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Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325 Bianca's Plan

Susan did not know how to react to what Old Master Crawford said. She felt resentful. She said, "Ifthere's such a need, Louis would know his priorities. After all, we don't expect Bianca to help with TCorporation."

Old Master Crawford did not answer and drank his tea in silence.

Bianca stood at the corner near the stairs and heard Susan's every word. She silently clenched her fist.Not only did Old Master Crawford see her as a good-for-nothing but Susan and the others too...

They may look down on her now but she swore that she would get her revenge in the future.

Bianca walked upstairs with her head held high when she thought about what she was going to do.Since they did not allow her to go to Luke, she would be more than happy to create some chaos for theCrawford family.

On the other side, Luca was at work and received a call from Amur.

"Amur, what's the matter?" Luca glanced at the time. At this hour, Sue would have already sent Kariand Teri to school before going to work.

"As you said, someone has a bone to pick with Ms. Carter," Amur said while looking at the man he hadsubdued on the ground.

The man wanted to take action on Sue when she got out of the car but he was not aware that he wasexposed. Before he could get close to Sue, Amur subdued him to the ground.

"Did you catch that person?" Luca asked but already knew the answer.

No one had ever escaped from Amur.

"He's on the ground." Amur stepped on the man's wrist and he screamed in pain. The man knew thathe was in the wrong and instantly stopped screaming.

"Did you catch him in the act?" Luca asked. She heard the man's screams.

"No, I pressed him to the ground before he had time to act." Amur did not like to catch others in the act.For one, he did not want to let Sue know that he was protecting her.novelbin

Secondly, if he caught the perpetrator in the act, there were a lot of follow-ups to do.

Luca replied to him and thought about it for a while. If he did not catch the man in the act, they couldnot send him to the police station. She said, "Threaten him and teach him a lesson before you let himgo."

After Amur agreed, she ended the call.

When Luca put her phone aside and was about to conduct her research, Rhett knocked on her door.

"Come in." She stood up, watched the door open, and Rhett walked in with a man.

"Dr. Craw, he's from the Security Department and mentioned that he received an order from Mr.Crawford to upgrade the computer's security system," Rhett said.

Luca nodded, moved out of her seat, and asked, "How long will it take?"

"The program is ready so it won't take too much of your time, " the man said as he walked to thecomputer and plugged in the USB.

Luca stood by and waited because there was a lot of important information on the computer. Even ifshe did not care, she still had to stand here and pretend to care.

As the man installed the program, she asked, "By the way, why did Mr. Crawford suddenly think ofupgrading the system?"

"I don't know. I got a message from my manager this morning. Our role is to execute, we don't questionanything." The man watched as the program was installed little by little. After it was done, heunplugged the USB and said, "Dr. Craw, this new system is a little different from the previous ones. Ifyou're not used to it or don’t understand anything, you can call anyone in our department at any timeand we'll help you with it."

"Okay, thank you." Luca nodded.

After the man left, she picked up the documents again and said to Rhett, "Get the materials ready. We'llhead to the laboratory to conduct some research."

"Okay," Rhett turned around and walked out.

When Luca left her office, she received a text from Amur saying that he had warned the man and lethim go.

She quickly replied to him: [That woman won't give up so easily. She might resort to worse methodssince she failed this time. Please pay more attention to Sue and the kids.]

Amur quickly replied to her: [Okay.]

Luca put her thoughts about Luke and Sue away to focus on her research.

In the evening, Zander, the driver of the Crawford family, sent the kids back to the manor.

Bianca was sitting in the living room on the second floor. When she saw Rainie and the other kidswalking upstairs with their school bags, she said, "You're back!"

Lanie and Rainie exchanged glances, then nodded at Bianca. They felt nothing toward her enthusiasm.

In the past, they would have gotten excited that their mother was not being indifferent to them.However, since they found out the person in front of them was not their mother, they felt weird andbecame more vigilant about her sudden enthusiasm.

Bianca endured the discomfort she felt when she saw how indifferent they were acting. She steppedforward and took their school bags before saying, "Do you have a lot of

homework today? What about letting me help you?"

Lanie shook his head and said, "We don't have much homework today so we can do it ourselves."

With that, he took back his and Rainie's school bags before walking to the bedroom.

Bianca was stunned and looked at Tommy, who was the only one left. She smiled and asked, "Tommy,how about you? Do you need help with your homework?"

"Even if I need help, I don’t think that you can help. Lanie and Rainie will teach me, don't worry."Although Tommy said a lot, none of it was what she wanted.

After he finished speaking, he walked to Lanie's bedroom.

Bianca stood at the top of the stairs and stared in the direction the kids went. Her expression wasgloomy.

They did not care about her at all!

Bianca tightened her fist silently and tried to suppress her anger. She still had to endure it becausethere was still a plan to implement.

She walked to the bedroom, took out her biggest bag, and stuffed something in it as well as the cashshe had previously saved.

After Bianca was done packing, she walked into Lanie's bedroom. As expected, the kids were sitting atthe desk doing their homework.

Rainie turned around when she heard the sound of

footsteps. After she saw Bianca, she continued doing her homework.

Bianca approached them and asked, "Do you have a lot of homework today?"

Lanie and Tommy said nothing while Rainie responded, "It's alright."

"In that case, Rainie, after you finish your homework, can you go somewhere with me?" Bianca asked.

Lanie looked at her warily and asked, "Why only Rainie?"

"My friend invited me to dinner and I can't bring the three of you so I plan to bring Rainie since myfriend likes her," Bianca explained with a smile on her face.

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