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Chapter 1674

Luca nodded. She was relieved that Luke was going to have a chat with Jack and Queenie.

After all, Leia did not have the money to buy the organs she needed from the black market. She wasonly worried that Queenie would not want to see Leia suffer and give her the money to do so.

If she did that, Jack would be impacted badly.

After Luke drove Luca back to the apartment, he received a call from Jason and hurried back to thecompany to deal with work.

Luca returned to the apartment and turned on the TV. The economic segment happened to be playing.She opened the refrigerator and heard the news that Pierre's company was in the final stages ofsigning a contract to collaborate with a well-known foreign company.

Economists pointed out that if this partnership was successful, Pierre's company would become one ofthe top ten companies in A City at record speed that many young entrepreneurs could not even hope ofachieving.

Luca frowned when she heard what the economists said. She picked up the phone and searched forthe overseas company that Pierre was going to partner with.

She found it odd after she read about it.

It was not a well-known company but its capital was surprisingly strong. She read further, and thecorners of her mouth twitched when she saw the corporate legal person shown on the webpage.

Abel was making a move.

Based on the current situation, Abel had already roped in Pierre. If the partnership was successful,Pierre's company would go close to bankruptcy.

When she thought about how Pierre treated her prior, she swore to herself that she would not let himoff easy!

Luca thought that to herself and switched off the TV.

In the hospital.

Leia opened her eyes slowly, not knowing what was going on.

When Queenie saw Leia wake up, she immediately rushed forward and asked with concern, "Leia, howare you feeling now?"

Leia looked at her mother and remembered that she had fainted. She asked weakly, "I'm in thehospital?"

"Yeah, you fainted at home from pain, so I sent you to the hospital. I'm glad you've woken up. Youscared me..." Queenie wiped her tears as she spoke. She only had one daughter by her side now, soLeia was especially precious to her.

Leia glanced around and saw that she was indeed in a hospital. There was monitoring equipment bythe bedside.

Her tone was furious as she shouted, "Why did you send me to the hospital? Didn't you ask Luca tocome over?"

"You had already passed out. I was worried, so I sent you to the hospital. Luca couldn't rush over intime. She suggested that I send you to the hospital and I went with her suggestion," Queenieexplained. She did not mind Leia's aggressive tone after considering the discomfort she was in.

"I don't want to stay in the hospital. Ask her to come over to our place. After all, I won't die from thisillness right now." Leia knew that she fell ill because she did not take Bianca's medicine. Even if she

was not a big fan of Luca, she had to admit that she was indeed capable.

Therefore, she thought that as long as Luca was willing to save her, she would be fine.

"Luca came to the hospital and treated you with dry needling. Otherwise, you wouldn't have woken upso soon." Queenie knew Leia had misunderstood Luca. Luca helped her time and again, so she couldnot bear to see Leia continue to accuse her.

Leia snorted coldly and said, "Do you believe in everything she says? If she had really treated me, Iwouldn't have to stay in this horrible hospital."

Johann walked in from outside the ward and said, "Ms. Norman, if you're not satisfied with our hospital,you can go through the discharge procedures any time. But in your current situation, if you remove theinstrument and needles, you may not even be able to make it to the elevator.”

Leia opened her mouth in surprise when she saw Johann. She looked at Queenie and uttered, "Howdid he get in?"

"Leia, your primary doctor is Dr. Park. He's an expert in this area. Enough with the nonsense." If shewere not worried that Johann would tip off Luke, she also hoped that he would treat Leia.

After all, Johann was famous in A City and even in the whole country. Many wealthy businessmen fromother cities sought him for surgery and medical treatment. They had to book him months in advanceeven if they were loaded.

"Mom, he's..." Leia thought of Luke and did not continue talking. He was Luke's friend. Now that he sawher, did it mean that Luke knew that she was back in A City?

In that case, she would have to be sent back to New York.

Leia did not want to leave. The panic and worry in her eyes grew.

Queenie knew what she was afraid of, so she immediately reassured Leia. "Don't worry, I've signed adoctor-patient confidentiality agreement with Dr. Park. He won't say anything."

Leia was still frightened and said, "Even if you've signed an agreement with him, he'll still tell him.When that happens, he will definitely send me back to New York! Mom, I don't want to go back to NewYork. I want to stay by your side. When I feel better, I can take good care of you and Dad."

Johann heard her and restrained his smile, pretending to be serious as he said, "Ms. Norman, althoughI don't know who you're talking about, do put your trust in me. I'm a doctor with ethics. Once the patienthas signed an agreement, I'll oblige by it. I will never disclose your condition to those who areirrelevant."novelbin

Hearing this, Leia looked at him suspiciously.

Johann reassured her. "I'm a man of integrity. Plus, I've signed an agreement."

He would not have to tell Luke anything because he already knew about Leia's situation. There was notmuch for him to say.

Leia heard him and reluctantly chose to believe him.

Although Johann was Luke's friend, his medical skills were out of this world.

Seeing that she no longer questioned him, Johann went straight into the topic. "Ms. Norman, theresults of your blood test and other tests have come out. After comparing your current indicators withyour test results from your last visit, we found that your condition is much worse. I heard that youstopped taking the herbal concoction without authorization and only took the medicine, right? It seemsthat the medicine isn't very effective in managing your condition. I would still recommend that you takethe herbal concoction."

"Herbal concoction?" Leia remembered the concoction that Luca had prescribed to her before. Aftershe took it, her condition was indeed much more stable, but at that time, she was arrogant and thoughtit was because of the medicine.

She felt a little regretful. She should not have stopped taking the herbal concoction just because shewas angry.

If she had taken it, she might not have ended up in the hospital again.

Leia said weakly, "Did you prescribe the concoction?"

"No, it's the prescription prepared by Dr. Craw," Johann said. "The hospital has prepared theconcoction based on the prescription. When it's ready, we'll send it over to your ward. You should drinkit while it's hot."

When Leia heard that Luca had prescribed the concoction, she did not comment on it. She askedagain, "My health is much worse now, isn't it?"

"Yes," Johann nodded. "The nurse will put all the reports in your medical record in a moment and sendthem over."

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