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Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290 When Did Boss Become This Negotiable

Luca nodded and then asked, "Mr. Crawford, what do you want to have for breakfast?” "Anything willdo. Bring Tommy along with you too. Buy something he actually likes to eat," replied Luke.

Luca nodded in response and brought Tommy out of the ward.

After Luke walked into the bathroom to wash up, his phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw thatit was Bianca calling.

After he knew that the Bianca in A City was a fake, he decided to remove everything that he hadcustomized for her-including ringtones and wallpapers.

He had no reason to do all that for a fake woman.

Luke answered the call and spoke coldly, "It's late. You're still not asleep?"

His words were showing concern for her, yet they were spoken in a cold tone. That surprised her, butshe still replied, "I'm about to sleep, but I miss you, so I decided to give you a call. Luke, I hope I'm notdisturbing you?" "Not at all." Luke's tone remained ice-cold. He left the bathroom, sat on the sofa, andwaited for her reply.

'That's good, then. You didn’t even call me when you arrived in America, so I guessed you might bereally busy. That's why I didn’t want to bother you. By the way, when are you coming back? I really missyou," Bianca replied with such affection despite being given the cold shoulder.

She was used to his coldness, but he might be a little more affectionate if she acted coy with him.

A sinister look flashed across Luke's eyes as he listened to her words. This woman must be hooked onthe act that she had been putting on, right?

Luke replied, 'Til come back when I'm done with my work here.”

Bianca shuddered. She thought he might show a little more love for her if she acted coy, but it did notseem to be working. Instead, he acted even more indifferently. She continued, "I see, alright then. Bythe way, is Tommy there? I miss him too.” "He's having breakfast with Jason in the restaurantdownstairs." Luke did not tell her anything about him being hospitalized, nor did he tell her aboutTommy accompanying Luca.

"Oh." Bianca had thought out an entire script before she called him, thinking that she might be able togive their relationship a boost. Now, Luke's coldness stopped her in her tracks.

"It's my body's fault. Wouldn’t it be great if I had gone to America with you? But don't worry about me.I’m fine now. I feel better these past couple of days. The doctor said I can be discharged once mycondition stabilizes." "Mm." Luke’s voice was still as cold as ever.

Bianca took a deep, cold breath as her heart chilled. "Alright, I’ll leave you alone now. Come backhome once you're done with your work, okay? I miss you,” Bianca said.

"Mm," Luke replied emotionlessly and then hung up the phone.

Bianca felt that something was wrong. Luke's attitude toward her was even colder than before.


Bianca thought about it for a moment. She did not remember doing anything to make him act like this. Itwas probably because of work that he was so moody. That was the only explanation she had in herhead.

After all, he always acted like that, being the workaholic he was. When he was focused on work, hewould neither eat nor sleep until he got everything done.

As a result, he did not interact with his children all that much.

Bianca was relieved after she thought of that.

Luca brought Tommy to the restaurant downstairs and let him pick the food he liked.

Tommy looked at the variety of food, pouted, and asked, "Ms. Luca, American people eat these forbreakfast?" "Mm, that's right." Luca ordered two sandwiches, a cup of coffee, and a cup of milk.

One of the sandwiches was meant for Luke while the other was hers. The cup of coffee was for her,while the milk was for him.

"How do American kids grow up if they eat this for breakfast?" Tommy complained. In the end, heordered a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

After getting their food, Luca brought Tommy back upstairs. When they walked into the ward, theynoticed Jason and Johann already in the ward.

"Good morning, Mr. Doyle, Dr. Park," Luca greeted them.

"Good morning Uncle Jason and Uncle Park." Tommy followed suit.

Both of them nodded in response.

Johann said, "Your report is out. There’s no more poison in your blood. You can be discharged." "Mm."Luke sat on the sofa. Ever since he could walk, he was unwilling to sit on the bed. The thought of asimple blade hospitalizing him for a couple of days hurt his dignity. Thus, he did not want to even getclose to the bed. He acted as if he had nothing to do with this ward that he stayed in.

He looked at the breakfast in Luca's hand and asked, "Is that for me?" "Yes," Luca replied as she setthe food down in front of him.

"Why did you get me milk?” Luke stared at the milk with a frown on his face.

"With your current condition, it's better if you avoid coffee right now," said Luca. She knew that Luke didnot necessarily need coffee anyway.

On usual days, he would stay up late working, so he needed coffee to keep him up. However, since herested well yesterday, he would not need coffee even if he jumped straight back into work after gettingdischarged.

Luke raised his brow in silence and sipped on the glass of milk.

Jason gaped in surprise as he watched that happen. When did his boss become so negotiable? If itwere him, he would have had to endure his boss' terrifying glare and then make him a cup of coffee.

However, one sentence from Luca and things turned out differently...

Johann looked at them, amused. He smiled and said to Jason, 'The police need the doctors' papers. I'llask them to prepare the documents while you make arrangements for Luke to be discharged." "Alright."Jason nodded as he regained his composure and left the ward with Johann.

Tommy sat on the sofa and opened his breakfast.

Luca sat on the foldable chair and took out her breakfast as well.

Luke noticed the pack of juice in Tommy’s breakfast, so he took a sip of his milk and said, "I like juicebetter than milk."

Of course, Luca knew that he tolerated juice better than milk.

Luca wanted to tell him that this was processed juice, so drinking a glass or two would be fine.However, since he had just recovered, the juice would not be nutritious enough for him.

She thought about it but did not say anything in the end. Instead, she nodded, took a bite of hersandwich, and muttered, "Understood."novelbin

Luke said nothing more and finished the breakfast she brought him.

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