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Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234 She Had To Show Some Progress

After Rhett left, Luca continued to browse the net and read the news.

She thought of Amur when she saw the news of a wealthy businessman who was brutally murdered inhis villa. She took out her phone and called him.

However, it seemed that his phone was turned off.

With no other choice, Luca had to put down the phone. She thought that Amur should have arrived atthe Island of Despair by now, but for some reason, her heart just could not settle down.

Luca's expression turned solemn when she thought of what Abel said.

The phone rang. Luca picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was a call from an unfamiliar numberbased in A City.

Luca picked it up and a kiddish voice sounded from the other end of the call. "Ms. Luca, I’m Tommy!"

Of course, she knew who was on the other end of the phone.

Luca chuckled softly, and the sadness in her eyes melted away when she heard Tommy’s voice. "Iknow. Why did you call me? Isn't it time for school?

"I borrowed the teacher's phone to call you." Tommy glanced at the teacher with a cheeky grin on hisface. It had taken him some effort to convince the teacher to lend him her phone.

"Mm, have you been good in school?" Luca asked. Tommy was different from Lanie and Rainie. Hewas active and lively, so it took a little more effort to manage him.

"Of course, I'm a good boy!" Tommy puffed his chest proudly and thought about why he called her. Hesaid, "Ms. Luca, can I go to your house tonight?

"Come to my house?" Luca frowned slightly and wondered whether it was his idea or Luke's.

"Yes, yes." Tommy nodded quickly. "I miss your cooking."

Luca could not bring herself to turn him down when she heard Tommy's cheeky voice. Since Amur hadreturned to the Island of Despair and there was no one else in the apartment, she wanted to see herkid.

However, when she thought of Luke, she hesitated and asked, "Did your father agree to this?" "He saidyes. Dad has been busy lately and has no time to take care of us. By the way, Ms. Luca, can I bring mybrother and sister? We’ll be good, we promise!" Tommy was worried that she would not agree so hemade sure she had no reason to.

Luca's heart softened when she knew that Luke would not show up and did not stop Tommy either. Sheplanned to pick up the kids after she got off work and then go to the supermarket to buy groceries, justlike before." Okay, I'll pick you up from school?"

Tommy thought about it for a while. He did not want to trouble her by having her drive back and forth,so he said, "Ms. Luca, don't worry. Zander will send us there, I remember your address."

He had only been there once but he remembered the name of Luca's building and the floor she stayedon.

The smile on Luca's face grew bigger and bigger when she noticed how sensible her baby boy hadgrown. She said joyfully, "Okay, do you have anything in particular you want to eat? Also, what do yourbrother and sister like to eat?"

After so many years, she was not sure if Lanie and Rainie's taste had changed.

"We’ll eat anything you cook," Tommy said with a smile. Even though Lanie and Rainie had not triedLuca's cooking, he believed that they would love it.

Even though it was a perfunctory reply, because it came out of Tommy's mouth, Luca felt his sincerity.

"Okay, see you tonight." She smiled and was overjoyed that she would be able to see her kids withouthaving to meet Luke.

Luca sat in the chair and glanced at the time, hoping that it would pass sooner.

The phone rang again. Luca's smile gradually disappeared when she saw the caller ID.

It was a random string of numbers, but she knew that it was Abel's number.

The phone rang twice and Luca slowly pressed the button to answer. She kept quiet and just listened tothe person on the other end of the phone.

Abel was not the one who spoke but a man with a rough voice. "Ivana, the boss has given an order.You must secure a spot for the off-site training." "Off-site training?" Luca's mood sank. She suddenlythought of something and calmly said, "I want to talk to him."

The man laughed disdainfully and said mercilessly, "The boss isn’t here, you just need to do what hetells you."

He hung up the phone immediately after.novelbin

When she heard the busy tone, Luca put her phone aside and was furious. She opened the safe andtook out the research materials.

She thought the off-training was planned by the company and did not expect that Abel was involved.She had no choice even if she did not want to go. After all, the order came from Abel.

Abel might take action if the spot was given to others in the company.

Luke had already begun to suspect her and she was determined not to let him find out more. Her nextsteps had to be executed seamlessly. 1

Luca left her office holding the documents and walked to the assistants’ office.

Mo and Rhett were the only ones around. The other research assistants were not there. Luca guessedthat they were all busy doing experiments.

"Dr. Craw?" Rhett saw her walk in and stood up immediately.

Luca nodded and said to him, "Let's start with our experiment." "Okay." Rhett was surprised but did notquestion her. He walked out with a pile of documents.

The two walked to the laboratory.

On the way, Luca asked Rhett, "At what stage of the experiment will the company assign additionalheadcount to the project?" "As long as the first stage is completed and the report is complete andsubmitted, there'll be additional headcount and an independent laboratory, " Rhett replied.

"Then, let’s hurry up," Luca said. In the early stages of the experiment, she delayed the work as long asshe could so she would not progress to the next stage as the findings were not ready yet. She thoughtthat doing so, it would not attract Luke's attention.

However, her unintentional actions and Abel’s plot had attracted Luke's attention.

If it continued to drag on, Luke might get more suspicious and Abel would not let her off the hookeasily.

She had to show some progress...

Luca walked into the laboratory, noticed the several researchers doing their experiments in their area,and walked to her spot with her expression unchanged. She began her research.

With Shanks' preliminary findings on hand, as long as she does not delay the work, she would be ableto complete the first stage soon.

After work.

Luca raised her gaze, looked at the several researchers who were still busy doing experiments, andstood up calmly. "Time to go home."

Her words were directed to Rhett.

"Dr. Craw, are you going to get off work?" Rhett was surprised. 'Isn’t she trying to get the opportunity togo for the off-training in New York? She sure is calm about it." "Mm, I have plans after work," Lucareplied softly, but it was still heard by Dr. Cole who was nearby.

He had a test tube in his hand and looked at her several times. Then, he turned around and asked Taliato record the data.

Everyone was usually calm when it came to pharmaceutical research.

After all, it was not an easy task. They would choose to be lazy and make excuses. However, theopportunity to go for off-site training would reflect their standing in the company and they had to take itseriously. That was why they were all in the laboratory.

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