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Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286 He Did Not Know Where His Bianca Was

Luke's mood turned sour when the fake Bianca was mentioned.

He thought about the past three years when the fake Bianca was planted next to him. Apart fromfeeling off, he did not have any doubts and even ignored Aunt Wanda's doubts.

He did not have a single doubt...

However, he did not know where his Bianca was...

Johann sat on the sofa and touched his chin, saying, "This is a tricky situation. Apart from this fakeBianca, the biggest problem now is how to find the real one..."

He stopped speaking.

So many things could happen in three years. Even if Luke could control the fake Bianca, it was hard tosay whether the real Bianca was still alive.

Moreover, after the appearance of this fake, whoever was behind the scenes must have a firm grasp ofthe whole situation. Even if he knew the truth, Luke was stuck in a passive stance.

After all, after the fake Bianca appeared, the kidnapping was said to be done by human traffickers andthere was no further investigation.

It would be difficult for them to investigate what had happened three years ago.

Luke closed the file. His eyes filled with densely packed waves of light that could burst out at any time.His hands were tightly clenched into tight fists. "I'll find her."

When Johann saw this, he nodded and said, "I've managed the hospital for you. She won't noticeanything."

Luke nodded, paused for a few seconds, and opened the file again.

Johann continued talking, "One more thing. Whatever the fake Bianca is suffering from is nothing I’veseen. The doctor sent me the reports and there are no issues with her. My suggestion is to stop themeds and do another inspection. What do you think?"

He was asking Luke for advice.

The fake Bianca could not die yet.

Luca had prescribed her an effective medicine. There was no recurrence of high fever. She wouldoccasionally have a low fever but it was not a big problem.

However, it was not normal for her to be hospitalized for so long. Johann believed that something waswrong with her body. Otherwise, her body temperature would not be this abnormal.

However, if she continued taking medicine, it might cover up her real condition so he wonderedwhether to have Bianca stop taking the medicine to do a comprehensive examination. The examinationhad certain risks, so he wanted to get Luke's opinion.novelbin

"Her illness is strange, but the medicine Luca gave is also strange," Luke said.

Johann was stunned and said, "I've gotten someone to check the dregs of the medicine. The medicineis to improve blood circulation. There’s nothing abnormal about it."

Luke signed his name at the end of the document. When the nanny was preparing the medicine beforethis, he got someone to check the medicine dregs.

There were no issues with the prescription but it helped control Bianca's condition almost instantly.

This was what Luke thought was odd.

"Luca said Bianca should take it for a month. We'll see how she's doing after waiting for anothermonth," Luke closed the processed document and took out another document.

Johann nodded. He did not say anything thinking that the fake Bianca was in a somewhat stablecondition.

Luca took Tommy to the mall next door and bought some clothes. She then bought him some fruits andsnacks.

They carried the bags and walked to the hospital.

Tommy took her hand and felt satisfied because they bought the snacks he wanted. He shook his headand said, "Ms. Luca, if Daddy bullies you in the future, you must tell me. I'll help you."

Seeing Tommy clenching his fist and trying to stand up for her, Luca shook his hand and asked, "Howwill you help me?"

Tommy tilted his head and thought about it. "Although Daddy looks cold, he loves me the most. If Iignore him, he'll regret his actions." "He loves you the most?" Luca asked while they waited in front ofthe elevator.

"Yes, although he also loves Lanie and Rainie, it's me he loves the most because I'm his youngest son.Lanie and Rainie also love me, so I'm the most favored in the family," Tommy said proudly with hisarms on his waist.

Luca smiled softly. She thought about the past. Luke was missing when he was born, so she haddevoted the most attention to Tommy, who meant a lot to her.

Unexpectedly, it was the same for Luke.

When the two returned to the ward, Johann stood up and said to her, "I just talked to the attendingdoctor. Luke can get out of bed tomorrow and be discharged after a simple check-up." "Okay," Lucanodded, put the things she bought on the coffee table next to the sofa, and silently put his credit cardback in his wallet.

She mentally prepared herself and did not show any expression when she saw their wedding photoagain. After she put the credit card back in his wallet, she calmly put it back in the drawer.

Johann looked at her, deep in thought. The conversation with Luke made him even more curious abouther.

'Luca... What kind of person is she?'

When everyone was struggling with the fake Bianca's illness, Luca easily stabilized her condition.

He was impressed with her acupuncture skills.

Luca noticed that Johann kept looking at her and asked curiously, "Dr.

Park, is there anything on my face?"

Luke heard the words and looked at him.

Johann smiled awkwardly and retracted his gaze. He said, "No, I have to trouble you to take care ofhim tonight. I have something to do, bye."

With that, he left the ward.

Luca glanced at Luke, who was also looking at her.

"I passed by a fruit shop and the fruits looked fresh. I bought some, Mr. Crawford. Would you like tohave them?" she asked, lifting her bag with her gaze down.

"No," Luke said.

"Ms. Luca, I want to eat an apple,” Tommy pouted.

Luca took an apple from the bag, walked into the bathroom, and washed the apple for him. She walkedout and handed it to Tommy. "There's no knife here, you have to eat it with the skin on."

Tommy did not make a fuss. After he took it, he sat on the sofa obediently and nibbled on the apple.

Luca sat on the sofa beside him. She took out her phone and sent Jason a text to see if he could comeover.

After a while, Jason replied to her. He had to work overtime at the office and could not go over.

The implication was that she had to be in the hospital to accompany Luke.

She put down the phone and felt Luke's gaze on her from time to time. She pretended to be calm,picked up the children's book that she had not finished, and continued reading.

After Tommy finished eating the apple, he picked up a storybook and sat close to her while reading.

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