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Chapter 1375

Chapter 1375 How Dare She Harm the Child!

After breakfast, the hospital corridors began to fill up with people.

Luca guessed that the results of the bacteria culture test should be out by any time now. As expected,Johann came to the room half an hour later with the report in his hands.

"I've read the report. Indeed, Tommy's fever is caused by a bacterial infection," he said.novelbin

Luke frowned when he heard that. That must be Bianca's going.

The child did not have any external injuries, and he only ate the food from Crawford Manor. There wasno other way he could have gotten a bacterial infection. Thinking of what Bianca told him earlier, herealized that it was not a lie for him to free her.

He had always believed what Bianca said. That was why he had asked Johann to treat Tommy's illnessto be something more than a regular fever.

There was no other reason why Bianca could so accurately predict Tommy's fever even though shewas confined in the mansion...

"I have to say that this is a rare bacteria in this region because the warm climate here isn't suitable forits cultivation. If it's exposed in the air, it'll die within five to ten minutes," Johann said.

Luke asked, "What can be done?"

"Don't worry, I've already prescribed some antibiotics for Tommy, and the nurse will come over with theinjection soon. Well do another bacteria culture test in two days, and if we don't detect any bacteria inhis system, he should be fine," Johann said. He need not rely on Luca for this.

However, Luca was the one who suggested that they perform a bacteria culture test on Tommy. If notfor her suggestion, Tommy would still have to suffer for quite some time.

Luke nodded when he heard that. He was glad that the child was going to be fine.

"I'll have to thank you, Dr. Craw. We only managed to find the cause of Tommy's fever because of you.Right, Tommy's constitution is quite weak. Can you concoct something so that he becomes healthier?"Johann said.

"Don't mention it. I didn't do much to help. As for a concoction, I can try to come up with something, butI'm afraid that Tommy wouldn't like it," Luca said as she sat on the bed. She did not look at the reportbecause she knew that Johann would not deceive her.

Without looking at the report, she knew the type of bacteria that Johann was talking about.

There were not many types of bacteria that could not withstand warm temperatures. The Island ofDespair cultivated one of those types, and Luca had seen it in the laboratory.

The Island of Despair was located at a high latitude, and the climate there was suitable for thecultivation of the bacteria. To increase the chances of the bacteria's survival, Abel had built Shanks arefrigerated chamber.

Bianca must have obtained the bacteria from Abel. Luca wondered if Abel would notice that Luke waskeeping Bianca captive.

While she was deep in thought, she did not notice that the two men exchanged glances.

Tommy smiled and said, "HI eat whatever you make for me, Ms. Luca. Even medicine."

Luca smiled and stroked Tommy's head. She could tell that the little boy fully trusted her.

Johann said, "Luke, are you free now? Come to my office for a bit."

"Mm." Luke nodded, knowing that Johann had something to tell him. He said to the caretaker, "Takecare of Tommy."

"Yes," the caretaker replied. She was glad to know that Tommy was fine.

Tommy was friendly and always made the servants happy. He made them feel as though they werepart of the Crawford family and not only employees.

Johann and Luke went to the office.

Johann closed the door, sat down on his chair, and wagged the mouse. The computer screen instantlylit up.

"The bacteria found in Tommy's blood can only thrive in very stringent conditions. Take a look. Theinformation's all here, " he said.

He stood up and let Luke sit down on his chair.

Luke began to read the information that Johann showed him.

After reading, he said, "The bacteria should be from the Island of Despair. Judging from what we know,their current base of operations isn't far away from the previous one. It might even be the same one."

"There are many small islands in the region, but I have a hunch that they've always been there. I'msure that they're already making their move, so you can't afford to be careless. You should begininvestigating so that you won't be at a disadvantage," Johann said.

Luke nodded. He understood what Johann meant. Now that he had more information, he could beginhis investigations.

Judging from the bacteria's survival conditions, it would not survive for too long in A City even if Biancakept it in the freezer. She must have been in frequent contact with the people from the Island ofDespair.

He could not waste any time getting to the bottom of it. Otherwise, the people from the Island ofDespair would know that something happened to the impostor Bianca.

Once they discovered that, Luke did not know what they would do next.

Luca left only after Tommy was hooked to the saline drip.

Tommy did not beg for her to stay because he knew that she had to go to work. However, he kept onreminding her about the promise.

When Luke returned to the room, Luca had already left.

He was less worried about Tommy after finding out the cause for his fever. He gave a call to Jason,asking him to bring to the hospital any urgent documents in need of his attention.

Luca left the hospital and caught a cab back to her apartment.

Amur was at home today. He did not stake out at the mansion in the outskirts because he was waitingfor Luca's orders. When he saw Luca return, he said, "Is Tommy alright?

"He's fine. Just as expected, the cause of his fever is a bacterial infection," Luca washed the flask inthe kitchen before coming back to the living room.

Amur frowned when he heard that.

Luca continued, "I didn't read the bacteria culture test report, but the doctor said that bacteria can onlysurvive in extremely cold conditions. In A City, it'll die under ten minutes of exposure. The bacteria is

from the Island of Despair, Amur. Bianca had fed tainted food to the child."

She clenched her fists tightly when she thought of that.

Abel did not order Bianca to act against the children, but Bianca had harmed the child to gain respectfrom Old Master Crawford.

If the doctor did not find out the cause, or if the child was weaker, she did not want to imagine whatmight happen!

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