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Chapter 1670

Luca glanced at the sign that was still lit up in the emergency room. She asked, "Is Ms. Norman inthere?"

"Yes. After she was sent to the hospital, the doctor sent her here and asked us to wait. They haven'tcome out since and no doctor has told me what's happening inside. Luca, please save her..."

Not many were allowed to enter the hospital's emergency room, including Luca.

Queenie said what she said out of panic.

Luca reassured her, saying, "Mrs. Norman, you have to trust the doctors. They're saving Ms. Norman'slife now. If I go in, it may disrupt their work. Let's wait until the doctor comes out to find out what'shappening."

Her voice had the ability to calm Queenie, who wiped her tears and nodded. "Okay, okay. I'll wait here."

Luca sat with her on the bench in the hallway and waited.

Queenie was still worried. She clasped her hands together and recited the Bible in a soft voice to prayfor Leia.

Luca noticed it but she was helpless in this situation.

15 minutes later, the doctor came out and the nurse asked, "Who's Leia Norman's family?"

Queenie stood up immediately and said, "I'm Leia's mother. Doctor, how is my daughter doing?"

The doctor took off their mask and said with a serious expression, "The patient is not doing well. Sheneeds to be admitted to the hospital for treatment."

Queenie staggered when she heard that. Luca was attentive and immediately gave her a hand. "Mrs.Norman, be careful."

Queenie shook her head and continued to ask the doctor, "Doctor, what do you mean by that Is mydaughter's life in danger?"

"Based on the records you've provided, she has been on medication but those medicines had no effecton her. This resulted in the aggravation of her organ failure, so now, she needs to be hospitalized andbe on 24-hour monitoring. If the situation takes a turn for the worse, we'll make a judgment call. Ifnecessary, we'll highlight her situation to the management and put her in the queue for an organtransplant," the doctor said.

Queenie understood that an organ transplant could help Leia but the legal route might take a long time.

Some waited until the end of their lives but still could not obtain the organs they needed.

Considering Jack's status, even if they had the money, they could not get these organs through otherchannels.

The doctor's words were undoubtedly a death sentence for Leia.

Queenie held Luca's hand tightly and said, "Doctor, let Luca take a look. Maybe she can help mydaughter."

Luca wanted to say that she could not help with much. At most, she could use dry needling to relieveLeia's pain.

However, Queenie saw Luca as Leia's savior.

The doctor looked at Luca and asked, "Are you also a doctor? Which hospital or clinic are you from?"

Luca shook her head. She did not have a medical license, so she did not consider herself a doctor. Sheexplained helplessly, "I'm not a doctor."

"If you're not a doctor, aren't you making a fool of yourself by saying that you want to save her?" Thedoctor scolded Luca, thinking that Luca was a conwoman. He had seen too many of such cases in thehospital. When the surgery, or other medical methods, were no effective, patients would panic and goto anyone who claimed that they could help. Scammers as such would only delay the patient'streatment.

Luca explained, "I'm not a conwoman. Can I go in and visit the patient?"

"You can't enter the emergency room as you please. The family members have to go through theadmission procedures, then we'll send the patient to the ward. You're not allowed to fool around evenafter she's in the ward. If something happens, the hospital will not be responsible,” the doctor warnedher.

Luca shot Queenie a helpless look, but she only looked back at Luca with pleading eyes.

"If something happens, we'll take responsibility." Luca could not resist the pleading in her eyes, so shegritted her teeth and said directly. Although she was not 100% sure that she could help much, at leastshe would not worsen Leia's condition.

The doctor said disdainfully when he heard Luca's response, "Can you guarantee it? You're not adoctor. If you insist on doing things your way, I'll prepare a document for you to sign off on and thefamily will bring the patient home. As long as you're not in the hospital, you can do what you want.However, if you're in the hospital, it's still my responsibility if something goes wrong even if you've givenyour guarantee prior. I'm unwilling to bear that responsibility."

What he said was true. There were many medical disputes, so doctors had to do what they needed to.novelbin

Luca said, "Please give me a moment."

The doctor looked at her and frowned. 'This woman doesn't look like a conwoman. How can she still dosuch a deceitful thing?'

Luca did not have the time to take into account the doctor's sharp gaze. She said, "We can't continue tohide the truth."

Queenie was stunned, not knowing what she meant. "Luca, what do you mean by that?"

"We need a doctor here for me to help Leia but I only know Dr. Park," Luca said.

"Dr. Park..." Queenie knew Johann but she was reluctant.

That was because Johann was Luke's best friend. If he knew Leia was back, he would tell Luke.

Seeing that she hesitated, Luca persuaded her. "I can only enter if Dr. Park comes. Don't think aboutanything else right now. We have to save her."

Queenie was persuaded by her. Indeed, saving Leia was the most important thing at that moment. Shewas not willing to continue lying and hide Leia's whereabouts, which would only make her suffer.

"Okay, get in touch with him and have him deal with it." She agreed to Luca's proposal.

Luca immediately contacted Johann. She explained the matter clearly in a few sentences.

The ER doctor was dumbfounded. 'This conwoman knows the renowned Dr. Park in our hospital? Itcouldn't be?'

After a while, Johann arrived at the emergency room.

He had just finished an operation and came before taking off the surgical gown.

"Dr. Craw, what's going on?" he asked.

Luca said, "Leia is in the emergency room. I want to go in and treat her with dry needling but the doctoris afraid of taking responsibility, so I want to ask you for help."

Johann glanced at the ER doctor next to him, nodded to greet him, and said, "Dr. Craw's skills areamazing. Let her go in to see the patient's condition. Maybe she can help the patient."

"But she's not a doctor. It's against the rules to do this, Dr. Park." The ER doctor was stunned but stilldid not dare to agree with their request.

Johann was speaking up on their behalf but if something happened, the unlucky person who would beresponsible was him.

"If something goes wrong with the patient because of Dr. Craw's treatment, I'll take the responsibility forit." Johann had seen Luca's capabilities a few times prior, so he believed in her skills.

Seeing this, the ER doctor nodded and agreed.

Luca appreciated Johann's approval of her. She nodded and said, "Thank you."

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