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Chapter 1488

Luca’s guess was correct. The rumors were already spreading by the time she reached the laboratory.novelbin

While working on their research, the researchers in the laboratory were talking about how she had leftthe building and returned with Luke.

They were still talking when Luca entered, and they were embarrassed because they did not manageto stop themselves.

She heard the last part of their conversation, though she walked back to her position without showingany expression on her face. All the researchers in her team were male; several female researchers hadapplied for an interview, but Luca rejected them all.

She thought that men were less prone to gossip, but it seemed that her preconception was wrong.

Most men were not like Luke, who showed no interest in gossip.

“You can continue talking,” Luca sat in her seat and put on goggles.

The researchers looked at each other. None of them dared to say anything.

Rhett came out of the cultivation room and saw that Luca was already back. He said, “You’re back, Dr.Craw. Why don’t you rest for a little longer?”

“I’m fine. Mr. Crawford brought me to the hospital, and they gave me some medication. I feel a lotbetter now,” Luca said.

The researchers knew that Luca was directing those words at them. They lowered their heads inembarrassment.

Rhett saw that she did not look unwell, so he did not ask any more questions.

She focused on her work until it was lunchtime.

Luca knew that she would be at the center of attention if she went to the cafeteria. To avoid trouble, sheasked Rhett to take away some food for her.

Rhett agreed to it immediately.

Luca returned to her office and studied the data collected over the past few days. She did not care thatthe surveillance camera was capturing her every movement.

Luke was sitting in his office. He frowned as he looked at the computer screen.

Luca was in the frame. She was studying some documents, and she looked like she was going to skiplunch again.

‘No wonder she’s so thin. She doesn’t eat her meals regularly.’

Luke was taken aback when he realized that he had that thought in his head. He did not understandwhy he thought of that. Luca’s mealtimes should not be any of his concern…

A knock on the door was heard. Luke minimized the security feed and said, “Come in.”

Jason came in through the door with a lunch box in his hand. He handed it to Luke and said, “Yourlunch, Mr. Crawford.”

“Just put it on the table,” Luke nodded and said.

Jason put the lunch box on the table.

“Mr. Crawford, the entire company is talking about how you and Dr. Craw had returned in the samecar,” he said.

“Mm,” Luke replied impassively. He had already expected that to happen. Moreover, he did that onpurpose.

“Now, should we let Ms. Tia know about it?” Jason asked.

“She has eyes in the company. She’ll know about it,” Luke said. Letting Tia know about it was part ofhis plan.

Jason wondered if he should praise Luke for his shrewdness…

The plan was sure to put Luca in a tough spot.

Anyone could see that Tia had a crush on Luke. Luke’s plan involved letting Luca come into contactwith Tia and letting Tia know that Luke and Luca shared some sort of relationship.

Tia would definitely misinterpret something, and she would confront Luca about it.

The tales from earlier that morning were still circulating in the company. If Tia knew about it, she woulddefinitely treat Luca as a rival.

“Enjoy your lunch, Mr. Crawford. I’ll be downstairs.” Even though Jason felt sorry for Luca, he was notgoing to say anything.

Luca might have saved his daughter’s life, but her identity remained mysterious, and he dared not takeher side. He did not want to disrupt Luke’s plans and miss out on the opportunity to save Bianca.

After all, Bianca was Luke’s true love.

“Wait.” Luke suddenly remembered that Luca was still in her office and had not eaten lunch.

Jason looked at him. “Is there anything else, Mr. Crawford?”

Luke stared at the lunch box for several seconds. Eventually, he shook his head.

Jason nodded and left the office.

Luke had nearly asked Jason to buy a lunch box for Luca. He wondered why he had that thought; hecould not bear to see her working through lunchtime without eating. After all, she should not sacrificeher health for the company.

However, the words stopped at the tip of his tongue.

There were other reasons why he helped Nina, and he had deliberately stopped at the buildingentrance. Those were part of his plan, but sending Luca a lunch box was not part of his plan.

That was why Luke stopped himself.

Tia quickly found out about Luke and Luca traveling in one car. In order to confirm her suspicions, shealso asked her informant about the time it happened.

Luke should have been in a meeting at that time, so why did he travel somewhere else with Luca?


The fires of jealousy raged in Tia’s heart. She guessed that Jason and Luke were in cahoots to deceiveher, and that was why Jason had told her that Luke had a meeting, when instead Luke had wanted togo out with Luca.

Tia clutched her chest. The burning sensation in her chest made her feel uncomfortable.

Was Luke actually not interested in her? Why would he do so?

He had asked her to help Luca, then dismissed her with a made-up excuse. Did he not have anyfeelings for her?

‘That can’t be the case…’

Tia could sense Luke’s affection toward her. What was going on?

She wanted to find the answer, but she could not seem to find it no matter what questions she askedherself. Eventually, she arrived at one possibility.

Luca must be taking the opportunity to try to seduce Luke too.

Luca pretended to be distant and aloof, but she was secretly trying to win Luke’s heart.

What was worse was that Luke seemed to be falling for it. Otherwise, he would not have asked Tia togive her psychological treatments or dismiss Tia from the company with a made-up excuse, then leavewith her privately.

“This is ridiculous!” Tia slammed the table angrily and stood up. “I won’t let you get what you want,Luca Craw. I can deal with Bianca Rayne, and I can deal with you too! I’ll dig out the deepest secrets inyour mind and expose them to Luke Crawford! We’ll see if he’d still be interested in you!”

In Tia’s experience, she could tell that the elements of fear one faced during hypnosis were usually notrecent incidents.

That applied to the wall of blood Luca saw!

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