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Chapter 1632

Luke could hear sounds from the ward bed, which made him stand up unconsciously before headingover.

When he saw Luca slowly opening her eyes, there was a piercing pain in his heart as if someone washitting it with a wooden stick.

The woman he cherished a lot had encountered such misfortune...

Luca opened her eyes and saw the man who was staring at her. She could not stop her eyes frombeing filled with tears.

Luke saw her reddened eyes and he thought her face was hurting. He asked, “Do you want the nurseto give you another injection to relieve your pain?"

Luca shook her head. She was able to endure the pain.

She looked around her and realized she was in the hospital. Luke had rescued her out of Pierre's villaand sent her to the hospital.

She was safe now.

Luca did not expect him to be able to find her so quickly. He even went there personally to save her.

Could this mean that she was important to him?

She felt a hint of sweetness at the thought of this even though she was in pain.

"Don't force yourself." Luke looked at her bright eyes. Her appearance had completely changed afterthree years, yet the only thing that did not change was that pair of bright eyes.

Luca met his eyes, and she parted her lips. "I didn't."

She wanted to speak, but she could barely move her mouth. She could not pronounce the words asshe wished. She sounded especially weird. She felt that something was not right after uttering twowords, so she said nothing more.

Luke was waiting for her to continue to speak.

Luca shook her head, telling him that she did not need the injection.

Luke understood what she meant. However, it broke his heart when he looked at her swollen face.

"Are you hungry? The doctor said you can have some oatmeal, and I also got Mrs. Nancy to preparesome for you," Luke said.

Luca did not feel hungry after getting the IV drip. Hence, she shook her head again.

"Eat some even if you're not hungry, alright?" Luke tried to convince her.

He was gentle to her. As Luca listened to him, for a moment, she thought that she was still Bianca. Shethought she could still enjoy his tenderness and pampering.

However, she was not Bianca now. She reckoned that Luke was staying here only because of thevideo.

Somehow, Luke had something to do with all those things that happened to her.

It was probably because he was guilty, and that was why he was doing this.

Luca nodded, indicating that she would eat a little.

Luke adjusted and raised the head of the bed. Luca started feeling dizzy as the bed slowly rose. Sheclosed her eyes and quietly endured the effects of her low blood pressure.

She did not tell Luke that it was unsuitable for her to be sitting up right now.

Johann walked and saw them. He said immediately, "Don't raise the bed too high."

Luke was startled for a moment, then he unconsciously lowered the bed.

When Luca was at a half-lying position, Johann said, "This is fine."

Luke stood up straight and looked at Johann. "Why?"

"What?" Johann asked unconsciously, and it took him a second before he realized that Luke wasasking him why Luca could not sit up straight.

Therefore, he explained it to him, "Dr. Craw lost a lot of blood because of the wound on her forehead.Her body is weak now, and she's probably having low blood pressure. It might cause symptoms ofhypotension if she sits up straight now. She'll feel dizzy, and she might vomit. So, let her lay down onthe bed for the first two days. She can get off the bed and walk around after that."

After Luke knew about this, he looked at Luca. She was closing her eyes, probably suffering fromsymptoms of hypotension and feeling unwell.

Still, she chose to keep silent and endure it quietly.

Luke blamed himself for negligence. He should have been more attentive.

He was always able to handle everything well when it was about work, but he would clumsily mess upeverything when it was related to Bianca. He kept on letting her get hurt.

He was a failure of a husband...

"I got it," Luke replied.

Johann reckoned he was probably feeling guilty and did not say anything more. He walked toward theward bed and checked on Luca's mental state. Apart from her lips being pale, she looked fine.

"Dr. Craw, where's your phone?" he asked.

Luca turned her head around and glanced at the bedside table. Her phone was not there.

Luke walked to the bedside table and pulled out the drawer. "Why do you need her phone?"

"Dr. Craw can't talk now, so it'll be easier for her to type it out and communicate with us," Johannexplained.

Luke took Luca's phone out of the drawer. The police found it in the vehicle that was used to abductLuca while they were searching an hour ago. They gave it back to them as there was no evidence on it.

He switched on the phone and handed it to Luca.

Johann asked, "Dr. Craw, does your head still hurt?"

Luca typed something in her phone's notepad. [It doesn't hurt that much anymore.]

“What about your face?" Johann looked at her swollen face. He dared not to touch it. He had onlytouched her face when she was unconscious before to examine her injuries.

[It's the same.] Luca had trained on the Island of Despair for more than two years. Her endurance forpain was higher than others.

Johann nodded and reported her condition to them, "The blood test result is out. Dr. Craw has a lowplatelet count, which means she's likely to lose a lot of blood when injured. This explains why she bledso much even though the wound isn't deep. Also, her body is very weak now, and her hemoglobin islow. She needs to eat some supplements to increase her red blood cells and food to restore her

nutrients. She needs to improve her RBC index. I suggest a blood transfusion if it's still the same aftera week. Are there any questions?"

Luca shook her head. She knew her body well.novelbin

She had a low RBC index was because of the drugs she took from the Island of Despair.

She just had to rest for some time.

"Try to eat more if you can. Don't rely on just the IV drips. I'm going for a ward round if there's no otherproblem," Johann said as he walked toward the door.

He suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Luke. "I suggest you look for a care worker if youdon't know how to take care of her. It'll be better that way. You won't feel tired, and Dr. Craw won't haveto suffer either."

Luke pulled a long face. What Johann meant was that Luke could not take care of Luca well.

Luca felt awkward listening to what he said.

Even if Luke took care of her, he would not stay here for long either. It would be inconvenient for her ifhe took care of her.

It was because it had almost been a month now...

Luca would have to take the antidote again. However, she was under special circumstances right now.She would not be able to head to the stronghold in A City to take the antidote. However, they would beable to deliver it to her and watch her take it during special circumstances like this.

Hence, it would be inconvenient for her to do so if Luke were here.

Moreover, he was a man, and he was a stranger to her now. It would be hard for Luke to take care ofher especially when she could not even get down from the bed on her own.

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