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Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053 Still Having The Thought Of Ending Her Life

The mercenary aside was fast to react and immediately caught hold of Bianca. He shook her, only torealize that she had passed out.

"Miss!" Eler was so scared that she had broken out in a cold sweat. She quickly moved forward tocheck on Bianca. Fortunately, Bianca did not hit her head after falling.

Abel turned around and saw Bianca, who had passed out. He frowned and lectured them, "Why areyou still daydreaming here? Hurry and carry her back." "Yes, Boss." The mercenary quickly carriedBianca and walked out at a fast pace.

Eler trailed behind the mercenary and softly reminded him, "Please be a little more gentle, don't hurtthe miss."

Abel snorted. He had thought highly of Bianca but never expected her to pass out after a small fright.

He walked to Shanks' research lab and was leaning against the side of the door. The smell ofmedication came from inside the lab. He despised this smell and did not step a foot into the lab.

"What's wrong?" Shanks was researching a new drug and did not lift his head as he asked. His attitudewas still cold.

"Bianca passed out just now," said Abel, who was already used to this man's coldness. Apart from thatwoman, no one was able to make him show a sincere smile.

Shanks poured a liquid into a test tube and gently shook it while observing the color changes. "Whatdid you do to her?" "It’s just a little violence." Abel shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't know she wouldn'tbe able to take it." "She's a pregnant woman." Shanks twisted the cap onto the test tube to prevent the

liquid from reacting with the air and oxidizing. Then, he got up and walked toward the room whereBianca was being confined.

Abel followed from behind, disagreeing with Shanks’ words earlier. Bianca was a pregnant woman buthe could not look at her that way. He said in a deep voice, "She's just a woman who doesn't know herposition here. Just don't let her die, that's all."

After speaking, he spun around to leave. He had wasted too much time on Bianca today and had yet toinspect the progress of his military force that was currently undergoing training.

Shanks' footsteps came to a halt. He spun around to look at Abel before heading into the room.

Eler saw Shanks walking in and immediately pleaded for help. "Mr. Shanks, please save the miss."

Shanks did not promise her and just looked at the woman in the bed. He took her pulse and noticedthat her pulse was stable. She had just passed out, and her life was not in danger." "Has she eaten?"Shanks asked while examining Bianca's chin.

One glance and he knew that the bruise on her chin was a result of Abel’s violent act. Fortunately,there was no bone fracture and everything was still in one piece.

"It's been a day since she last ate," said Eler helplessly. No matter how much she advised Bianca, sheconstantly refused to eat and kept acting as though she would go on a hunger strike.

"Follow me." Shanks turned around to leave. She would not die for now, so he did not need to doanything major.

Eler quickly caught up to him.

Shanks prescribed some supplements to Bianca and passed them to Eler." Let her have them onceshe's awake."

Eler took them with much gratitude. Then, she said again, "Mr. Shanks, how about her chin?" "Shewon't die because of that. It’ll heal itself after a few days." Shanks sat on the chair and continuedresearching drugs.

Eler was relieved. Seeing him doing his research seriously made her heart start beating fast. On thisisland, apart from those in captivity, Shanks was the only one who never took anyone's life away.

On usual days, he would always be in his laboratory where he conducted his medical research. He wasunbothered about the issues happening outside.

"Thank you, Mr. Shanks." Eler was blushing, and she could not help but express her gratitude.

Shanks shook the liquid in the test tube, still not lifting his head. He said coldly, "I didn't help you withanything."

Eler's face became redder as she quickly explained, "I'm thanking you on behalf of the miss."

Shanks heard her shaky tone and found it amusing. If it were Bianca, she would not thank him forsaving her life.

As long as Bianca was alive, she would be under Abel's control. One could imagine how badly shewished to be dead and get rid of all of these problems.

"Compared to being alive, Bianca wishes that she’s dead." Shanks picked up a glass slide and drippedsome liquid which he had mixed earlier onto it, making it into a sample. He then placed it under themicroscope.

Eler's face was as red as a cooked prawn. She realized she had said so many stupid comments.

"I saved her all so she could suffer more." Shanks was not bothered even if the young woman in frontof him would change her perspective of him.

Apart from that person he held in his heart, he was not bothered about how others thought of him.

Eler was astonished. She had no idea why Shanks hated Bianca this much.' Was it because of theprevious incident that occurred on the Island of Despair?' 'But this man, who’s so cold and heartless,shouldn't be in any way attached to the Island of Despair.'

She did not know what else she should say and just bowed to him in a rush before spinning around,promptly leaving the lab. She closed the door as

she left.

Eler returned to the room where Bianca was being held. She got a spoon and started feeding Biancathe supplements bit by bit without waiting for Bianca to wake up.

After an hour, Eler successfully fed Bianca a whole bottle of supplements.

Eler wiped off the sweat on her forehead and waited for the woman on the bed to wake up.

After waiting another half an hour, Bianca gradually regained consciousness. She looked at the ceilingand was staring at it blankly. "Am I dead?"

Eler was unable to comprehend the words she said. She got up and said with concern, "What did youjust say, Miss?"

Bianca was not scared despite looking at the familiar face. Instead, she was disappointed. When shepassed out, she had thought that she would not be a burden to Luke if she died.

After knowing she was pregnant, she could no longer muster up the courage to harm herself. However,she still had the thought of ending her life.

Looking at Bianca not moving an inch made Eler worried as she asked," Are you alright, Miss?" "No,"Bianca answered. She could feel some pain on her chin and even opening her mouth was difficult."Why am I still alive?" "You passed out because of low blood sugar. There’s no threat to your life." Elerkneeled by the side of the bed and held her hand. "Miss, back in my hometown, being alive is aprivilege. So please stop having the thought of ending your life." "Didn't the people from yourhometown tell you that in the hands of Abel, those who are dead are actually lucky?" Bianca retrievedher hand, not wanting Eler's warmth to get the best out of her.

Eler was dumbfounded and felt a lump in her throat. "At least right now, they're giving their best to stayalive."

The youths in her village were all giving their best despite being in the hands of Abel. They werelearning all sorts of combat skills day in and day out just to get a chance to be alive.novelbin

Bianca chuckled while tears welled up in her eyes and they slowly dripped down.

They were giving their best to live because they were unaware of how dark their future was. Biancawas very sure that if she continued to live, Abel would one day force her to do things she was notwilling to.

It would only harm herself and also Luke and the three kids.

"Miss..." Eler suddenly started crying without realizing it herself. She wiped away her tears.

Bianca closed her eyes. "I'm exhausted. I want to sleep for a while." "Please have a rest, Miss. HI getthe cook to prepare a meal for you." Eler got up and wiped away her tears. She looked at Bianca's faceand sighed. 'I wonder when she’ll come to understand things?”

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