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Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273 Tracker

Luke stepped out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He was dressed in the hotel’s bathrobe, andhe draped the towel around his neck. His hair was still dripping with water, and his body was still coatedin a layer of vapor.

His demeanor lacked his usual seriousness. Instead, he looked sensually carefree.

Luke dried his hair with his towel as he walked over and sat on the couch. He placed his arm on thecoffee table, indicating that he was ready for Luca to dress his wound.

Luca opened the bottle of rubbing alcohol after making sure that it was suitable for her use. ’This willsting a little," she reminded him.

"It's fine." Luke's voice was slightly hoarse after the hot shower.

"Daddy's isn't afraid of pain," Tommy added.

Luca dipped a cotton swab into the bottle, then gently rubbed it over his wound.

Luke had avoided getting the wound wet when he took the shower earlier. After cleaning away all thedried blood, she noticed that the wound was quite deep. She sighed and said, "If the wound were anydeeper, you'll have to go and get it stitched at the hospital."novelbin

He remained silent as he watched Luca do her job, and he did not make a sound when the alcoholirritated his skin.

Luca was very careful when cleaning his wound, as though she was afraid that he might find it painful.After sterilizing the wound, she took out a bottle of powder from her handbag and applied it to thewound.

"What's this?" Luke asked.

"It's my own creation. It can help in healing wounds. Don't worry, it's harmless to the body," Luca said.She had been bringing the powder in her handbag in case of emergencies.

"Do you carry everything in your handbag?" Luke was quite surprised. Luca had brought the antidote tothe drug at the party. Now, he found out that she brought along a powder for healing wounds.

After spreading the powder over the wound evenly, she began to wrap it with a bandage. Her eyelidsdrooped when she heard his question, and she answered calmly, "They're only everyday items."

Tommy looked at her handbag and noticed that there was something stuck to it. He tore it away andasked, "What's this, Ms. Luca?"

Luca's expression sank as soon as she saw the thing in Tommy's hand. "Where did you find this?"

In Tommy's hand was a miniature tracker.

"It was stuck to your handbag," Tommy said as he looked curiously at the thing in his hand.

Luke also knew what that thing was. "Did those two people appear out of nowhere?"

Luca shook her head. She thought that the two students had attached the tracker to her handbag whilethey were brawling in front of the convenience store earlier, though things did not seem to be thatstraightforward.

The hotel was so far away from the university, so how could the two students have known that she wasstaying here?

"I met them in the university when I was there for the conference. They should be students." Luca didnot go into detail about what happened at the university.

"It seems like you're quite popular." Luke could guess what happened even though Luca did not tell himtoo many details. "The tracker belongs to them."

"Mm." Luca tied the bandage in a knot and took the tracker from Tommy's hand.

The tracker was very small, and she did not know its exact functions.

Luca originally thought that the incident had nothing to do with Abel. As she looked at the tracker in herhand, she realized that she had to find out the tracker's functions before she could conclude whetherAbel was behind it.

She stood up, picked up her handbag and the plastic bag, and said, ’I've dressed your wound, Mr.Crawford. Try to keep it dry for the next two days. I'll leave the powder with you, and you can apply it tothe wound daily. I'll be leaving if there's nothing else."

Luke nodded. Earlier, he had noticed the change in Luca's expression when she first saw the tracker.

Normally, people would not have known what that thing was. However, Luca could instantly recognizeit. Adding that to her impressive brawling skills, Luke could tell that there was more to her than heexpected.

Should Gale and Rain start over their investigation?

After all, their report did not mention anything about her combat abilities or her technologicalknowledge.

Tommy stood up when he saw that Luca was leaving. "Ms.


Luca was already at the door. She turned her head around when she heard the child calling her andsmiled apologetically. "I'm busy tonight, Tommy. You should sleep with your Daddy, alright?"

"Alright then..." Tommy's smile vanished when Luca told him that she would not be able to take care ofhim. He watched Luca leave the suite, then turned around and asked, "Daddy, does Ms. Luca hateme?"

"She doesn't hate you," Luke said. He could tell that Luca was feeling guilty when she said that shewas not able to accompany Tommy.

"Why didn't she want to bring me along with her then?" Tommy did not understand.

"She's busy," Luke said as he looked carefully at the bottle of powder she left behind.

He could tell from Luca's expression that she wanted to take the tracker apart and analyze it.

His gaze on the bottle became more pensive when he thought of that.

He did not know what she was hiding, but he was sure that there was more to her character.

The bottle in his hand was only a simple glass bottle without a label.

Tommy shook his head and sighed dejectedly. "Fine then. Looks like I'll be sleeping alone tonight."

Those words made Luke wonder if Tommy could sleep soundly while sleeping with Luca. What was thereason he liked her so much?

Luca took the tracker back to her room. She also asked for a toolbox from the front desk.

Soon, an attendant brought a toolbox to her room.

"Is something broken, Madam? We have a professional repairer over here. Should I call him to helpyou fix it?" The attendant asked her enthusiastically.

The tools that Luca requested were all used for repairs. That was why the attendant thought that Lucawanted to fix something.

"It's fine, thanks. I can do it on my own," Luca said. Then, she closed the door and sat on the chair.

She had placed the tracker on the table in front of her. A small red light was still blinking, indicating thatit was still functioning.

Luca could not find the off switch, so she took it apart.

By looking at the internal structure, she could tell its tracking range. From the parts, she could also tellthe value of the tracker.

With that information, she could tell if the incident was part of Abel's plan.

After studying each component, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The tracker was a cheap, mass-produced item with a very limited range.

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