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Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255 Are You Trying to Kill Her?novelbin

After Luca ended the call, she hastily typed up a leave application form and went to Cole's office.

She knocked on the door and only went in after the person inside gave his consent. She placed theform on the table and said, "I need to take time off work, Dr. Kidman."

Cole narrowed his eyes. If it were before, he would not ask too many questions. After all, if Luca hadlagged behind on her research, it was beneficial for him, but now...

He was angry that her research had progressed so quickly despite taking time off work frequently. Eventhe veteran researchers could not catch up with her.

Cole took on the demeanor of her superior and sighed. "Dr. Craw, how many times have you takentime off work this month?"

Luca did not answer. She knew that Cole was unhappy that she had taken his spot in the off-sitetraining trip, and her attendance at work had nothing to do with it.

"There might not be a written rule about how much time off an employee can take, but you've beenregularly absent from work, and you should know that other employees might not be too happy aboutit," Cole said imperiously.

"I have something urgent," Luca said.

Cole glanced at the application form. Luca did not write her reasons for taking time off, so he asked,"Tell me then, what's so urgent?" "It's about Mrs. Crawford," Luca said. She would not be so insistenton going if Queenie had not made the request herself.

She was not concerned about the impostor Bianca's health at all, but she did not want Queenie to beworried or afraid. After all, Queenie's health had only recently improved, and she should not fall ill againbecause she was worried over the impostor Bianca.

"You're acquainted with Mrs. Crawford?" Cole was quite surprised, though he was also suspicious.

"How could she be acquainted with Mrs. Crawford? Isn't she Mr. Crawford's mistress?' "I really have togo, Dr. Kidman. Please approve my application," Luca said.

Cole could see that Bianca was not lying. He thought of making Luca's life difficult, but he did not wantto offend Bianca. Eventually, he signed his initials on the application form and approved her application.

"Thank you." Luca left with the form.

She happened to meet Talia on her way out of Cole's office.

Talia felt disgusted by Luca's impassive expression. 'What's she so smug about?' "Good morning, Dr.Craw," Talia greeted Luca even though she was not happy to meet her.

"Mm." Luca nodded and left.

When Talia went into Cole's office, she asked, "Dr. Kidman, why did Dr. Craw look for you?" "She'staking time off work," Cole answered.

From Cole's expression, Talia could tell that he was not pleased about Luca taking time off work sooften. It was a similar situation in high school, where the ace students who did not pay attention in classwould turn out to have better results than others.

Luca was like an ace student in high school. Her results proved that she was on a different level fromthe others, and other people would be naturally jealous of her.

Talia said indignantly, "She's been taking time off work so often this month. I don't see any otherresearcher taking off work so often." "She says it's because of Mrs. Crawford," Cole said. "Do you knowabout her relationship with Mrs. Crawford?" "I don't know..." Talia shook her head and raised herdoubts, "But isn't she sleeping with Mr. Crawford? How would Dr. Craw and Mrs. Crawford know eachother?" "That's true." Cole's expression sank.

He realized that he had been deceived!

Talia thought that the only way to gain Cole's good graces now was to stand on his side. "Dr. Kidman,I've heard that Ms. Stone is acquainted with Mrs. Crawford. Should I try to find out something from her?If we find out that Mrs. Crawford is lying, you have the right to admonish her."

Cole thought that it was a good idea. He nodded and said, "Alright, go and find out whatever you can.I'd really like to know if Luca Craw is really acquainted with Mrs. Crawford." "Yes!" Talia said and left theoffice.

After Luca handed the application form to Mo, she packed up her handbag, left the building, and caughta cab to the hospital.

When she stepped into the hospital room, she was surprised to see Bianca hooked up to medicalequipment. It seemed that she was successfully resuscitated, but her condition was not stable.

Luke was there too. When he saw Luca, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Luca was not surprised that Luke was there. Before she could answer, Queenie said, "I asked Luca tocome. Bianca was fine earlier, but suddenly...

Luke did not reply.

Luca said, "Can I take her pulse?" "Mm." Luke nodded. He was on his way back to T Corporation whenhe received a call from Dr. Blake that Bianca had suddenly fallen into a coma.

That was why he immediately turned around and went to the hospital.

He did not expect that Queenie had informed Luca about it.

Luca walked over to the bed and placed two fingers on Bianca's wrist to take her pulse.

Dr. Blake was informed that Luca had arrived. He rushed over to the room and observed her withfascination.

The nurse had told him that Luca prescribed a herbal concoction to Bianca. He did not think much of it,thinking that it was only a health supplement.

He did not expect that the concoction could actually improve Bianca's condition. Not only had the feversubsided, but she seemed to be healthier by the day, except for today...

After taking Bianca’s pulse, Luca turned to ask the caretaker. "Has Mrs. Crawford been drinking theconcoction regularly?" "Uh..." The caretaker hesitated to answer the question.

"She didn't, right?" Luca could guess what might have happened.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.

The caretaker could only tell them the truth. "Madam has been drinking the concoction for the first fewdays, but she has been secretly pouring the concoction away since two days ago."

Bianca had told her to keep it a secret, but the caretaker dared not hide anything from Luke.

"I've said that she'll have to drink the concoction daily for a month. If she stops the treatment, her bodywon't be able to take it," Luca said coldly. She knew that there were no problems with her prescription;the problem was with Bianca.

Despite Queenie's gentle temperament, she could not help but raise her voice after she heard that."How can you allow Bea to do as she pleases? You know that she's ill, and you hid it from us. Are youtrying to kill her?"

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