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Chapter 1208

Chapter 1208 Should We Tell Daddy?

Luke glanced at her but immediately looked somewhere else.

Previously, if Bianca had looked at him with that loving gaze, he would definitely not be able to holdback his urges. However, he realized that he did not feel anything at all.

Luke took his necktie and prepared to wear it when Bianca stepped forward and said gently, "Let mehelp you."

He did not refuse it. Instead, he handed her the necktie.

Bianca took the necktie with a loving smile on her face and did a Windsor knot for him. "Does it lookgood?" "Mm.” Luke looked at himself in the dressing mirror, then at Bianca next to him. Suddenly, hethought of Luca.

He shook his head.

Bianca thought that he did not like it. "Do you think that it doesn't look good? Shall I change it intoanother knot?" "No. This is fine." When Luke saw that she was about to put her hands on the tie, heturned around and wore his coat.

"Are Lanie and Rainie home?” He asked. He thought he heard them talking in their room when hewalked to the bedroom earlier.

"Yes." Bianca walked out of the closet with him. She tried to find more conversation topics. "That Simonboy frightened Rainie. She looked pale."

Luke gave her a side-eye but did not say anything. He wore a wristwatch and left the bedroom.

Bianca frowned when she looked at his gloomy expression. Did she misspeak?

She followed behind Luke closely and went down the stairs with him. At the door, Bianca said, "Don'tstay out too late, Luke, and don't drink too much." "Mm," Luke replied. The driver was already waitingoutside the front gate. Luke opened the car door and stepped inside.

Bianca stood there and watched the car leave.

As one of the most prominent figures in A City, many women tried to gain Luke's affection despite thefact that he was married was well-known. Bianca wanted to be by Luke's side so that she could declareher dominance.

The wounds on her back made her unable to go, nor did she want to walk into Abel's plot. She couldonly stand there as Luke's car disappeared in the distance.

Bianca went back into Crawford Manor after the car was out of sight. She remembered how pale Rainielooked earlier, so she went up the stairs and knocked on Rainie's bedroom door. "Rainie, are youfeeling better?"

Rainie was startled when she heard Bianca's voice. Then, her body began to shudder uncontrollably.

"What should we do, Lanie?" She whispered.novelbin

Lanie was much more composed than her. He put a finger to his lips, signaling Rainie to keep quiet.

Rainie nodded.

She tried to be calm, but the mere thought that a woman had disguised herself as their mother andlived in their house for two years had scared her.

No wonder Tommy could not accept her presence in the house. There was a valid reason behind it.

That woman was not their mother, but only a woman with the same face as their mother.

If that woman took the place of their mother in the household, then where was their real mother?

The more Rainie thought about that woman's terrifying expression and the fact that their mother’swhereabouts were unknown, the more afraid she became. Tears began to flow down her cheeks.

Lanie handed her a paper napkin.

When Bianca did not hear any response from within the room, she wanted to open the door butrealized that the door was locked. Without any other way, she called out again, "Rainie?"

Lanie stood up and patted Rainie's head, indicating that he would protect her. He unlocked the door,but instead of opening it wide, he only opened a small crack. "Rainie is sleeping."

Bianca was shocked to see Lanie inside. She wanted to see if Rainie was really asleep, but she couldnot see anything through the crack.

"Oh, is Rainie already asleep? You'd better not disturb her then," she said.

"I promised Rainie that I would watch her sleep. You don't have to worry about her, Mommy. I'm herefor Rainie," Lanie said. He did not sound like he was going to leave.

Bianca was quite happy when she heard Lanie call her "Mommy." After all, Lanie was a boy of fewwords.

Now that Lanie was willing to call her "Mommy," did it mean that her relationship with the twins hadbecome closer? She thought that it was a good decision to be nice to Rainie.

Bianca nodded and said, "Alright then. You can call me if you need anything." "Mm.” Lanie nodded andclosed the door.

He did not leave but instead placed his ear next to the door. When he heard Bianca's footsteps traveldown the corridor, he turned around and went back to sit with Rainie. "She's gone." "What should wedo, Rainie?" Rainie was clueless. She did not expect that her suspicions would come true.

Was their real mother in danger? Should they tell their father about their discovery?

However, they were only children. If they eventually had to confront that woman, they believed thattheir father would stand on that woman's side.

If they acted rashly, their real mother might be in more danger.

"For now, we can only pretend that we don't know anything." Lanie was more composed than Rainie.He was thinking of the same things as her.

"But she..." Rainie was not willing to be in the same house with that woman.

"We don't have a good opportunity to expose that woman's disguise now, Rainie. Moreover, if Mommyis still alive and the mastermind knows that we've ruined their plans, they might harm Mommy..." Laniesaid.

He was still young, but he was much more mature than his peers of the same age.

Rainie's tears flowed silently.

Their mother was still out there somewhere, and they did not know if she was safe...

"Alright, don't cry." Lanie handed her another paper napkin. The one earlier was already completelydrenched with her tears.

Rainie took it and wiped her tears.

"I miss Mommy," she said softly.

"I miss Mommy too, but we can't let the woman know that we've found out her secret. You'll have to bea good girl to her so that she won't suspect us. If she keeps a closer eye on us, then everything we'vedone so far would've been in vain," Lanie said.

If Rainie had not been so affected, he would not have put the blame on Simon.

If it happened again, Bianca might go to reason with Simon's parents, and their lie would be exposed.

Rainie wiped her tears when she heard that.

Her eyes were bloodshot, though her voice was determined, "I'll do my best so that woman won'tsuspect anything!" "Mm, that's the way." Lanie patted his sister's head endearingly.

Before their real mother returned home, he would take good care of Rainie and Tommy.

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