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Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064 She Had to Leave the Place Alive

Bianca tossed the dagger in the air, thinking of catching it as Abel did.

When she tried to catch it, the sharp blade cut her finger, and blood instantly gushed out.

"Miss!" Eler ran over and tried to stop the bleeding with a napkin. "You're too careless."

Bianca pulled her hand away and pressed on the wound. "It's just a small cut." "Where did you get thatdangerous weapon?" Eler said while she turned her head toward Amur. She was just about toreprimand her brother for not taking care of Bianca when she saw the sword in his hands. "Amur, howdid you..."

There was a rule on the Island of Despair that no one should bring their weapons out of the traininggrounds.

"You'll get into big trouble if Boss sees it!" Eler broke out in cold sweat. Her mind raced, thinking of howshe should dispose of the weapons before someone saw them.

"Boss gave us these weapons, Eler. The whip on the floor is yours." Amur stood up, tossed thelongsword away, and patted Eler's shoulder with one hand.

"He?" Eler blinked. She had an ominous premonition. "Boss gave us these?"

It was not easy for Amur to leave the training grounds. She did not want her younger brother to go backto the hellish training regimen.

"Mm. We should train ourselves so that we can survive here." Bianca removed the napkin from herfinger. The bleeding had already stopped. She spoke to Eler as she wiped the blood from the daggerwith another napkin. Knowing what the young woman thought, she wanted to convince her.

Eler stood there in a daze. She had never thought of that, but Bianca seemed to have moved herslightly. She could feel her blood boiling.

"Miss..." Eler felt a twinge in her nose as she handed Bianca the tincture." This is from Mr. Shanks, andit's very effective in healing external injuries."

Bianca shook her head and pushed Eler's hand away. "Amur needs it more than I do." "He's not goingto use that much anyway. Mr. Shanks said that you should keep it in case you need it in the future,"Eler said.

Bianca smiled. She gripped the dagger as she leaned by the bed without saying a word.

"Miss?" Seeing that Bianca did not intend to dress her cut, Eler took the bandages and helped Amurdress his wound.

Bianca said nothing. Eler might be oblivious, but Bianca understood what Shanks meant. He was tryingto tell her that it would be incredibly difficult to escape.

However, there was only one way to leave...

Bianca gripped the hilt tightly. She would have to live on no matter what, and she would eventuallyescape from Abel's clutches.

If Luke could do it, she could do it too.

"Bea!" Luke dreamed of Bianca again. He opened his eyes and realized that it was only a dream.

He dreamed that Bianca was imprisoned in a small, dark room. Tears streaked across her face, andshe was calling out his name in despair. He wanted to save her, but his hands and feet were restrainedby thick and heavy iron chains. He could hear her desperate cries, but he was helpless.

While the scenes in his dream replayed in his mind, Luke supported his forehead with his hand.

"Daddy, did you dream of Mommy?" Lanie said.

Luke turned his head around and noticed that his son was standing next to his bed. He did not get upfrom the bed. "Mm." "I dreamed of Mommy too," Lanie said. There was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"What did you dream about?" Luke reached out and patted his son's head.

Tommy and Rainie had been hoping for Bianca's return, but Lanie did not say anything about that andhad even tried to cheer up his younger siblings. Luke knew that he missed his mother too, but he wasnot going to say anything because he was the eldest.

"I dreamed that Mommy told me to take good care of Daddy, and she said that she'll come back."Lanie's eyes misted with tears. He placed his hand on Luke's forehead and felt that it was not as hot asbefore.

Luke patted his head again. "Why aren't you at school?" "I just came back from school," Lanie saidsternly. He continued after seeing Luke's shocked face, "You slept for an entire day. Uncle Johann saidthat you have a fever. It would have been a lot more serious if the caretaker hadn't noticed."

Luke touched his forehead. His forehead felt cool, though his head felt heavy.

He thought that it was because of a lack of sleep, but it turned out that he had fallen sick.

"Daddy, Uncle Johann said that if this goes on, your body won't be able to take it, and I'll have to takecare of Rainie and Tommy for you. I know that you're anxious about finding Mommy, but you'll have toeat your meals and have enough rest," Lanie said seriously.

When the caretaker went to clean the study earlier that morning, she noticed that Luke had not wokenup, even though he would usually wake up at the same time. She went into his room to wake him up,

but he gave no reaction. The caretaker's resulting screams shocked the entire Crawford Manor.

Old Master Crawford came into the room and found that Luke was having a fever. He hastily calledJohann over to treat him.

Luke rarely got sick, but he had a 107-degree fever this time. It took Johann a lot of effort to cure him,and he told them repeatedly to ensure that Luke had enough rest. Otherwise, his body might not beable to take the punishment.

Lanie listened and memorized all that so that he could repeat it to his father. After hearing what his sonsaid, Luke patted the boy's head.novelbin

Lanie held his father's hand and said, "You have to take good care of yourself, Daddy. Now thatMommy is missing, Rainie and Tommy will be helpless if something happens to you." "Alright, Ipromise," Luke said as he looked at Lanie's face. He had raised Lanie since he was young, and Laniehad inherited Luke's serious demeanor. Compared to other children of his age, Lanie rarely smiled.

Lanie only became less serious after Bianca returned to their household. Thanks to Bianca, he startedsmiling more.

Luke realized that he should not let the children worry about him.

"Are you hungry, Daddy? The caretaker made some oatmeal for you. Johann also gave you somemedicine, but you can only take it after you've had your meal.” Lanie remembered that Luke had sleptfor almost the entire day and had not eaten anything.

"Alright. I'll go downstairs and eat." Luke sat up and felt that his body was weak. However, he had astrong constitution, so the weakness did not affect him much.

Lanie looked at him worriedly, even though Johann had reassured him that his father was going to befine.

Luke smiled at his son and took his hand. "Are you hungry?" "No." Lanie shook his head.

"Won't you join me downstairs?" Luke said. Seeing how sensible his son was, he did not want him toworry.

His son was right. Before Bianca returned, he could not afford to fall sick.

"Yes, Daddy." Lanie took his hand, and they left the study.

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