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Chapter 1665

Luca looked at Marie and suddenly thought of Jean.

A leopard never changed its spots. They really suited each other. They behaved this way before theylanded themselves in prison and were still the same after they got out. They took everything forgranted. They refused to put in the effort to make a living and blamed others for their misfortune.

She remembered that she still addressed a person like Marie as her sister back then. Now, she feltdisgusted at the thought of it...

"I'm their guest, that's why I can come in. But you're not, so what makes you think that you can come inhere? The owner of the villa doesn't want you here. You shouldn't be messing around here. You'regoing to end up getting kicked out even if you do manage to come in. Do you find this fun?" Marie wasstartled by the bunch of words that Luca said.

She did not expect a guest to be so good at lecturing someone else.

"You!" Marie clenched her fists.

Luca said, "Ms. Marie, it's just a coincidence that you have the same family name as the two owners inthis house. There's really nothing between you and the family."

"I'm going to tear your mouth apart! Wait for it!" Marie flew into a rage. The maid was blocking the wayand she could not get in. She was so angry that she picked up her phone and was about to callsomeone.

Luca reckoned that she must be calling her lowlife friends.

After taking a close look at Marie, Luca did not have to ask any questions to know the kind of life Mariehad been living after getting out of prison.

She was skinny and had a sallow complexion without makeup on. At a glance, Luca knew she did noteat her meals on time and was not resting well or taking care of he health. There was even a patch ofyellow between her index finger and her middle finger.

Those were the signs of someone who smoked.

It was not just ordinary smoking either. Only a heavy smoker would have these signs.

Luca remembered that Marie had a miscarriage before she went into prison. She reckoned that therewas no way she could take care of herself in the prison, and that was why she chose to let herself gowild.

"I'd advise you not to get your friends to come here and make a scene," said Luca.

Marie gave her a vicious look. The two of them had never met before, and there was nothing betweenthem. She had no idea why she disliked the woman so much when this was her first time meeting her.

She even hated her...

"Are you ordering me around? If you tell me not to scream, I'll insist on screaming. You came here as aguest, but you're not respecting me as the host. Just wait for it!" Marie said maliciously.

Luca looked at how stubborn she was. She shook her head helplessly and said, "Mr. Crawford is alsohere today. Are you sure you want to cause trouble?"

She thought Marie would be afraid of Luke and the reason why she dared to come here to causetrouble was that Wanda had never told Luke about it for fear of disturbing him.novelbin

That was why Marie had the guts to constantly come here and cause trouble.

Luca thought of using Luke's name to psych Marie out.

When Marie heard Luke's name, she put her phone back in her pocket and looked at Luca withconfusion. "Luke is here?"

"The car parked at the entrance is Mr. Crawford's car," replied Luca.

A look of excitement flashed across Marie's eyes. "That's great. Luke would never let his sister-in-lawbe down and out in this state. Let go of me. I'm going in to meet Luke."

Luca was speechless when she saw Marie targeting Luke for the sake of gaining a better life.

Was she mad? She probably went crazy when she was in prison.

Had she forgotten who sent her there? Would Luke help her? How was that possible.

The maid tried hard to block her and said, "Ms. Marie, I'm really going to call the police if you keepdoing this!"

Luca looked at how insane Marie was acting just because she heard Luke's name. She had no choice.

She picked up her phone and asked Luke to come over.

That was the only way to let Marie know who she should fear.

"Let me go. I'm Luke Crawford's sister-in-law! The old man in there is my grandpa. I've been calling him'Grandpa' for years. Let me in. They'll never abandon me." The madness in Marie's eyes wasfrightening.

The maid struggled to block her. Luca sent a message to Luke immediately.

He would not miss any messages.

She kept it short and told him that there was an unexpected situation at the door, so she needed him tocome down to settle it.

Luke replied to her message right after the message was sent. [I'm going down now.]

Luca saw that the maid could no longer hold Marie back. She stepped forward and pushed Marie away.

Marie did not expect Luca to be so strong. She was unprepared and so startled that she took a fewsteps backward.

There was a fire burning in her eyes when she looked at Luca. She said, "How dare you push me?Don't you know who I am? Are you tired of living?"

"I don't know who you are, but I'm pretty sure that you have nothing to do with Mr. Crawford and theRayne family. Since you're causing trouble here, then I can push you away," Luca said determinedly.

Marie sneered. "I'm the granddaughter of the Rayne family and Luke's sister-in-law. You'll regretpushing me away."

“You claim to be related to them, then why didn't you ask Mr. Crawford to come down?" Luca asked.She usually would not even bother saying something like that, but what Marie did really made her feellike laughing.

Luca had not gotten even with Marie for all those things that she did to her and all the damage that wascaused just for the sake of her interests.

How dare Marie bring up the names of the Rayne family and Luke now?

She was no longer the Bianca she used to be. After what she had been through on the Island ofDespair, she showed no mercy to those who were unnecessary.

Marie should feel lucky. At least, Luca had never thought of taking revenge on her for what she did toher back then.

Marie narrowed her eyes as Luca's words had hit a raw nerve in her. She felt helpless too. The firstperson who came into her mind after she got out of jail was Luke Crawford. He could change her life.

Therefore, she had been dropping Luke's name around to get free meals.

After that, when she wanted to contact him, she could not get through to his phone. Then, she tried tocontact his business number but she was still blocked. She contacted his assistant Jason and gotblocked too.

At last, she tried using another number to call them and she still could not get through.

Marie had no choice. She could not get in touch with Luke, and those strong security guards of TCorporation would not let her in. She was deep in debt after getting so many free meals, so she couldonly trade her body to pay off her debts.

However, youth was fleeting. She saw hope when she found out that Wanda had brought Old ManRayne back and Luke had bought them a small villa. The reason why she had been coming here everyday to mess around was to move in here and live comfortably.

However, she would hit a wall every time she came. Previously, Wanda would come out to deal withher, but now, she refused to see her completely.

Marie was left with no choice. However, her life was at stake here. She had to continue to pester themto move in.

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