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Chapter 1583

Luca fell asleep in Luke’s arms.

Luke opened his eyes when his breathing was stable. He could not see much in the dark, but he couldfeel the warmth of the woman in his arms.

He was sleeping but woke up when Luca woke up too.

He did not know why they were on the same bed. He had called out Bianca’s name on a whim, but hedid expect Luca to reply to him instead of pushing him away.

He heard her voice while he had his eyes closed. It was as if Bianca was whispering in his ears.

Could it be that she was...

With his eyes closed, Luke thought the person in front of him was Bianca. Apart from the smell ofalcohol and something else on her, the way she talked was exactly like Bianca.

Luke listened to her breathing and wondered if Luca could be Bianca.

It was not possible. After all, the fake Bianca looked the same as the real Bianca after getting plasticsurgery. Hence, how could the real Bianca have changed her face?

Even so, their eyes looked similar. She did not push him away either and complied with his request.

If she was the real Bianca, then why did she not admit it right away?

Luke thought if Luca was the real Bianca, then she probably had her reasons given the currentsituation.

No matter what, the first thing he needed to do was to figure out if she was the real Bianca.

Luca was asleep. She did not know Luke had opened his eyes and was deep in thought after she felldeeply asleep.

Luca woke up at five in the morning. It was a little brighter outside the window now.

They did not draw the curtains when they went to sleep. She lifted her head and Luke’s face came intosight.

There was stubble on his smooth chin. Luca lifted her hand and wanted to unconsciously touch it, butshe stopped herself.

She could not do this.

Luca recalled previously whenever she was sleeping on the same bed with Luke, he would always rubhis stubble on her face. The tingling sensation that was also a little ticklish could always wake her upinstantly, and she would not be able to stop smiling.

She was so happy back then.

Luca could not help but smile as she recalled the past. She could feel him move a little. He turnedaround, and the arm that he put around her naturally moved away.

She realized Luke had been holding her in his arms since last night...

The night had passed now. Luca sat up on the bed and looked around her. There was a couch near thewindow.novelbin

She got out of the bed, tip-toed to the couch, and lay down on it.

She still felt that something was wrong, so she sat up again. She glanced at the man on the bed. Lukewas still sleeping.

Luca let out a sigh of relief. When she was about to lay down again, she thought Jason would not havebeen so silly to arrange Luke and her to sleep in the same room. Hence, she tiptoed out of the room. Itwas then she realized it was a suite with two bedrooms.

That explained why Jason sent her here.

However, she had no idea why she was sleeping on the same bed as Luke.

Luca trotted to the other room. She closed the door and lay down on the bed, wanting to rest for a whilemore. She had another hour till dawn.

Luke opened his eyes when he heard Luca's footsteps leaving the room.

He sat up on the bed and looked at the strands of long hair left behind on the pillow. These wereLuca's.

He picked up the suit coat that he had taken off casually. He drew a tissue from the bedside table andplaced Luca's hair on the tissue before wrapping it securely. Then, he put it in his suit pocket.

He had to investigate it since he was suspecting her of something. Everything would change if she wasthe real Bianca.

Luke believed in his instincts. He was cast into doubt after what had happened last night. He wasprobably right about it.

Luca was still lying on the bed at seven in the morning. She was not asleep, and she listened to thesigns of activity next door.

It was either the hotel had good soundproofing or Luke was still sleeping. She could not hear anything.

Luca had no choice but to wake up. She walked into the toilet and washed herself up.

Most of the makeup on her face had smeared off after last night. It was smeared on the bed andblanket, as well as on Luke's shirt.

Luca looked at her blotchy makeup. She should just remove the remaining makeup on her face with thefacial cleanser that the hotel provided.

She left the room after cleaning herself. She did not expect to run into Luke leaving his room themoment she walked out.

Both of them looked each other in the eyes.

Luca bit the bullet and greeted him, “Hello, Mr. Crawford. Good morning."

"Good morning." Luke's expression was calm as if he knew nothing about what had happened lastnight. She was not taken advantage of even though they were physically intimate last night. Instead, itwas a precious memory to her.

Luca explained, “I don't know why I'm sleeping in this suite. I'm sorry..."

"It's alright," said Luke. He walked to the door and pushed it open. He saw Tia at the door. "Why areyou here?"

Tia was happy to see Luke, and she said joyfully, "Luke, I was waiting for you. I was worried that youhadn't woken up, so I didn't knock on the door. Shall we have breakfast together?"

The way she called out his name became even more affectionate after what had happened last night.

Luke furrowed his brows and remembered that Luca was behind him. He turned around and asked,"Dr. Craw, shall we?"

Luca stood there. She was startled after being named.

Just earlier, she had hesitated, wondering if she should hide and leave the room after Luke and Tia left.

However, Luke called out her name at this moment. It was pointless for her to hide.

"Luca's here?" Tia widened her eyes with disbelief and glanced behind Luke. Indeed, she saw Lucathere.

Why was she in Luke's room?

It had taken her some time to get Luke's room number this morning. She had been waiting for himhere. She wanted to give him a surprise.

She did not expect to be surprised by him instead.

Luca noticed the jealousy in Tia's eyes, and she explained, "Ms. Tia, Mr. Doyle only booked threerooms last night. I'm guessing the hotel didn't have any extra rooms, and Mr. Crawford's suitehappened to be a two-bedroom suite. That's why I slept here. We didn't sleep in the same room. It's amisunderstanding."

They did not sleep in the same room?

Luke listened to what Luca said. Was she lying to Tia or fooling herself?

He would probably believe what she said if he had fallen deep asleep last night.


Luke turned around and looked at Luca. Would she feel guilty when she was lying?

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