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Chapter 1490

Alarm bells rang in Luca’s head. Her hand on the doorknob was shaking slightly.

If the slip of paper was on the ground, it could only mean that someone had been there. Even thoughthe security measures at the apartment were much better than her previous apartment, Abel woulddefinitely have a way to sneak in.novelbin

There were very few things in the world that could stop Abel.

Luca took a deep breath. What should she do if the person inside was Abel? She would not mind it if itwere her apartment, but she was in Luke’s apartment…

Luke had probably installed surveillance cameras in the apartment. If Abel was inside, would Luke beable to see him through the security feed and therefore find out his plans?

If he could, she would be free.

Luca did not know what to make of the situation. Eventually, she took a deep breath, braced herself,and opened the door.

She was mentally prepared to see Abel behind the door.

The moment she opened the door, she heard sounds from the television. Instantly, her mind wentblank.

It sounded as though someone was watching a cartoon.

Luca rushed into the living room. When she saw Tommy sitting on the couch, her wildly beating heartgradually calmed down.

‘Thank goodness it’s not Abel. Luke won’t discover anything just yet…’

Luca was immediately taken aback. Why would she be glad about that?

When Tommy heard the footsteps, he turned over with a grin on his face. He leaned on the couch andsaid, “You’re back, Ms. Luca!”

Luca nodded. She looked around the living room and saw no one other than the boy.

“Why are you here, Tommy?” Luca put her briefcase near the couch. She thought Luke was careless toleave the child alone in the apartment.

“Daddy brought me here, Ms. Luca,” Tommy said with a grin. “When we got here earlier, we couldn’tget you on the phone, so Daddy and I came in by ourselves.”

Luca nodded after hearing the explanation. The apartment was locked by a passcode, and she did notchange it. That was why Luke was able to enter.

However, she thought it was wrong to keep the child there by himself.

“Did your Daddy leave after that?” Luca said while patting the child’s head. She did not expect thatTommy would come, and there were no snacks or fruits in the apartment.

“No,” Tommy replied and pointed toward the bathroom. “Daddy is taking a shower inside. When hewent to pick me up from school, a lady deliberately bumped into him and smudged some lipstick on hissuit.”

Luca felt relieved when she heard that Luke did not abandon the child here.

However, she could not help but chuckle imagining Luke’s reaction when the woman bumped into him.She was used to such antics from other women who tried to get close to him.

She knew that Luke was a clean freak. He would change his clothes and take a shower wheneveranother person left a mark on his clothes or body, as though those people would spread a contagiousvirus to him.

“Ms. Luca, are you angry?” Tommy asked worriedly when he saw that she was not saying anything.

Luca shook her head. “I’m not angry.”

“I thought you’re angry when you didn’t reply. Daddy said that he let you stay in the apartment, and weshouldn’t have come in without your permission.” Tommy leaned closer to Luca and grinned. “Daddycouldn’t wait any longer though. He really wanted to take a shower.”

He knew that Luca adored him, so he hoped that his smile would make Luca forgive theirtransgression.

Luca smiled and stroked the boy’s head.

It was only after Tommy’s reminder that she realized Luke had given her the apartment, and theyshould not have come in without her permission.

“It’s alright,” Luca said. The apartment was much closer to Tommy’s school, and Luke still had someclothes there. It was not surprising that they would visit her.

“I’m glad that you’re not angry,” Tommy said with a grin. Immediately after that, his stomach began togrowl.

It was not very loud, but Luca heard it anyway.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the child. “Are you hungry?”

“A little, but don’t mind me. Daddy will be taking me home for dinner soon,” Tommy said. He missedLuca’s Luke told him that Luca was still recovering from the injury and was not in the condition to cook.

Tommy did not throw a tantrum and remembered what his father said.

“I don’t have any ingredients here either,” Luca said.

Even though Rhett had bought lunch for her, she left it in the office and only ate it at about four o’clock,when she began to get hungry. She was still full after work, so she did not go to the supermarket to buyfood.

Also, she had finished the food the maid had left her.

Tommy stared at Luca with his innocent eyes. “Aren’t you going to have dinner, Ms. Luca? Why don’tyou come with us?”

Luca thought that it was not appropriate to accept their invitation. “It’s fine. I don’t think I should goalong.”

Luke should be bringing Tommy back to Crawford Manor to have dinner. She had no reason to goalong.

“Why?” Tommy asked while clinging to her arm.

“I’m not hungry,” Luca said.

She heard the bathroom door open. Luke walked out.

He did not take his shower in the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom because Luca wasstaying there. Instead, he used the common bathroom.

Luca noticed that the set of clothes he had changed into was from the maid’s bedroom. She did notexpect that Luke was so considerate about her privacy.

“Mr. Crawford.” She stood up and greeted Luke. Tommy was still clinging onto her, and he said, “You’redone showering, Daddy.”

“Mm,” Luke said impassively. He looked at Luca and said, “There’s no shower cream in the commonbathroom, so I took the bottle from the attached bathroom. I hope you don’t mind it.”

‘Shower cream…’ Luca suddenly felt the tips of her ears grow hot. Fortunately, her long hair coveredthem.

‘Only people who live together would share a bottle of shower cream…’

Luca pretended to brush her hair to check that her ear was indeed scarily hot.

“It’s fine,” she said.

Tommy looked at the two adults and said, “Daddy, let’s not go home and eat dinner tonight. Why don’twe go to a restaurant?”

Luke turned his head to look at his son. He did not say anything because he knew the boy was notdone talking yet.

“You’ve used Ms. Luca’s shower cream today, and we should thank her in some way. Ms. Luca hasn’thad dinner yet, so why don’t we take her out to a restaurant?” Tommy said using his most adorablevoice, in case his father did not agree.

“Alright,” Luke agreed without waiting for Luca to reply.

“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Crawford. It’s nothing major,” Luca tried to refuse. No matter how expensivethe shower cream might be, it was not going to be worth as much as a meal.”

She did not want to go so that she did not have too many interactions with Luke.

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