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Chapter 1320

Chapter 1320 Traumatized The Kids For Life

Luca glanced at Bailey, who was acting hubristic, and explained the situation to Johann.

Johann agreed to help after he understood the situation.

Luca put away her phone. Bailey informed Dean Winchester of the situation and had some connectionsin the hospital. She believed Dean Winchester would be on her side.

Sue covered Teri’s ears and felt raging hatred in her heart.

For so many years, Bailey had continued to pester Jason and even went as far as to hurt her and theirkids.

She was also a mother. Why would she be so cruel to other people's children? Over the years, Suehad been trying to protect the kids but Bailey was like a mosquito, sneaking a bite whenever she sawan opportunity. She had traumatized the kids for life.

Bailey crossed her hands in front of her chest and looked at the person in front of her contemptuouslyas she said, "I’ve already contacted Dean Winchester. It’s a matter of seconds before you'll be kickedout of the hospital!"

Sue's body was shivering with anger. She held Teri in her arms. If not for the fact that Bailey was themother of Jason's son, she would not be so polite and would have called the police immediately.

Bailey had repeatedly hurt her and her family throughout the years, and for various reasons, Sueendured it.

For three years, everyone could see Jason loved Sue and only Sue. She did not want to endure itanymore.

"This is the hospital. You don't have the right to do this!" she yelled. Kari was still being treated andcould not afford to be kicked out.

Bailey chuckled softly and replied, "People with power can do anything they want. Sue, do you thinkthat you can have a life-free worry after snatching Jason? Let me tell you, even if he chooses you,you're still nothing but a b*tch who seduces other people's husbands!"

She cursed loudly and attracted the attention of many people. There were already many peoplestanding in the corridor.

The crowd thought that Sue was a mistress and gossiped about her.

Luca could no longer listen. She held her phone in front of Bailey and said coldly, "Madam, I'verecorded what you said. Ms. Carter has the right to sue you for slander."

Bailey's eyes widened. "You dare?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Luca said, "What you just said violates the truth. Mr. Doyle had already divorced youwhen Ms. Carter and he got together. You're no longer involved in his life so how is Ms. Carter the thirdparty who destroyed your marriage?"

Bailey's eyes widened angrily. She was being directly targeted now. She felt that she was pushed to thecusp of the storm and her arrogance would not allow that to happen.

She said grimly, "You're talking nonsense! It was because of this woman that my relationship withJason broke down!"

"Where's the evidence?" Luca asked. Although she missed out on many things after three years, sheknew exactly how and when Sue and Jason got together.

Bailey looked at the unfamiliar face in front of her. Luca was unlike the person who sided with Suebefore. Bailey thought that she was a new friend of Sue who knew nothing of their past.

She said, "Her two daughters are evidence."

"When Ms. Carter was pregnant with the twins, you and Mr. Doyle were already divorced for a longtime, right? If you continue to make a scene, everything that you say will become evidence!" Lucastood between her and Sue lest this woman got mad and hurt Teri.

She still remembered the crazy things she once did to Sue to own Jason.

Bailey looked at Luca and said angrily, "You're talking nonsense!"

Luca calmly saved the recording and said, "This is evidence. If Ms. Carter sues you, you'll never hearthe end of it."

The crowd outside the door was talking about Bailey now. She heard them and looked at Sue coldly asshe uttered, "B* tch, do you think you have nothing to worry about just

because someone is here to stand up for you? Just you wait! If

After a while, Dean Winchester walked in and said, "Ms.

Bailey, what's wrong?"

When Bailey saw Dean Winchester walk in, she reacted as though she had seen a savior and said,"Dean Winchester, shoo this woman out. She and her two daughters can't be treated here!"

Sue did not expect that Bailey would dare to do that. Just as she was about to stand up, she saw Lucagently shake her head at her. She was taken back, suppressed her anger, and sat down.

Dean Winchester pushed his glasses, glanced at Sue and the others, then apologized, "Ms. Bailey,there's a sick child here. We can't kick them out."

"Why can't you? Dean Winchester, I'm sure that you're aware of the forces behind me." Baileyreminded him in a soft voice.

Dean Winchester was well aware of the forces backing Bailey and knew that they were rich. However,even though the people behind Sue were capable, their hospital did not need a wealthy patient butlacked a well-known and capable doctor.

Dean Winchester was more afraid of losing Johann than losing a wealthy patient.

If this matter was not handled properly, Johann would leave the hospital. The hospital would lose adoctor and a bunch of patients who believed in his medical skills.

Among these people, there was no shortage of patients with complicated cases and wealthybackgrounds.

Dean Winchester insisted, "The hospital was built for patients. The kid is still sick, I can't do that."

"If you can't do that, what are you doing here?" Bailey did not expect his firm reaction and was deep inthought about who Luca had called.

She did not expect her to be so powerful.

"I heard you're here and wanted to invite you to my office for a cup of tea." Dean Winchester gave heran out. Bailey was a public figure, and he could not have security kick her out.

Even if the dean gave her an out, Bailey did not want to lose her dignity here. However, everyone wassiding with Sue and she knew better than to piss off the woman in front of her. She thought that Dean

Winchester, who had promised to help her solve the problem, would fulfill his promise but did notexpect him to change sides. No matter how furious she was, she could not do anything about it.

"Hmph!" She turned around and left.

Dean Winchester smiled apologetically at Luca and Sue before saying, "Everything is fine now."novelbin

Luca nodded and said, "Dean Winchester, thank you for the trouble."

"No trouble. Dr. Park's friend is my friend. Dr. Craw, if there’s nothing else, I’ll get back to work," DeanWinchester said politely.

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