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Chapter 1478

After making a simple lunch, Luca called the police station and asked if she was allowed to return tothe apartment to pack her daily necessities.

The policeman told her that he could only give her an answer after enquiring about it with his superior.

Luca was aware the superior that they were talking about was probably Luke Crawford…

Although the murderer had not been found, it was impossible that the apartment was shut off for such along time.

The president’s office of T Corporation.

Jason knocked on the door and entered the office before reporting, “Mr. Crawford, the police stationjust called. Dr. Craw called the police station and asked about wanting to go to the apartment.”

Luke stopped typing on the keyboard and raised his eyebrows. “She wants to go to the apartment?”

“Yes.” Jason nodded his head. “The police are asking for your opinion.”

It was because Luke had a certain influence in City A, and he was considered as an involved party inLuca’s case. Hence, the police had to ask for his opinion.

“If she wants to go back, then just let her do so. Let’s see what she’ll take,” Luke replied.

“Yes.” Jason nodded. He would just relay Luke’s exact words to the police later.

“Wait.” Luke thought of something, and said, “Send a policeman to keep her company. Watch everymove she makes.”

“Yes, Sir.” Jason noted it down and left the office with his phone in his hand.

He told the policeman exactly what Luke had said to him and informed the policeman to keep an eyeon Luca’s moves when she got to the apartment.

After the policeman received the reply, he contacted Luca.

Luca heard that a policeman would have to be with her at the apartment, claiming that it was to protectthe crime scene. Luca agreed without hesitation and scheduled with the policeman to meet at theapartment around two o’clock in the afternoon.

When it was almost time, she arrived at the apartment.

After the incident, the security system of the apartment was clearly reinforced. Residents were requiredto swipe their access cards to enter the building, while guests were to inform the residents’ nameswhom they were visiting. Only after getting the resident’s permission would they be allowed to enter.

Luca’s residential access card was still at the police station. It had been a habit for her to always keepher access card and identity documents in her bag and bring them along with her for convenience.

She could not enter, so she could only ask for the security guard’s help. “Hello, I’m a resident here but Iforgot to bring my access card with me. Can you please let me enter?”

The security guard shot her a glance and said lazily, “Do you think that simply claiming to be a residentmeans you really are one? We do things with access cards now. You can ask your family to come downand get you, or you can make a call at the guard post. Only then can you enter.”

“I live alone…” Luca did not expect it to be so troublesome.

“Let me have a look at your ID card, then.” The security guard provided her another way when heheard that.

“…” Luca was speechless. She did not even have her ID card with her to prove her identity now. “Ididn’t bring that too…”

“Don’t you bring your ID card along with you when you’re going out? Then I’m sorry, according to therules, I can’t let you in.” The security guard said it was because of the incident that they had imposednew rules to ensure the residents’ safety.

The police blamed their management, while the management blamed them. Now, the security guards’pay was deducted by a few hundred dollars, so they were not being very nice to the residents.

“My ID card is at…” Luca was about to explain when another security guard came forward and asked,“What’s the matter?”novelbin

The security guard who previously talked to Luca lifted his chin. “This person claims that she’s one ofthe residents here. But she doesn’t have an access card or an ID. She also lives alone. How can I justlet her in?”

The security guard who just came recognized Luca at a glance and said, “She’s indeed a residenthere.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“She’s the resident of unit 502. Let her in,” the guard replied.

The look on the other security guard’s face became more awful when he heard that. After all,everything was because of the incident at Unit 502. If such a thing had not happened, their pay wouldnot have been cut and their workload would not have increased.

“Get in,” he said petulantly.

Luca found their attitudes to be bad, but she did not say anything. Her mind was on the apartment. Shehad no idea if Luke and his men had noticed the groceries that she left on the table on the day of theincident.

She had not gone far when the security guard started complaining, “So that’s her, and that’s how shelooks. That explains why those evil people were lured into her place.”

Another guard snapped at him in a lowered voice. “What nonsense are you talking about? Didn’t thatman break into the house to rob the place? You can’t blame others for that, right?”

“Why can’t I blame her for that? Dolling herself up when she’s already so good-looking… That robbermust have had his eyes on her because she’s defenseless and staying alone. If it wasn’t for Old Wadewho sacrificed himself, I’m afraid she’d have suffered tremendously.” The guard kept talking.

“Enough, enough. I know you’re close with Old Wade, but no one wanted Old Wade to get into trouble.Besides, we can’t blame her for the pay cut. What happened to her at her house was nothing morethan an unfortunate incident.”

As Luca walked farther and farther away, she could no longer hear their conversation.

They had a reason to blame her. After all, who was willing to take the responsibility for such a matter?

The biggest responsibility was actually on her.

Luca got into the elevator and saw the policeman who promised to meet her at the entrance of theapartment.

“Hello.” She nodded her head as she greeted him. “It took a while for me to get in as I didn’t have myaccess card when I was downstairs. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. Should we go in now?” The policeman took her house key out.

Luca nodded.

“The blood in there has been cleaned up. And it’s been ventilated for a few days. There’s no smell in itanymore, but try your best not to touch the things in there. It’s a crime scene, after all. Try to keepeverything the way it was.” The policeman pushed the door open as he spoke.

“I understand,” Luca replied and walked in.

Sure enough, everything had been cleaned up and the strong bloody smell had almost gone away.

Luca unconsciously looked in the direction of the table and noticed that the bag was gone.

It was either taken away by the policeman or Luke’s men had taken it away.

She believed that Luke’s men definitely came in here before when the police were not noticing.

Luca walked into the master bedroom and packed her clothes into a duffel bag. She recalled that theresearch papers were in the second bedroom, but as the policeman was with her and this was a crimescene, she stopped herself from going there.

After she left the master bedroom, she walked around the living room twice.

“What else are you looking for?” the policeman asked when he saw her looking for something else.

“I remember I bought groceries that day and before I managed to put them down properly, I wasalready on the floor. Did the police take them away for laboratory tests?” Luca asked.

The policeman thought for a moment and shook his head. “They weren’t on the test list. The cleanerwho came to clean up the scene back then probably saw the groceries here and took them away. Afterall, they’d get stinky if they were left here.”

When Luca noticed that he did not place much emphasis on the bag of groceries, she deliberatelyasked, “You didn’t take the bag of groceries to the police station? I remember I was carrying it. Themurderer might have left some fingerprints on it.”

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