on his body. Even after hetook sleeping pills, his sleeping hours would just become shorter and shorter.

She was worried that Luca's prescription would also have these pain-relieving and sleeping aidproperties, so when she went to the pharmacy to pick up some things the day before, she specificallyasked the pharmacist to take a look at the ingredients of Luca's prescription.

All of them were found to be nourishing and health-preserving herbs. There was no ingredient thatsupposedly helped with sleep or relieving pain. Nevertheless, it worked well for Old Man Rayne after hetook it, which indicated that the prescription was real and had an effect on Old Man Rayne's body.

"Mm, I'm happy to hear that." Luca's tone was flat. She was suppressing the joy she felt in her heart.

Since the prescription worked for Old Man Rayne, he would suffer less in the future.

Wanda noticed that Luca was not showing much interest in her invitation, so she asked again, "Ms.Craw, if you're free today, come over for a visit. Both Old Man Rayne and I want you here." Luca

thought of her grandfather's kind face and agreed. "Okay, I'll be there later. I'll check on Old ManRayne's pulse as well."

"That's great! Where do you stay? Why don't I get a ride for you?" Wanda suggested. After all, she wasthe one inviting her over. She did not want Luca to have to run around.

Luca politely declined. "No need. I'll go over by myself."

Seeing that she insisted, Wanda knew it was not her place to say anything. She said, "Okay, see youlater."

"See you later..." Luca almost called her 'Aunt' but fortunately, she held herself back in time. After sheput down the call, she felt melancholic.

She could see her family but was not able to reunite with them. She had to force herself away from thatfamiliar feeling, which felt terrible.

'If I had a choice, why would I do this?'

Luca gave a wry smile, touched her face, and stood up. She planned to leave the house once shetidied up the apartment.

After she changed her clothes, she picked up her phone and saw a message from Luke asking if shewas going to the Rayne family's home.

Luca frowned. 'How does he know I'm going to the Rayne family's home?'novelbin

[Yes, Mr. Crawford.] Her answer was straight to the point.

After the message was sent, she waited but Luke did not reply to her.

Luca put the phone in her pocket, closed the door, and left.

Before she headed to the Rayne family's home, she picked out some gifts. The last time she went,Luke had brought her there. She did not know they were going to the Rayne family's home so shearrived empty-handed.

This time, she decided to buy something.

She was now aware of Old Man Rayne's health, so she planned to buy some supplements suitable forhim. As for Wanda, Luca chose some skincare products with no irritating ingredients as well as somebeauty supplements. She carried two large bags as she got into the taxi that headed to the Raynefamily's home.

After she arrived, Luca paid the fare and get out of the taxi. She planned to walk inside.

Having been here once, she remembered the way. When she approached the entrance, she frownedupon seeing Marie Rayne.

Marie was standing at the entrance, arguing with the security guard there. She had several men next toher, and they all looked strong with tattoos on their arms. They looked like they belonged in a gang.

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