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Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059 Arresting Xavier

"Actually, I have a suggestion." Hera could tell what Maxine was thinking and could not help but find itamusing.

Despite studying abroad for most of her life, why would Maxine be so oblivious when it came torelationships? Luke would not be so easily swayed by Maxine's persistence.

Hera thought that it would be easier if she did something to gain Luke's attention.

"Say it." Maxine was unhappy because of what Hera said, but she could also tell that it was the truth.novelbin

"To win a man's heart, you should start from looking the part. Look at you, you're charming andbeautiful, and men usually fall for that, but look at Bianca Rayne. She's so plain that she's almosttasteless, but Luke loves her. Doesn't that tell you that Luke likes women of that type?" Hera analyzed.

Maxine thought for a few seconds. She thought that what Hera said made sense, but she needed moredata points to confirm that it was indeed the case. "Other than Bianca, has Luke ever had any otherrelationships?" She asked.

"I'm not sure about what happened before high school, and I didn't keep in contact with him after weentered college, but I remember reading some gossip in the tabloids. Of course, you should know thatthe paparazzi is fond of making up stories, and it's later proven that Luke doesn't have any interest inthose actresses." "What type of actresses are they?” Maxine asked.

"They’re all beautiful, just like you. Later on, there was Leia Norman. She looked quite pure, and shealmost got married to Luke, but it turned out that she blackmailed Luke with some dirt. Before that,Luke had almost married that Bianca b*tch." Hera sounded jealous when she said that.

She wondered why Bianca was so lucky.

Maxine searched for Leia's photos after she heard that. Leia indeed had a pure face, but she wasplagued with scandals, which made her a poor role model.

"I think you should stay away from Luke for now, Ms. Douglas. You might look perfect, but you'll have toput in some more effort to win the heart of the man you love. How about joining me in a makeover?"Hera said.

If Hera agreed to it, she would ask the doctor to put half of her expenses on Maxine's bill.

Maxine frowned. "You're asking me to change my face?"

She was quite proud of her looks, so she thought that it was quite ridiculous for her to change her faceor even her personality just to go after Luke.

Of course, her parents would not agree to it either.

"No, you don't have to change your entire face. I mean, you can do something subtle. Your features aredelicate, but they're quite seductive. I think that you can make some minor adjustments, thencomplement it with make-up so you'll have a pure face. I believe that you can win Luke's heart afterthat," Hera said. She was quite knowledgeable about cosmetic surgery.

She even thought that Maxine could make herself look more like Bianca, but Maxine might not acceptthat.

She could not tell. After all, Maxine was conceited and arrogant. She would not want to look like herrival.

Maxine touched her face. Indeed, her features were on the sultry side, which was not quite the puretype that Luke liked.

"Are minor adjustments really going to work?" She asked, thinking that she did not mind doing theoccasional nip and tuck.

In any case, she was quite open to the idea.

"Of course. How about I bring you to see my doctor? He's the senior doctor here, and he's veryexperienced. It's only a consultation session, and we'll see what he says." Hera stood up and could notwait to lead her to the doctor's office.

"Mm.” Maxine was quite tempted. She did not mind trying if it meant that it increased her chances ofwinning Luke's heart.

She stood up and left the ward with Hera.

Meanwhile, Luke did not receive any reply from the Middle Eastern military.

He was in a bad mood for the entire afternoon because of that.

After work, Luke received a call from the superintendent.

"Mr. Crawford, when I was going through the documents, I found out that your wife had called thepolice dispatcher on the morning she disappeared, " the superintendent said. The police had beencombing through every auxiliary detail just to find some leads on Bianca's case.

"Why did she call the police?" Luke instantly sat up. Sean had told him that Bianca seemed to havesensed something on that day. She had requested Sean to bring more bodyguards.

Unfortunately, the culprit got the better of them.

"She called to report that someone was harassing her at her mansion. According to the records, theman had already left when the police arrived. The case was closed because the other party did not

have any criminal records, and your wife was unharmed," the superintendent said. They were followingthe standard operating procedure, so he was not afraid that Luke would blame them.

"Do you have a record of that person's name?" Luke clenched his fists. His intuition told him that theincident was related to her abduction.

"Yes. His name is Xavier Tanner," the superintendent said.

"I know him. It's very possible that Xavier abducted my wife. You can issue a warrant of arrest," Lukereminded him.

"Well..." The superintendent hesitated for a few seconds. Now that Bianca had gone missing, Xavierwas indeed the biggest suspect. ' Alright, we'll issue the warrant now."

Luke ended the call and called Percy. "I need a favor." "Shoot." Percy was in the middle of somethingand did not have time for words.

"Find Xavier Tanner. Bianca's disappearance might be related to him," Luke said.

Xavier had hidden himself because he did not want to go abroad, and Luke did not bother searching forhim. His objective was to ensure that Xavier stayed away from Bianca anyway.

Things were different now. Xavier might be an accomplice, so Luke had to search for him no matterwhat.

"Alright, no problem," Percy replied.

After ending the call, Luke tossed the phone aside. He was not in the mood to look at the mountains ofdocuments on his table. Bianca's face and the children's expectant gazes appeared in his mind.

"Where are you, Bea?" Luke turned around and looked out of the window. He rarely ever felt so lostand hopeless.

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