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Chapter 1498

Johann nodded and said casually, “It seems that you’ve been paying attention to Mr. Crawford.”

Johann had no particular intention when he said it but Luca read into it. She lowered her gaze to look atthe cyan floor tiles and replied softly, “I noticed it by accident.”

Johann did not notice the change in her tone. All he was thinking about was Allison’s situation.

The prison guard took them to the visitation room.

Luca did not prepare anything and walked in empty-handed, but Johann brought a bunch of equipmentthat was packed in a medical kit.

The guard asked him to open the box so that he could check the equipment inside.

Johann cooperated and opened the box for him to inspect. After the inspection, no contraband wasfound so the prison guard walked Allison out.

Luca looked at the other door where a frail-looking woman was led out by the guards. The woman hadher head lowered, so they could not see her face.

Luca noticed her thin arms and noted that the woman seemed malnourished. Her skin looked sallowand pitted.

In the past, Allison lived an exquisite lifestyle, so it made sense that she was not used to being inprison. However, Luca did not expect her to look so hard-pressed. Allison looked like someone whowas sick all year round and could not absorb any nourishment no matter what she ate.

Luca frowned with confusion. ‘Why does she look so terrible?’

Luke was not the kind of person who would ignore things like this. He would have done something if hesaw his mother in this state.

Moreover, although the food in prison was not as good as the outside world, it was not terrible enoughto make someone malnourished.

“Sit down.” The guard gave Allison a light push, causing her body to sway a little. She almost fell.

Allison stared at the guard viciously.

The guard roared. “Why are you looking at me?! Hurry up. You have work after this.”

Allison retracted her gaze, turned her head slowly, and looked at the three people sitting across fromher.

Luca was startled when she saw Allison’s face. However, after seeing many horrifying things in her life,she was still fairly calm on the surface.

Johann was shocked at his core.

The photo Luke showed him was a photo from two years ago. At that time, although Allison’s face hadlesions, those injuries were far less serious compared to what she looked like at this moment.

Allison looked like an old wicked witch. The wrinkles on her face were better described as ravinesrather than wrinkles. There were too many wrinkles that they looked like rolling hills. It was hard to seeand describe…

“Why are you here?” Allison said in a dissatisfied tone when she recognized that it was Johann whohad come to visit her.

She knew that Johann had top-notch medical skills but he was just a surgeon, not a dermatologist oran aesthetician.

Allison was dissatisfied with Luke for asking Johann to treat her, so she looked to the other side.

Allison was even more dissatisfied when she saw that the woman in front of her was young and lookednothing like a senior doctor. “Luke brought both of you here to make a fool of me?”

Johann shook his head and answered, “Ms. Tanner, Luke brought us here to treat you.”novelbin

“You two?” Allison looked at them with disdain. “One of you is a surgeon and the other one looks likeshe just graduated from university. How can any of you help with my plastic surgery?”

‘Plastic surgery?!’

Luca raised her eyebrows. Even if Allison insisted on going for surgery, she would not be able to looklike she used to.

“Ms. Tanner, your face can’t be saved with plastic surgery,” Johann said helplessly. It seemed thatprison had not changed Allison’s bad temper. She was more difficult to deal with than before.

Allison’s eyes widened as she yelled, “What nonsense are you spewing?!”

She touched her face and firmly believed that plastic surgery could return her to her former glory.

When the doctor at the prison said there was no way to solve her symptoms, she did not ask to seeLuke because she planned to find a plastic surgeon to fix her face after she got out of prison.

Allison was scared when she heard Johann say that plastic surgery would not solve her problems. Shewould never allow herself to leave prison with a wrecked face!

“What nonsense are you talking about? You’re a surgeon, so you know nothing about plastic surgery!”Allison continued to deceive herself by denying his professionalism.

Johann stretched out his hands helplessly and said, “Your skin is comparable to that of an 80-year-old.It’s experiencing a constant loss of moisture and there’s peeling on the skin’s surface. Even if you gofor the medical route to help you replenish moisture and fill in fat, it’ll not keep up with the rate of loss.To be in the situation that you’re in, there’s something wrong with your body’s function. Luke asked usto come over and do a check-up for you. Ms. Tanner, please cooperate with us so that we can find theroot of the problem. After we find a solution, your body will eventually recover and you’ll be fine.”

Allison listened to him and did not believe him whole-heartedly. However, she had hope when sheheard that she would be okay.

She cleared her throat and was just as arrogant as before when she said, “Go ahead, do what youneed to do.”

Johann took out a tool to draw blood and said, “First, I’ll draw a tube of blood and take it to the hospitalfor examination.”

“The doctors here did a blood test and they haven’t found any problems. They even said that I’m ingreat health. What do you think you can find?” Allison continued to pick on Johann verbally but she stillreached out her hand and motioned for him to draw her blood.

Johann smiled elegantly. He did not react with anger when faced with her provocation. Luca kept silentand watched as Johann drew her blood skillfully.

“If they couldn’t find anything before, it doesn’t mean that we can’t find anything now. Moreover, there ismore equipment in the hospital and there are more tests that we can run. You’ll know if we can findsomething then,” he said.

Allison snorted and watched him draw two tubes of blood. He then held the cotton swab against theneedle.

Johann drained the two tubes of blood and looked at Luca. “Dr. Craw, do you have anything you wantto check with Ms. Turner?”

“Mm.” Luca looked at Allison. After a few more looks, she got used to Allison’s face and did not thinkshe looked scary.

“Ms. Tanner, can you give me your hand?” she asked.

Allison crossed her arms and did not want to give her hand to Luca. “Who are you? A nurse who justgraduated?”

“Dr. Craw is a biopharmaceutical expert. Luke invited her over to treat you,” Johann spoke on Luca’sbehalf.

“You? An expert?” Allison did not believe it. She had never seen such a young expert. “I don’t wantanything worse to happen to me.”

“Dr. Craw just looks relatively young. Ms. Tanner, are you sure you won’t let her check you? She’ll justbe checking your pulse,” Johann spoke ahead of Luca once again.

Allison was a little convinced by what he said. She considered her situation, then reached out her handto Luca.

“Don’t do anything else besides checking my pulse. I don’t trust you,” she said.

“Ms. Tanner, don’t worry. I won’t simply recommend a treatment plan if I’m not sure.” Luca put her handon Allison’s. She glanced at Allison’s face, then at her hand. She noticed some interesting details.

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