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Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368 Can You Hug Me?

Johann could not yet tell the severity of the child's fever. However, Luke seemed to think that it was avery serious matter.

Luke nodded, though he had his doubts.

If the impostor Bianca's fever was caused by a special drug from the Island of Despair, and only theIsland of Despair had the cure for the drug, how did Luca manage to alleviate the effects of the drugwhen Bianca was in the hospital?

Could Luca be also from the Island of Despair? Luke remembered how she had given Bianca a herbalconcoction to suppress the effects of the drug, and he also considered the fact that the hacker'slocation was near Luca's neighborhood.

Whatever Luke was thinking, Johann had also thought about it. However, he was more concernedabout Tommy's condition, so he searched the database on his computer for Luca’s prescription.

Luca had given them two prescriptions, and he had recorded them in his database for future research.

He looked at the prescription and rubbed his chin. "This is the prescription that Dr. Craw gave Biancalast time. The ingredients are entirely natural, but I can’t guarantee that it'll achieve the same effect ifwe don't know the drug that Bianca used on Tommy."

In other words, Luke had to call Luca over.

Luke thought that he could not afford to waste anytime. He took out the phone and gave Luca a call.

At that moment, Luca had just clocked in at her office. She was about to don her lab coat and go intothe laboratory to continue her research when her phone began to ring. She furrowed her brows when

she saw that the call was from Luke.

Rhett knocked on the door to her office. The door was ajar, so he popped in and told her, "Dr. Craw, thereport from yesterday's tissue culture experiment is ready."

"Mm, I'll go over in a while," Luca nodded and said. She hesitated for a while before deciding that sheshould answer the call. After all, Luke would not call her unless it was something urgent.

"Good morning, Mr. Crawford," she said stiffly.

Luke did not beat around the bush. "Tommy is in the hospital now, and his condition is quite peculiar.Can you come to the hospital for a bit?"

Luca's heart skipped a beat when she heard Tommy was in the hospital. However, she remindedherself of her identity now, and she composed herself before saying, "What happened? What did thedoctors say?"

"He has a high fever. The blood test shows that everything was normal, but the fever keeps comingback. The symptoms are very similar to Bianca's fever last month,"

Luke said.

Luca noticed that he said the name "Bianca" as though he was saying the name of a stranger.

She became anxious when she heard that Tommy was suffering. Remembering that Bianca had triedto abduct Rainie so that she could gain some respect from Old Master Crawford, Luca wondered if thiswas also Bianca's ploy.

Luca could not sit still anymore. She said, "I'll go over to the hospital now, Mr. Crawford. Let me knowwhere I can meet you. Also, I'll need all of Tommy's test reports. Dr. Park should be at the hospital,right? Please ask him to send the reports to me as soon as possible."

"Mm. Let me know what reports you need, and I'll get him to prepare them for you," Luke handed thephone to Johann.

Johann took the phone. Before he could say anything, Luca rattled off a list of tests. Other than theusual blood test, the hospital had not performed the others.

After Luca finished telling him the list, Johann replied," Alright, we'll go and make arrangements."

Then, Luca ended the call.

Sitting in front of his computer, Johann began to order the tests in the hospital system and used hisauthority to assign them the highest priority. If what Luke said was true, Tommy was poisoned, and itwas considered an emergency.

Luke looked at his phone and looked at the words "Call Ended" for a few seconds. He sent a messageto inform

Luca about Tommy's room number, then put his phone back in his pocket.

After ordering the tests, Johann snapped his fingers. "It's done," he said.

"Are they all regular tests?" Luke asked.

"No. Some of them are toxicology tests. I've put the tests on high priority, and the nurse will attend toTommy soon. Do you want to accompany him?" Johann said. Usually, the hospital would not performtoxicology tests during a regular examination. If the regular tests could not provide any useful results,toxicology tests needed to be done.

"Mm. I'll return to the room for now," Luke said as he stood up. He knew that Tommy was very ill andneeded him the most.

Shortly after Luke returned to Tommy's room, the nurse came in and prepared to take a blood sample.After that, she wanted to bring Tommy to another room to perform some tests.novelbin

Tommy squirmed uncomfortably and protested. Luke picked him up and carried him, while thecaretaker followed behind with the drip bottle.

Johann had given high priority to Tommy, so the tests were done in no time. After Luke returned to theroom, Luca came in through the door.

She saw Luke carefully place Tommy on the bed, so she asked, "Has he done the tests?"

"Mm, but the report will take a while.” After Luke tucked Tommy in, he turned around and looked atLuca.

Luca looked obviously tired. She probably did not sleep well.

"Mm, let's wait." She watched the caretaker hang the drip bottle on the rack, then looked at the littleboy on the bed.

The nurse measured Tommy's temperature with a thermometer. Luca asked, "What's his temperature?"

"His condition is improving after receiving some medication. It's 99.5 degrees now," the nurse replied.

Tommy was not completely asleep. When he heard Luca's voice, he opened his eyes and said, "Ms.Luca? Is she here?"

Luke nodded.

Luca went up to the side of the bed, and her heart wrenched when she saw that Tommy's face waspale. "Yes, Tommy, I'm here."

"I feel horrible, Ms. Luca." Tommy flipped to his back and looked at her. He had cried earlier when thenurse took his blood sample. His eyes were bloodshot.

When Luca saw that, she wanted to hug him.

Tommy continued, "Ms. Luca, can you give me a hug? When I was sick, my Mommy used to hug me tosleep."

Luke wanted to say something when he heard Luca say," Alright."

She sat down on the bed, leaned on the headboard, and

brought Tommy into her arms.

Tommy shifted a little so that he was comfortable, then closed his eyes.

Luke could not help but feel emotional when he saw Tommy sleeping peacefully in Luca's embrace. Itlooked as though Luca and Tommy were mother and son.

In Crawford Manor, the caretaker was the closest adult female to Tommy. Even she could not calmTommy down when the nurse took Tommy's blood sample.

Tommy was not naughty, but he would throw tantrums whenever he was angry. Bianca was like thattoo...

Luke looked at Luca and thought about his missing wife. Could Luca be from the Island of Despair too?

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