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Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364 They Hadn’t Been in Contact With Each Other

Percy did not seem satisfied with Nina's answer. "You didn't tell me that."

"I forgot," Nina said impatiently. She did not forget, but she did not want to report everything to him.That made her look as though she were his pet.

She was human, not Percy Mallory's pet.

Percy spoke nothing for the next three seconds. He thought that she was behaving erratically becauseshe had something on her mind, so he said, "Alright, it's good to hear that you're eating your meals. I'llbe back late because I have some work to do. Remember to go to bed early. If you can't sleep, takeyour sleeping pills."

Nina was not sure how to feel after hearing his words of concern. "Mm," she replied and ended the call.

Luca watched Nina take off her Bluetooth headset. She asked, "Was that your boyfriend?"

'Boyfriend?' Nina was taken aback, then she chuckled self- deprecatingly. Many people thought thatPercy was her boyfriend, but he was actually not. What bound them together was a shamefultransaction.

"No," Nina said, thinking that it would not be too long before Percy would be out of her life forever.

Once Percy was officially engaged to Ms. Johnston, Nina would automatically leave. Even though shehad been his illicit lover for many years and her heart had already gone numb, she still had herprinciples.

She did not mind that she was unhappy, but she was not going to linger around and bring unhappinessto other women.

Percy was never going to find happiness if she clung to him.

From that reply, Luca was even more sure that she did not enjoy a healthy relationship with Percy.Perhaps that was the main cause of her depression.

Nina arrived at the destination and looked around her. "Is this the place?"

"Yes." Luca nodded, unfastened her seatbelt, and took out her phone. "Can I add you as a friend onFacebook?"

Nina was quite surprised by the question. She did not expect Luca to ask that after their first meeting,though she did not oppose the idea. "Sure," she nodded and said.

After adding each other to their contacts, Luca opened the car door. Before she stepped out, she said,"Drive safe on your way back. Send me a message when you reach home. It's getting late."

Nina was caught in a daze as she watched Luca close the door. Bianca used to say the same thing.

She suddenly had the urge to talk to Bianca. It had been a long time since they contacted each other...

With that thought, Nina dialed Bianca's number. The phone rang for a long time, but no one picked itup.

Two days later, the IT department of T Corporation finally managed to fix all the flaws in the networksecurity system. At the same time, they also upgraded the servers' operating system.

The department manager gave Luke a detailed report in the CEO's office.

While fixing the flaws, they also found traces of attacks from other IP addresses in the network logs.The department manager dared not keep it a secret from Luke, so he reported that to him as well.

Luke's expression darkened when he heard that. "Are you telling me that none of you discovered allthose attacks on our network?"

The manager kneaded his hands together nervously and tried to explain, "The attacks didn't activatethe alarms. In any case, they didn't succeed."

"Won't it be too late if they succeeded?" Luke retorted, unhappy that the manager was trying to findexcuses. The attacks might not have caused any harm to the company because they did not manageto access the top-secret information, but they exposed significant flaws in the company's securitysystem.

The security system was supposed to be perfect, but those attacks managed to sneak past itundetected. One could imagine the number of flaws in that system.

"You're exactly right. Our staff has already upgraded the system and fixed its flaws. Next time, thesystem will automatically trigger an alarm once it detects an unknown IP address." The manager couldtell that Luke was unhappy, so he tried to appease him.

T Corporation paid him a high salary. He did not want to lose the job.

Moreover, if T Corporation fired him, he would not be able to get a job elsewhere. He needed to makesure that Luke was appeased.

"I'll give you one day to raise the security rating of the system by two," Luke said. He was not in themood to negotiate.

The manager frowned when he heard that. "I'm afraid that one day won’t be enough, Mr. Crawford."

"I'll personally test the system tomorrow. If there's no improvement to the security, I expect yourresignation letter on my desk the day after." Luke gave his ultimatum.

"Yes!" Seeing that there was no wiggle room in Luke's orders, he had to agree to it.

Immediately after that, Jason brought Adrian into the office. "Mr. Crawford, Mr. Daley wants to talk toyou about something."

Luke nodded and said to the manager, "You may leave."

"Yes." The manager left with his head drooped and a frown on his face. If he could not get the job doneby today, his future would be quite bleak. He cursed the unknown hackers under his breath.

Adrian went over and sat down in front of Luke before Luke said anything. He was a guest and not anemployee, so he was not too bothered by formalities.

"I've found a few things after two days, but it might not be much, and I'm not sure if the information willhelp," Adrian spoke before Luke or Jason said anything.

"What did you find?" Luke asked. Adrian might be a genius, but there was not much he could do, giventhe circumstances.

The IT department did not find anything. Any findings from Adrian were already a bonus.

The artist cut off the connection too soon, and I can tell that they're quite skilled, so I can only trackthem down to a certain extent. After two days, I managed to locate their general area, but I can't findtheir exact location," Adrian said.

Luke nodded and waited for Adrian to continue speaking.

Adrian continued, "It's in the west of A City. Let me send you a map."

As soon as he said that, Luke received a photo. On the photo was a map of A City with a big red circledrawn on the target area.

It was not a big area, but it was not small either. It would be very difficult to find the hacker's exactlocation.

"Huh," Jason exclaimed after hearing that the hacker was in the west area of A City.novelbin

Luke turned his gaze toward him.

"Mr. Crawford, Dr. Craw lives in the west," Jason explained.

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